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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Baby's First Tooth

This WordArt suggestion comes from Kittie, who wanted WordArt to go in her grandchild's baby book. So, I decided to do a series of "Baby's First...." WordArt. Here's the first. Look for more to come in the next few days!

Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work :)


Mary said...

You're word art is fabulous! It's exactly what I need for my pages, because I never know just what to say. Thank you so much!

verabear said...

That's an awesome idea to make a series of baby's firsts. Can't wait to see the rest. thank you!

Anonymous said...

I just LOVE your word art!!! Thank you!!


Anonymous said...

Just found your site. Love it and I'll be back often! thanks a bunch!

Sally said...

I love your word art. This is something that I struggle with desperately...so THANK YOU!

jan celiz-magtoto said...

thanks for sharing! wil keep coming back for your word art!.

Anonymous said...

hi.. i just love your WordArt!! you have such a keen eye on which fonts to use for which words.. I'm looking forward to the Baby's First Series.. Hope you can also do a series on "Love".. thanks a bunch for all the wonderful wordings..

Gwen Owens said...

Ahhh... shucks! The link on this one is broken. My little girl just got her first tooth and this one would have been perfect! Anyway to fix it?

Thanks so much for this webiste! You are so amazing!!!!!!!

mizzzleepy said...

I just discovered digital scrapbooking and found your wordart to be absolutely gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing your creativity and talent!