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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Making Sand Castles

First off, I just wanted to say "I THINK MY BLOG IS HAUNTED". Seriously. Ok, not seriously. I don't believe in "haunting" ghosts. But really. Something freaky is going on here. Remember my post from the 6th? The Game. Where I talked about my vase breaking? Remember that. I know I'm not just making it up. I found some of your comments from that post in my email. Well, IT'S GONE! Disappeared. I went to 4shared, and the file I hosted there is GONE too. What the heck? How did that happen.

So, I went and re-uploaded the png file, and make a "pretend" post on the 6th. I'm kinda upset, though. I use this blog as a kinda personal history too. I now have NO idea what I was doing on that day. hehehe. Here we go. I have a request for all of you. Does anyone have a copy of the daily newsletter from the 6th still on their computer that they'd forward to me? I could just copy/paste, and re-create that post. Sigh. Anyone??? Anyone???

I can't believe how long I wasted yesterday morning playing Farm Town. Sigh. I think it was about 2 1/2 to 3 hours. OMGosh! What was I thinking. Think of all the designing I could have done! Or I could be even farther into my Twilight series. But no. I farmed. And yeah, my farm looks pretty darn nice, but IT'S A COMPUTER GAME! And I don't even like computer games - hehehe.

I went grocery shopping yesterday with ALL of my children. I know, I'm crazy :) I was gonna leave some of them at home, but then the sprinkler men came back, because water was leaking into the neighbors yard, and I wasn't sure if they were gonna keep coming back, and I didn't want to leave kids here if they were still gonna come and work on it. SO, I took everyone with me.

Luckily, Jacob and Thomas are old enough to go and look on their own in the store. So it was really like shopping with 3 little kids. I can handle 3 little kids. Piece of cake :) But by the time we were done, my cart was SO heavy, I had to get a running start just to keep it moving. Why must they eat SO much - LOL!

We were a little late getting Emeline and Thomas to their friend's birthday party, but they made it. That was at 2pm. The other kids and I worked on putting away the groceries, and straightening up the house. I'd bought them water guns at Wal-mart, so they had fun playing with them in the backyard.

We went over at 4:30ish to pick up the other kids, and came home and made dinner. I'd bought Turkey Brats at the store, and I had one of those, and a salad for dinner. Mmmmm, it was good! The kids got Chorizo and Eggs, with toast and cantelope/bananas. They liked it. It sure smelled good. I'm happy to report I'm still doing fabulous on my diet. One week today. I weighed 157.2 this morning. I was 166.2 last week. That's not too bad!

We were going to go to the movies last night, and see "Escape to Witch Mountain", but something came up with our friends, and we didn't get to go. I think it's still gonna be there next week, so we'll try again. My kids acted like they could care less. They were having fun playing with the squirt guns in the backyard. LOL! And while I really wanted to go and do something fun, I got to read, which always makes me happy :)

I got to take a nice, warm, relaxing bath tonight. Captain America kept an eye on the kids (ok, so really it was Jacob - Captain America was studying - hehehe), and I just laid back and relaxed. Really, I should do that once a week. Amazing how good you feel when you get out of a hot bath :) And, of COURSE, I read my Twilight series while I was at it. I'm about 1/2 way through Eclipse now. I think, when I'm done, I'm gonna read Harry Potter, so I'm ready for when the movie comes out in July. But I also wanna try some of those books you guys recommended the other day, too! I just need a few more hours in the day. Or the ability to go with less sleep. That would work too.

My mom keeps telling me that I need to get more pictures on here, but I haven't taken any lately. OK, Mom. I promise, that today, I will take some pictures. They may be boring, but they'll be pictures :) Call me and remind me - I have a VERY short term memory - ROFL!

So, while I was designing a new WordArt pack for this coming Friday, I decided to make a freebee to fit the theme. Any guesses as to what the WordArt pack will be - hehehe.

Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to download the zip file, and remember, you have to be logged into the Gallery in order to get your download. Thanks, girls!


Made by Mandy said...

See now this is weird. I had your email from feedblitz in my trash, put it on my inbox so I could forward it to you and it disappeared off my computer too!

I know my blog was doing weird things on Monday......

Hope someone will be able to send it to you.

Unknown said...


I really enjoy reading your blog. I love your wordart too although I am too lazy to write thank you comments for all of them. So a big thank you now for all your wordarts I've downloaded. And a surprise! I read your blog through Google Reader and searched for your lost post and I've found it!!! I would send it to you if only I knew your address. So my address is majabos_at_gmail dot com. If you just write me your address the post is going to be in your mailbox ina minute!

Love, Maja from Hungary

Anonymous said...

Weird, I looked back through my email and that post is gone there as well. But I found it in Google reader!! Just emailed it to you, hope it comes through ok, let me know if it doesn't and I'll resend it.

Dinphy said...

Oh that IS weird! How does a post disappear!? I'm glad to read some ladies already found it for you. Just hope they're not 'hunted' either. ;)

Thanks for the lovely wordart!

a said...

Thanks so much, ladies! You guys are LIGHTENING fast! When I checked my email at 7:30 am EST, 10 of you had already emailed me the post!!!! Awe, I have FRIENDS!!!! Yeah me!!!

Alicia said...

So glad you found the "missing" blog post. I am thinking of using www.blog2print.com and get a copy of my blog since i use it to keep up with the daily life of my 3 kids. So you might want to check into it!
The wordart is fabulous by the way!

Alicia in Austin, TX

xashee's corner said...

sorry i don't have it but wish i could help! Thank you for sharing your WONDERFUL wa! Have a FUN day! :)

Janet in said...


Anonymous said...

I haven't read this series, but Stephenie Meyer [author of Twilight] likes it - as does at least one of her sons: Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. Just another suggestion out there for a series. :-)

Corynn said...

So, your about me on your sidebar still says you are in the process of moving from Oregon to Texas... and we all know you are already in Texas. I just thought I would add one more thing to your list! hehe...

And, I have a login for Scraporchard, but when I follow the link on your blog to get your WA there... I get a weird message. I try signing in... same message. if I visit Scraporchard on another window and sign in I can see the regular website, I just can't find your freebee... Any suggestions? You can comment here if you get a chance. I'll check back in. Or you can email me corynn.payne@gmail. Thanks! (or anyone can for that matter.)

Kristi M. said...

Just the last couple of days I noticed that my ENTIRE saved favorites are missing! I am rather annoyed and quite irritated. I started saving some again and today they are GONE! I am really irked now. It was interesting to open this up and read your missing posts. Sounds like others were able to find it. Wish they could magically find mine.

Jen Graham said...

Bethany, I JUST finished reading the whole Harry Potter saga. We are so on the same wavelength!!!

I am going to go to bed now and try to get Breaking Dawn finished so I can start Twilight again.