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Monday, May 18, 2009


OK, so did anyone else watch the Survivor Season Finale last night??? The kids and I watched it. The person I wanted to win, won, so I was happy :) What about you?

I was a bit upset that my TV isn't working the way it's supposed to. Well, it's not the TV actually. The digital TV signal is almost non-existent. I used to get ABC, CBS, PBS, NBC, and FOX crystal clear. I have a nice antenna, and an converter box. Then, on Saturday. I only got FOX. Jacob moved the antenna around enough to get CBS for me, but I'm wondering why, all of a sudden, I get no channels? Seems a bit odd to me. Friday night it was working just fine. I know that I can watch my shows online, but it's frustrating to have it just randomly stop working. OK, on to other things :)

Church was good yesterday. We had the bishop get up and say that he was gonna talk about reverence. Sigh. I was thinking, Oh no. We're gonna hear about how our kids are SO loud, and how we should take them out to the hall. BUT, to my great delight, he ended up chastising those who were complaining about the noise. Did you know that we have 25 families in our ward with husbands deployed. That's a lot of moms in church with multiple children, with no help. He said that these families are doing the best they can. If you see a mom struggling to keep her kids quiet, rather than sitting there and judging her, GO HELP HER. If you're not feeling spiritually uplifted, then maybe you should look at yourself, rather than the little kid in front of you.

I was so impressed. My kids are mostly quiet, but we've DEFINITLY had our turn at being the noisy family. When Captain America was in the bishopric, I sat with the kids all by myself for a year. It's not an easy thing. When one is super fussy and you have to take them out in the hall, the other kids are left all alone in the chapel. Anyway, it made me happy to hear about the way that the bishop here approached the situation. Good for him :)

The kids and I worked on cleaning ther rooms yesterday. The big kids' room was SO bad, I couldn't even see the floor. Imagine taking every article of clothing owned by 2 boys, and then just throwing it on the floor. Add a few papers, some homework, some shoes, some toys, and a bunch of cups (they take cups of ice into their rooms in the evening). OMGosh! It took about an hour, but they did get it clean. I helped out with the clothes part. I sorted it (I made them do the smell check - that's just NASTY!), and had them put it away. The gathered the trash, dishes, and such, and put those away. After the floor was completely cleared, I vacuumed for them. Then we cleared out the hallway, and the little kids' room. I must say, it looked pretty good when we were done, and I hope they keep it clean until Captain America gets home. WOOHOO!!! Captain America's coming home!!!!! (sorry, I just had to throw that in there:)

You know what's funny. I went out to go to church yesterday, and it actually felt cold. LOL! It was 70. ROFL! I know, Mom, that's not cold :) But, after 90's all last week, 70 felt a little chilly :) It's supposed to be 90 again today :) I'll do better with remembering the sunscreen for myself. My sunburn from Saturday is still a bit crunchy feeling :(

I"m going walking with the girls again today. I really like our morning walks. I feel good when we get done. Yeah for me :) Now if I could just stop eating all the junk food. Ha! I just remembered something :) Last night, the kids and I made a cake for after dinner. I didn't have eggs, but went online, and found a site that showed some alternatives to eggs. This one site recommended this for a replaement for the 3 eggs in the mix:

2 tsp baking soda
2 TBSP water
2 TBSP vinegar

OMGosh - it was the NASTIEST cake I've ever tasted. It was a devils food cake, and SHOULD have been fabulous. How can you ruin chocolate cake. Let me tell you.... DON'T make a cake if you don't have eggs. Seriously. I made all the kids eat their dinner before they could get their cake, and little Jimmy DID NOT want to eat his food. I sat with him for 15 minutes, and he finally finished it all off. He took one bite of the cake, and said "It's yucky, Mommy" and wouldn't eat it. You know it's nasty if the 3 year old won't eat it. Jake and Joe ate it. Jacob thought it was gross, but kept trying bites, thinking it would get better. He finally threw it out. Eme woudln't eat it either. I can't even explain what it tasted like. Gross. Don't try it. Just go and borrow eggs from someone, or better yet, don't make the cake. LOL!

This WordArt request is from Joy Weese Moll. Well, actually, she made this statement in the forum over at Scraporchard, and Bec picked up on it, and told her that she should ask me to do a WordArt of it. So, not only is it a request, it's an original quote :) Anyway, I thought it was WONDERFUL, so decided to make it for a freebee for you all today :)

Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work :)

4shared - um, you guys must be downloading too many things from SYTYCD, because 4shared isn't letting me upload. Sigh

Happiness - Rebekah's Birthday


Sarah Barton said...

