Hey there girlie girls! Welcome to Saturday! But first, lets talk about Friday. I was up during the night with a tummy ache. Maybe it was the cookie dough.... anyway, I didn't get much sleep. So I pushed snooze a few times when my alarm went off, and finally got up and got Jake ready and going to the Youth Center for Horse Camp.
I dropped him off, and headed back to post. We did some chores, and I designed name tags for my mom's Girls Camp group at church. They turned out pretty cute. And by the time I was done with it, I'd ran out of time for a shower. But I did have time for fresh make up. I went with Blacks and grays, and decided that it accented my silver highlights in my hair. Sigh. hehe.
Terra came to pick me up at 10:50am, and we headed to Carlos and Mickeys. One of my favorites :) We got there a few minutes before it opened, and sat out in the courtyard. It reminded me of when Captain America and I used to sit out by the fountain when we'd go there for lunch or dinner. Miss you, hon :)

We were seated right away, and, of course, ordered Diet Dr Peppers. And they came in mason jars. hehe. Sometimes they have glasses, and sometimes they have mason jars. I wonder why?

And the salsa was SOOO freakin' spicy this time! I totally asked for White People salsa, and the server just looked at me like I was stupid and said no, this was all they had. How rude! hehe. So I just ate chips. No more salsa for me...

Too Freakin' Spicy face...

And here's my "I've had TOO much caffeine" face. hehe. I was tweakin' a little...

Terra ordered some queso, or something like that. It was pretty spicy too....

Amanda got a chichuahaua, or however you spell it, and Terra got the chicken tacos, and I got the Beef Sombrero salad. Very tasty :) We had a great time at lunch, laughing and joking and chatting. Thanks, Terra and Amanda, for going to lunch today! It was WONDERFUL :)
We boxed up all the extra food, and I brought it home to Tom. Perk of being the babysitter. hehe.

We decided to all 3 go to Walmart after lunch. Amanda drove, and we left Terra's Van at Carlos and Mickeys. The Jaurez Walmart. I sat in the front, and Terra sat in the back. And she totally got car sick on the way. ha! I told her I'd sit in the back on the way back to post, and then I'd get car sick too. There's a real friend for ya. ROFL!
I grabbed this cart, and it's SO weird. The kid basket part was off centered, and it had a bracer bar in the back. I thought it was odd, and had to get a photo of it.

Amanda is a coupon-er, and had some food type items that she needed to get. I grabbed a few things, and we slowly made our way around the store. And, of course, I made my way here. hehe. I'm known as the friend who has to pee...

We found this in the hair dye section. What would i look like with pink highlights? hehe.

Waiting in line...

We left Walmart, and were getting ready to head back on post, when we realized that we didn't have Terra's van. oops. hehe. So Amanda dropped us off at Carlos and Mickeys, and we headed back to post. Terra dropped me off, and I hurried and got the kids ready for our next appointment.
The Waiting Families program was doing a Father's Day thingy at housing. Making T-shirts, and Father's Day videos for the dads. Cool, huh? So we all loaded up, and headed out.
Tom was THRILLED with his bonus food :)

We made shirts with our handprints on it. It was pretty cute when it was done :)

Then we headed back inside to make our video. My little boys were being SO naughty! Freakin' kids...
Here's Tom displaying the shirt.

I totally had to get Joe and Jim in headlocks to get them in the photo. Nice, huh? hehe.

It wasn't much better for the video... Everyone said HI DAD, then didn't quite know what to say. Jim asked why Dad wasn't saying anything, and i had to explain that it was a video, not Skype. hehe. Tom explained that Jake wasn't there because he was at horse camp. And that was about it. Short and sweet, right? hehe.

I was SO ready to get out of there. But first, a pose with the cardboard cute out. hehe.

We got home at 3pm, and spent the next hour in the pool. It felt SO good. I got the strainer pool thingy, and spent the whole hour getting hair, bugs, and grass out of the pool. It was sad, because as soon as I thought it was good, I'd go to leave, and find more.... It was getting a little obsessed. hehe.
I got out at 4 something, and started prepping the food. We were having Kabobs with Terra. And I wanted to make some cupcakes. And then, all of a sudden, it was 5pm, and Terra and the girls were there. They got in the pool with my kids, and Terra and I cooked. And I went to start the grill, and the freakin' thing was out of propane! Sigh. So I ran to the Shoppette and exchanged it for a full one. Under $20, too. Not too bad...
Here's me, changing in the tank.

So we got the grill going, and Terra got her charcoal grill going, and we started cooking. Kabobs, and corn, and hot dogs. Yummy!

I totally had a piece of corn, and got it ALL in my teeth. But it tasted SO yummy :)

Terra made this. hehe. OK, so Paula Dean did. It was SO awesome :)

And I made these. Yellow cupcakes with frosting and strawberries. Mmmm :)

And after dinner, we went out to watch the kids swim. When the twins got out of the pool, they came over to snuggle with us. And I snapped a few pictures of them.
Here's a twin feeding Boxer hot dogs and chicken. he was in HOG heaven :0

Eryn and Eme and Alexis and Tom and Jim and Joe were having a FABuLOUS time in the pool. They had a basketball, and were playing some kind of game. Whatever it was, they were having fun :)

Terra and the girls headed home around 7:45pm, and I had my kids out of the pool at 8pm. Alexis' dad came to get her, and I worked on getting photos on Facebook, and blogging. I got all the photos on the blog, and the png files hosted, and it was time to go and pick up Jake.
So I left Tom in charge, and headed to the Youth Center. Jake had had a great day, and was chatty all the way home. He told me about his day, and I told him about my day.
I started blogging again, and watched some 24. I let the kids stay up till 10pm, and Jake and I finished up watching 24. It's almost 10pm. I'm gonna put this away, and go watch the shower more fully.
Tomorrow, Amanda and I are going to the Antiques Road Show, then Terra and I and families are going to our Waiting Families bowling party. Should be a good Saturday :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Sharon, my dear, WONDERfuL family page! LOVE it :)