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Thursday, May 14, 2009

I Love You & U Rock

Wow, girls! I need sleep. I was up on Tuesday night until 1:30am. I've gotta stop doing this to myself. I'm on track to be to bed before midnight tonight (pre-publishing). I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but not holding my breath. LOL!

Why was I up so late the other night, you ask? WELL, I was watching "Seven Pounds", the newer Will Smith movie. OMGosh, it was good. Thought provoking, that's for sure. I cried like a baby! Seriously, I was weeping at the end. I'm gonna make Captain America watch it when he gets home, just so we can talk about it. LOL!

I had a TON of fun at my lunch yesterday. I got my whole house cleaned. Yeah, I felt like taking a picture, because I know it's not gonna be like that again anytime soon - ROFL! But I can hope. I'll give it my best :)

I also did Scouts last night. Sigh. One of these day, Jimmy will be older. And better behaved. Surely there's something to be done for him. He doesn't like it when I'm leading the meetings. He just wants my attention, so he runs around causing trouble. Sigh. Next week, Andrea is gonna lead the meeting, and I can just be there helping, and do the activity with Jimmy. Maybe that will work better. We'll see.

I'm going walking with my friends in the morning. They walk for about an hour. I'm really looking forward to it. My waist just keeps expanding, and I'm not liking it. Hopefully the walking will help. And if I could just stop eating all the stuff I'm not supposed to be eating, my pants would fit again - LOL! Maybe today will be the day :) Yesterday sure wasn't - ROFL!

OK, I wanna ask all of you Jimmy Fallon fans out there a question. Am I missing something? Is he funny, and I just don't get it? Cause I watch his show when I'm up SUPER late pre-publishing my blog post, and I just don't get him. He seems nervous and disorganized and scatterbrained. I'm sure he's probably really funny, and I'm just missing something. Maybe. Right? He can't really be that bad. LOL!

I got a text from Captain America saying that he needs to go to the Doctor. He's on his 2nd week in the field, and apparently he got into some poison ivy. Honestly, the man is SO allergic to it, he could have just been camping near it, and he'd have gotten it. LOL! Poor thing! He was gonna go get a shot of cortisone, or whatever it was, and hopefully he'll be better. At least he's not as bad as his brother Nathaniel. He gets poison ivy BAD. Worse I've ever seen, actually. I don't think I'm allergic to it. I remember when I was prego with Jimmy, we found some in our yard, and he made me go pull it. Nice. Lets test the theory. LOL! I didn't get it. I also sat in it one time when I was younger, and didn't get it. My dad's not allergic to it either. Woohoo for me :) Maybe my kids will luck out, and not be allergic. So far, no one but Captain America's gotten Poison Ivy in our family. Only time will tell :)

Last night while I was chatting with a few people on gmail, I told my friend Crystal that I was SO tired of designing (I made 4 wordart packs in one day - sigh - i need better time management planning, and less Facebook-ing - ROFL!), and still needed to make a freebee for you guys tomorrow. She said that I could use her "clippy" freebee from her blog. Woohoo!!! I promptly went to her blog and downloaded them. Her idea was the cute little clip, with a paper, and a note on it. Yeah, I even had to beg a paper from her (I used an overlay by Pineapple Plantation Designs on it too). She's a REAL designer, and me? Well, I'm just a lowly WordArt designer. I couldn't even make a paper - ROFL!

Anway, click HERE to go to her blog to pick up the COOL clippy alpha for yourself, then come back here for my WordArt. Click on the link below to go to 4shared to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!


Crystal said...

So cool! Great job. Still no word about my sister, then again she might be tired LOL.

Anonymous said...

I am so wanting to see the new movie 'Seven Pounds' have it added on my movie list. LOVE the cliped WA! Also went by and snagged up those cool Alphas. :) Thank you for sharing!!

connie said...

You know-you can take a night off-it won't kill us! You parent 5 kids-alone right now-I'm surprised that you have time to do anything-nevermind designing wordart...I wouldn't be able to-and I only have 3! And don't worry about not being able to do the other design stuff-I haven't run into anyone who can do WA better than you-even designers! As for seven pounds-I cried all the way through too! I watched it with my hubby-It was a great movie. Thanks for the WA-as usual....you rock!

knowly said...

Take a break...creativity should never be forced.

Sabrina said...

I agree, your word art is the best...you are pretty much the only one I use. Love your work!

And I also can't believe you design and still take care of 5 kids alone. I am taking care of 1 and 7 furbabies, and I am about half crazy....just two more months to go!

Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

I think Jimmy Fallon appeals to a certain kind of 'sense of humour'...that jittery, disorganized thing is part of his 'art', but I don't think he's very funny either...just funny looking! LOL


And yes....you should take some time off....a week or so even....nobody will forget you....your stuff ROCKS way to much! hehe

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on May. 14, 2009. Thanks again.

Granna Deanna said...

As the wife & mother of military men, I fully understand the challenges of parenthood while your spouse is gone. I enjoy reading your blog and would visit even without a daily freebee. I do love your WordArt and have discovered many other talented designers thanks to your referrals. I'm originally from NM (my dad is not far from you in Las Cruces) and have been to El Paso and your base many times so it is easy for me to picture your family's escapades. Stay of the heat and keep your cool!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 14 May [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 15 May [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).

david said...

author to become a reliable indeed difficult, but I already see that you are very powerful in a any posts

Unknown said...

these are cool - thanks!