Anyway, I worked on that till about 1pm. I took breaks to swich out the laundry, but I was pretty much answering emails the whole time. I got it down to 170. Not too bad. Another day like that, and I'll be done :) I did make some time to shower (ha!) and play on Facebook a litte, then headed off to Wal-Mart.
Captain America had scored us a LARGE dry erase calendar at work, and we needed markers and something to hang it up with. So, off I went. It's a lot different going out by yourself then with a small child. (You know, I think I perfer the company). I got the pens, and the hooks, and also found 2 super tops (clothes). One was black, and one was turquoise/green. Super cute. They're designed to wear as a long shirt with leggins. So I got a cheap pair of $5.00 leggins to go with them.
I bought a new toliet paper roll dispenser too. SOMEONE had ripped the last one from the wall. Nice, eh? I don't know which annoyed me more. The fact that my kid ripped it out of the wall, or that whoever installed it did a CRAPPY job. It looked like if you bumped it, it would have fallen out anyway. Here's a pic of the new one that I got. I hope no one decideds to use it as a weapon.....

And here's a pic of the shelving unit over the toilet that I bought. This isn't my bathroom. I wish - LOL! Isn't it gorgeous! LOVE those colors :) I just found it online, and it looked similar to my shelf.

I hurried home, put the stuff away, just in time as the kids got home from school. I changed into one of my new outfits from Walmart, because I was SO excited to try it on - hehehe. I forgot to take pictures, but I think I'm wearing th same thing today (LOL!), so I'll have one of the kids tae a picture of me.
The kids had time to grab a quick snack, and hop in the car, and head off to post. Jacob had a doctors appointment. Or first time at the "Army Doctor". It went pretty well. We had an appointment, and they stuck to the time pretty good. I've been to some doctors where one sits around for hOURS, waiting for ones turn. One time in Chicago (Joliet), I waited 2 hours for a doctors appointment. Yeah, that was fun. 2 hours in the waiting room with 3 little kids. Sigh.
That same doctor, 2 years ago, referred Jacob to get his, um, junk looked at. Apparently one hadn't descended yet. The next step was surgery. But, then we moved to Ohio to Boy Scout Camp, then 3 months later to a rental, then 9 months later to Oregon, then 6 months later to El Paso. Needless to say, we didn't establish a doctor in that time - LOL! But, good news! They've both dropped, and are where they should be. Isn't motherhood of boys glorious! I've learned WAY more than I EVER wanted to know about, um, junk. hehehehehe.
The doctor also checked his feet. He's been having troubles with his ankle/heel when he tries to run. He doesn't like to run for that very reason. She didn't see anything wrong with the heel, but said that the shape of his feet were off. Not a fallen arch. Don't remember what it would have been. Anyway, she referred him to a podiatrist, and he'll probably end up with inserts.
Then, afther that appointment, we had 15 minutes to get to the immunization clinic before it closed. Jacob, Thomas, and Emeline both ended up with 2 shots. They were such troopers. Didn't even flinch. The "army dude" was INCREDIBLE at giving shots. I want him every time my kids need shots. He just JAMMED that needle in their army, no wimpy easing it in. Honestly, I think that's why it didn't hurt. Because it was fast and over with. I was impressed. And I've seen my share of shots over the years. The last time the big kids had to get shots, I'm fairly sure there was screaming and tears. LMBO!
We had a nice relaxing evening at home that night. The people came to buy the king bed. I've gotten rid of the full, the twins, and the king now. One couch is gone, and someone's supposed to be here tomorrow to get the other one. That just leaves 2 baby beds to go. Woohoo for! I think I made $95 so far. Sure, that doesn't even pay for 1 of the new mattresses (we bought 3 twins with box springs, a full futon, and a king with box springs- yeah, that adds up fast!), but it sure helped. Better than paying the dump to take it, which is what our first thought was :)
I talked to Captain America last night. He'd gotten most of the stuff out of the storage shed (holy cow! how much more can there be???), and was having a friend come back over after Captain America had left to either a.) donate it; or b.) burn it; or c.) keep it; or d.) give it someone else. Thanks, Merle, for doing that for us. We definitely DON'T want to make another trip back there. 2 is enough for us - LOL!
This WordArt request comes from Jo Ann. Isn't it hysterical??? Too funny! I was feeling like quite the 'babe' yesterday, wearing my new clothes. Woohoo for Wal-Mart clearance!!! Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Click HERE to go to my mediafire account to download the PNG file.

Babe - akaDora
Inside - 2Peas High Tide