Well, the day is finally here! My grab bag is up for sale - hehehe. I know you were all sleepless last night waiting for it - ROFL! OK, so maybe no, but it's still here. And it's cool. My CT told me so. And they don't lie to me :)
If you wanna grab my "Grab Bag", just click
HERE to go to my store. And, while you're there, check out some of the other AWESOME Scraporchard designers who have Grab Bags up for grab too. You'll like them, trust me!

And, just to show you how AWESOME my CT is, here are a few layouts that they made using my WordArt Grab Bag WordArt pack. I just love 'em!!!
Layout by Breon

Layout by
Jen (Graham Like the Cracker)

Layout by Grace

Layout by Charmaine

Layout by Katherine

So, I woke up on Thursday morning, migraine free. THANK goodness! I was still a little groggy after all the NiQuil, but I was good :) I got the kids ready and out the door for school, started Jake on some Math, and sat down with Jimmy for a little while.
Man was he in a mood. My mom called at some point in the morning, and he just ran from room to room, getting into stuff. He tried to erase all the days/appointments on my dry/erase calendar, tried to mess up my bathroom things, tried to sneak food into him room. You name it, he tried it. And, whenever he got caught, he'd start SCREAMING. Sigh. It was gonna be one of THOSE days again.
Jake and Jim and I went for a little walk this morning. 18 minutes, briskly around the neighborhood. I pushed Jim in the stroller, and Jake walked with me. And, I had the privilege of listening to him give me a blow by blow description of his newest video game. Oh yes, it was quite joyous. At about 11 1/2 minutes into it, I thought he was getting winded, and would stop. But by minute 13 he'd found his 2nd wind, and started up again. And, being the good mom that I am, I said "Uh huh" and "Oh Wow" and "Good Job, Sweetie" at all the right times. Now THAT's true love :)
At 10:20am, we left for Jim's Doctor's appointment for his physical. Not quite as easy as Eme's appointment. He wanted to run around the office, and couldn't understand why I didn't want him to. The army is notorious for "take a number" kinda lines, and Jimmy SO wanted to take a number. But we didn't need one. Sigh.
Finally, we got called back, and he wanted to touch EVERYTHING in the patient room. Sigh. After he got height/weight/blood pressured, we were sent to another waiting room. Here, he wanted to climb on ALL the chairs, look at ALL the magazines, and climb all over me. After about 10 minutes, we went back to a patient room, and saw the doctor. After looking in Jimmy's ears, he said it was kinda red, so he perscribed some antibiotics. Since we (in the army) have a 4 day weekend this weekend, he wanted to make sure Jim was all set. That was nice.
Jim and I are also pretty congested, so he ordered some Dimatapp for Jim. And some Motrin. He gave me proper dosage information, signed the physical, and we were good to go. We stopped by the pharmacy, got our goodies (drugs), and were off to home.
We stopped by the Shoppette on the way back home to rent "State of Play", but it was out. Dang! That was my easy fix. Now I was gonna have to go off post. We went home, had lunch, chatted with Captain America over his lunch hour, and started to straighten up a bit.
My friend, Krista, was coming over. Her son's turning 12, and her daughters turning 8 later in the month, and she wanted Baptism/Ordination invitations made up. I didn't want my house to look like a total pigsty. I moved the launrdry from the couch to the bedroom (and shut the door), did a once over on the bathroom, and then quit. If my friends don't like me, messy house and all, then maybe they're not great friends - LOL!
I heard a funny noise coming from the bedroom right before she got there, over the sound of Jims movie. I went to check on it, and it was Jim, snoring. Totally passed out. Thank you, Dimatapp! I turned off the movie, turned out the light, and shut the door. Score!
Krista and I worked on the invites until about 2:30pm, when she had to leave to go and pick up her kids from school. They looked pretty good when they were all done :) I'm gonna have to make some up for Eme when she gets baptized. I think she'd like that ;)
I was feeling my headache come back on at about 3pm. I realized that maybe it wasn't a migraine as much as it was a sinus problem. Since Jimmy obviously had something going on, maybe I'd got something too. I was stuff, had a stiff neck, and a sore throat. Not good signs.
So, I took a 12 hour decongestant, and laid down for a nap. I woke up at 4pm, and the kids were home from school, and Jimmy had just woken up from his nap. Dang, that was a long nap for a kid who doesn't nap! Sweet! I still felt kinda sick/headachey, so I took a migraine pill too. I got a snack for the kids, and hung out with them for a bit.
Captain America got home at about 5pm, and we headed out to the store. We were gonna go rent "State of Play" for a "Movies at home" date night. I've been wanting to see that one :) But, Andrea had told me that the PX was having a sale on clothes at the Exchange. Regular price, minus the clearance price (25%, 50%, or 75%), plus take 70% off of that. It made it a really good deal. We got 4 shirts for Eme, 3 shorts, a polo shirt, and a nice tee shirt for Captain America, and a shorts for Tom, all for $24. Not bad :) I SO love a good deal.
We stopped by the Military Clothing store before heading home, to look at the Dress Blues for Captain America. The army is getting rid of their Green Dress uniform, and going with a Blue one. It's pretty sharp looking. Captain America is gonna go buy it tomorrow, so I'll take some pictures for you all :) He's SO cute!
It was too late to keep looking for the movie, so we headed home, cooked dinner for everyone, helped Joe with his homework, then went to Blockbuster for the video. It was the last one in the store, and it cost us $4.10 to rent, but I got it! Dang, the lenghts I go to see a movie. Redbox was all out of it. Sigh. Oh well.
We got home, put all the kids to bed, and watched our movie. It was nice to hang out with Captain America on a weekday night. He has the day off tomorrow, so he didn't have to be to bed early. It was a pretty good movie, too. Russell Crowe and Ben Afflick, and the chickie from "The Time Travelers Wife". I liked it. It was my kind of suspense/thinking movie.
Did I tell you that we realized that the army has been paying us too much money? And that when they realize it, they're probably gonna just not pay us that much for the next check. Nice, eh? I figure it's about $750 worth. Captain Americas gonna go and try and get it all straightend out. Maybe they'll just deduct a percentage of it each month, rather than take it all at once. Oops. I wasn't sure how to read the LES statement, so I didn't know. But I do now :)
I'm on day 4 of my "Re-Feed" program, and down to 141!!! I'm so excited. All my old clothes fit again, finally. And I'm liking eating more food. The pineapple is SO tasty. And I got a piece of breat today. Mmmmmm. I can't wait for the day that I get to put butter on it. That taste's SO good :) I remember from last time I did "re-feed". Funny, how little things make me SO happy.
And, here's your freebee for today! This request comes from Linda, and I thought it was HILARIOUS! This should be my slogan in life. hehehe. Just ask my kids. They'll tell you :) ROFL!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!