OK, I have pictures today!!! My mom will be doing the happy dance :) LOL!
Here's a pic of Tom at the Cub Scout pack meeting, last Wednesday night. They got these CUTE little neckerchief slides, in the shape of fly swatters. See, he's posing to strike - LOL! What a funny kid.

And the girls and I. Katy is on the left, I'm in the middle, and Laurie on the right. Why didn't anyone tell me that we were all wearing sunglasses. I'd have put mine on - LOL!

So, after my late night again, the kids woke me up at 8:15am. I'm thinking that 8:15am is just my wake up time. Such it is. I got ready, and met my friend Laurie at another mutual friends house. Kaylee is on vacation, and has a MASSIVE garden in her backyard. Laurie is babysitting it. But Laurie is going camping this weekend, so I'm babysitting the garden for Laurie, who's babysitting the garden for Kaylee. Clear as mud? Anyway, she taught me how to water the garden. Seriously, there's like 4 different hoses going on, and plants outside, inside, and in the front yard. I REALLY hope I don't kill anything. My thumb is the farthest from green it could possible be. I'd kill fake plants if it were possible :)
That was a 9am. I took 2 of her kids home with me to play with my kids. The kids seemed to enjoy it. And, since I felt like a bum because my house was messy, I cleaned most of the time they were here. I folded all the laundry (yeah, like 8 loads), helped Joe and Jim do their laundry, cleaned Joe and Jims room, directed the kids to put away their laundry, cleaned the living room, cleaned the kitchen, and did 2 loads of dishes. And believe it or not, the house is still messy. hehehe. Somedays, it doesn't matter how much you clean, it's still gonna be trashed.

Laurie came and picked up her kids at about 2. I'd got some designing done after lunch, and at 3ish, I came in and tried to take a nap. I think I slept for about 45 minutes. I really have a hard time sleeping durning the day. I'm willing to keep trying, but it's usually not too successful :)
I got 2 WordArt Collabs designed today (16 Wordarts total). Woohoo for me! I was proud of my self. I showered (miracle, I know), since Captain America and I were going on a date to the movies. He was home at 5:30pm, we had dinner, and left the house at 7:30pm. The post has a movie theater, with SUPER cheap prices. Kids under 5 free (score!), 5-12 is $1.25, and over 12 is $2.00. And they are newish movies. We saw Star Trek. OMGosh it was good! I loved it :)
Captain America had seen it at Benning, but he went with his buddies. It was fun to go and see it with him. Saturday there's having a free showing of Transformers 2, but I think I'm going somewhere with the girls. Besides, imagine how busy that'll be.
We got home at 10:30pm, and I hopped on the computer. My goal is to be done with blogging by midnight. It's only 11:16pm right now, so I'm on the right course ;) Woohoo for me!
And no, I haven't forgotten about the marriage seminar notes. They're in the kitchen, and I'm too lazy to walk from my bed to there. I know, that's not a good excuse, but it is an excuse. And it's the excuse I'm going with :)
The girls and I are doing the garage sale again today. We're starting at 7:00am, so I need to leave the house at 6:30am to get it set up. Hopefully we'll make some money for our girls night out. Wouldn't that be great!?!!
Oh yeah, I wanted to show you my layout from a Speed Scrap I did over at Ginger Scraps. I just LOVE speed scraps over there. The girls are SO much fun.

Kit by Flutter Expressions (Katherine on my CT!!!) - Just For Dad
And yeah, I need to NOT bend over in that suit, because I've got some cleavage going on, and I'm anti cleavage - LOL!
So, here's my WordArt for today. This request comes from Cheryl. Her hubby just ran his first marathon. GREAT job!! Once I get back down to my goal weight, I'm gonna start jogging again. Until then, these feet were made for walkin'. LOL!
Click on the link below to go to my account, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks! Oh yeah, I had a typo in this wordart, but went back and fixed it before this post was posted. But, unfortunately, it didn't stick. SO, I'm fixing it now. It's 11:34pm MST on Saturday, June 27th 2009. If you downloaded this before now, go and grab it again. Sorry, girls.