TYPO NOW FIXED :) (11:23am EST 12/11/10)
First off, I wanted to let you guys know about my BIRTHDAY bundle. Yes, it's all birthday wordarts, but it's in celebration of my Birthday, too! I'll be 35 on Sunday (12/12)! Yeah me!
Click on the Bundle preview below to go to my store and pick it up 12 Birthday WordArt Packs for only $8.00. That's less than $0.70 a wordart pack! Sa-weet!

Hola! Hope today finds you happy and healthy, my friends! As you're reading this, I should be in Arizona at the Temple! We called and found out that the Albuquerque New Mexico temple is closed for cleaning, so we went to the Gila Valley, Arizona temple. Never been to that one! Captain America hasn't either :)
Anyway, we had SO much fun at the ball! I really really enjoyed my time :) I got up at 7am ish, and got the kids ready for school. And packed for the various houses that they were going to for the night. And yeah, I told Tom to pack, and he packed a pair of jammie pants and a tee shirt. Yeah, not quite what I had in mind. I had to re-pack for him...
Anyway, they got out the door and to the bus just fine. I cleaned up a bit around the house, and did some of the dishes. I'd baked yesterday, and there were pans and a little bit of a mess on a counter top that I cleaned up. Looked much better.
Jim was hanging in the living room, and Jake was doing school, and Captain America was sleeping in. He got up around 9am, we started talking about our plan for the day. It was a loose plan, and needed solidifying up a bit.
At around 10am, Kari texted to see if Josephine could come and hang for an hour while she ran to the grocery store. We still hadn't left, so I said it would be fine. She and Jake sat on the couch and watched a Christmas Movie, while Captain America and I helped Jimmy get ready for school. Did I mention that Captain America had the day off today! Woohoo!
Anyway, Jim got a hair cut, and a shower, and looked pretty good for school. Captain America and I walked him to the bus stop, and ended up chatting with Maggie for a while after the bus left.
We went back home, and started packing for our trip. We found maps to the temple, and called about what times it was open. We decided to drive most of the way there tonight, then stop at a hotel for the night, and then we could drive the last little bit to the temple in the morning and be there bright and early. That way, it's a temple trip AND a birthday trip - hehe :)I'm not sure what our plan will be tonight, I'm letting Captain America surprise me for my birthday :) Should be a good time.
It's now 1:31pm, and Captain America is just getting out of the shower, and we'll be ready in a few minutes. We're gonna go get some lunch, then head out! All the kids are taken care of, and have houses to be at for tonight. Friends are just wonderful, you know :)
I'll try and pop back on here tonight at the hotel and put on some trip pictures, but if not, enjoy this festive WordArt :)
I can't get this picture to rotate on Facebook - grrr. This is us before we left the house for lunch.

And Eme came home too, and we drove her over to Terra's house as we left town. Jake was gonna walk to Kari's house at 6pm, and spend the night. He's old enough to be on his own for a while, you know :) But not overnight. That would not be responsible - hehe. And we're very responsible :)
Anyway, we sent Tom and Leo off with some Banana bread, and dropped off Eme, and a loaf of banana bread too. And we stopped by Maggie's house and checked on Jimmy and dropped off Banana bread too. And we headed out. Listening to Christmas music the whole way :)
Here's the BEAUTIFUL sunset, right before Deming, New Mexico. The picture really doesn't do it justice! It was the most amazing shades of red and orange :)

Lordsburg, New Mexico! Here's our Hotel. We paid a little extra to get a hotel room with a pool! Sa-weet! And a sauna and a hot tub and a weight room and free breakfast in the morning :) Awwww, heavenly! I pulled this photo from the website, as it's now DARK outside - hehe :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!