Hey, Bethany. Here's a great weight watchers recipe. 1 Box cake mix and 12 ounce soda pop---Bake as normal. It really works, and you don't need anything else!!

sdwrdt said...

thank you for making the wordart! That quote is nice, but you made it great! Happiness is in the perfect font.

Hifam said...

That's a great quote. Thanks!

Leiarph said...

Bethany, thanks for sharing fantastics quotes :)

xashee's corner said...

i think this may be the FIRST time that the person i wanted DID win! hehe my DH & i are big fans of the show! :)
soo sorry about the cake! was a valiant try though!!
Thank you so much for sharing your wa!! Have a MARVELOUS day!! :)

Mom2mykids said...

Thanks for the new WA! As for Survivor, I liked JT but didn't care for that final council when he started bashing Steven. Didn't care for that aspect of it at all! Oh well. I still wonder about Coach and whether he's totally full of it or just half full. LOL.

Tiffany said...

Bethany, I made a cake like that too and it was nasty too!!! Like I mean gross even with frosting it was horible. You can use flax seed if you don't have eggs too. And I know how you feel in sacrament. Yesterday my oldest was the one acting up. It ended up with all of us out in the hall. I'm thinking what are we doing wrong I just don't know.

Joy said...

Thanks, Bethany. It's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on May. 18, 2009. Thanks again.

Heathermsc said...

Bethany - thanks for the great word art ... I love your stuff! What a wise speaker you had at your church service. I only have 2 kids, but one is 2 years old on the dot & the other is 4 1/2 with Autism, so we contribute our fair share of noise at church. But I've also been told by other moms that they sound loudest to me ;). Well, I guess they just take "make a joyful noise unto the Lord" really to heart!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 18 May [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 19 May [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).

Melusine said...

Thank you so much for this beautiful wordart :)

benziengirl said...

That is really cute! Thanks Bethany! :)

Le digiscrap de Jenny said...

merci beaucoup !

Beth-DSM said...

Ohh..I have NO idea what its like with 5 kids, but my 2 year old is a terror in church. We go to a tiny church (60 members, only 22 in regular attendance) and theres a little girl who sits a few rows back who is allowed to roam the back of the church. My daughter sees her and thinks she should be able to as well. She gets up and goes back there and then throws a tizzy because the girl wont share her toys or whatnot. LOL She gets taken out of church at least once every sunday (and shes only in there for 20-30 minutes--church starts at 9am and childrens sunday school starts at 920-930 LOL)

Love this quote! :)

Beth-DSM said...

oh, and a really good, really moist recipe for chocolate cake (makes cupcakes better--dont even need frosting!!) is 1 box devils food cake, 1 15oz can of pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling--just pumpkin), mix together, add milk to get the right consistency, bake according to directions, but 5-10 from normal time, start checking--sometimes need to cook longer, sometimes not. MUST be eaten within a few days because they are soooooooooooooooo moist & delicious!! :D

Laree said...

I'm not sure I've ever left a comment, but just wanted to drop a line about how much I love your stuff. It makes my layouts so much easier!

Sharon Kay said...

What a great quote! TYVM

We just got back from Disney World last night...any chance you could do one that says...

A Magical Family Vacation


The Magic Starts Here...


Sharon Kay said...

oh oh! Thought of a new one...

TODAY is my dh's and my 25th Wedding Anniversary...we went to the Magic Kingdom to celebrate...we went there on our honeymoon as well...

could you do a word art with something like

Where dreams do come true...
Celebrating 25 years

...or something like that? Pretty please.


Wendy said...

Ciao Bethany! Thank you SO SO SO SO much for gift us this wonde mix different types of letter!
Just a comment or suggestion sweetie! i would LOVE to see some word art or quotes in foreing languages, as iam peruvian and living in rome would be fantastic see some words in spanish or italian, as i am terrible with the psp and dont have yet a digital pen so just a suggestion! I know you are very busy with 5 kids at home! i have two girls!
Baci bella and Thanks again,

Anonymous said...

thank you!!!

KC HERTZ-clueless_one59@yahoo.com said...

You know, I could never say enough about your work. I think I have everything you have done since the day I first found you - and some before that. (I have gone back in the history.) I love the sayings you do and the different fonts that you use. You do really awesome work.

Uta said...

wonderful Wordarts, thanks for sharing

Chie Wilks said...

This is beautiful/....thanks a lot