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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sick and Tired

Wow......sick.......puking........sleepy........achey........tired.......puking some more..........don't know HOW I found the enegry to design this, yet here it is :) See, I like you lots! Luckily, it's just me that's sick. Well, lucky for everyone else. The kids and Captain America did a wonderful job taking care of me. Captain America brought me home gatoraide and slim fast shakes, so I'd have some food and liquids in my system. Unfortunately, nothing stayed down. I take that back. The slim fast shake stayed down. Just the gatoraide came back up.

Sigh........I'm hoping I'm feeling better today :(


Anonymous said...

You poor thing! Hope you're feeling better. But maybe you need a 12 step program? Getting up designing even though your sick?! Not that I'm grateful for the wordart - but it sure is a sign of addiction ;)

jmutchler said...

Hope you feel better soon Bethany! Thanks for being so dedicated to design when you are sick...you poor thing!

Rubypat said...

Sorry that you are not feeling well - but glad that hubby is home to look after you. Thank you for thinking of us, even though you are not well. I love the quote! Did you get someone to take your picture so you could scrap it, too?

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. Love the wordart, thanks for making it even though you feel so bad. You are VERY dedicated to designing. :)

nie said...

Aww... Hope you get well soon! :)

Kim Sandling said...

I'm so sorry that you feel so yucky! I hope you're feeling better today! Thank you for thinking of us, even when you're married to the toilet!

Kim said...

I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling poorly. I hope you are on the mend today. It's amazing that you still design and post when you are sick... that is going above and beyond.

I used a number of your word arts for my brother's 40th birthday word book. Thank you!!!!! You can check it out on my blog http://therobbsbloggingalong.blogspot.com/2009/05/40th-birthday-word-book.html

Dinphy said...

Hope you feel better soon, but until then, try to enjoy the pampering! ;)

Omah's Helping Hands said...

Sure hope you are feeling better real soon. The darned bug is going around big time here along with strept and nasty colds that are hard to get rid of.
It's great you have a husband who is willing to care for you. :) GWS!!!

Jackie said...

Hope you feel better soon, Beth. Thanks for the wordart. You must really like us.lol

Jen Graham said...

Oh sweetie. I hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on May. 30, 2009. Thanks again.

Mom2mykids said...

Sorry you are feeling icky. I luckily don't do throwups so I never have to clean up after myself LOL. Just kids and hubby ... sigh. Thanks for the word art. I can relate to it. Been suffering headaches for months now and really need to get a thorough physical but I was waiting for insurance to be active. Now it is, but I have jury duty for two weeks. Sigh.

Lora said...

Sorry to hear you are sick - but I LOVE the wordart. TFS - Lora

macfandee said...

hope you are feeling better soon. Hubby is going through the same thing as you.... thanks for sharing.. we can totally relate in this house :(

Bec said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 30 May [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 31 May [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).

Leilani Rose said...

I hate being sick, as I'm sure you and everyone else does. I hope you feel better soon...no scratch that, Now!*smiles*

Thank you so much for finding the energy to make, and give, us another awesome WA! You Rock, sweetheart!

larkd said...

Thank you for this. I've suddenly starting becoming allergic to items I've never been allergic to before and it's very annoying. This is the perfect word art to decribe how I feel. I hope you are feeling better soon.

Brittany said...

I'm sick too. This word art is perfect!

Thank you for the WA even when you are so yucky!
That is serious dedication to your craft!

Praying you feel better soon! :)

Unknown said...

Merci. Ce WA est très original!