It was a good day today. Very relaxing. Well, the morning was a little crazy. I got up, got dressed, ate, got Joe and Jim ready, and headed out to door for grocery shopping. While there (pushing 2 carts, one holding 2 squirly little boys), my mom called, and I chatted with her for a while. Try pushing 2 carts and talking on the phone at the same time. It takes MAD skills. Or maybe I'm just a little mad - LOL! Anyway, as soon as she hung up, Andrea called and wanted me to pick up a few things for her. Cheese and yogurt. Mmmmmm.
I was done and on my way home by 10:30am. I was gonna go home, drop off the groceries, then go to Wal-Mart for Joe to spend his b-day money, but decided to stop at the PX-tra on the way home. The PX is the army version of the mall. The Exchange is like Wal-Mart. The PX-tra is all the lawn, garden, and toys. Their remodeling/rebuilding the PX, so some of the departments moved to an outside tent building. Closer to our house. Anyway, we went in there to see if they had legos. They actually had a pretty good selection. And they were priced the same as Wal-Mart. But you don't pay tax at the PX, so we ended up saving money.

I went back home, and spent the day reading. Really, I didn't do much else. Well, I had the kids unload the truck, and we put away all the groceries, but really, that was it. hehehe. I need to devote one of these days to cleaning. As much as it pains me to think about doing it - LOL!
Captain America came for for 10 minutes at lunch time, and had to run back to work. Poor guy. He's SO busy with school. I walked down to Andreas house at around 3pm or so to see the damage that my kid had done in her house. She said that Joe and Ben were in the downstairs bathroom, "painting" it with a broken glow-in-the-dark stick. OMGosh! She said it was beautiful, though. The boys spent the next hour scrubbing the floors, toliet, walls, sink, and such. Funny kids :)
I stayed and chatted with Andrea until 6:30. Captain America still wasn't home when I got home. Poor guy. We made dinner (the kids had already eaten), and too late, headed out for the movies. Captain America was watching a little Cardinals Baseball before we left, and I'm afraid it was sucking him in. The movie started at 7:45pm (The Time Travelers Wife), and we didn't even leave the house until 7:43pm. But he knew that the first 20 minutes were all previews, so he wasn't worried. I was, but he wasn't. We got there, and of course it was all sold out. The next show didn't start until 10:15pm. But, I knew that another movie theater had a show that started at 8:50pm. So, we found the address, and headed to the West side of town.
We got there, and realized that we had NO idea where the theater was. My phone internet doesn't like mapquest, so finally i just google searched the address. It showed a tiny map, and I recognized one of the cross streets. It was ALL the way over on the East side. Dang! We drove fast, and go to the other theater 10 minutes after the movie had started. Again, sold out. We were having bad luck. "Land of the Lost" was playing at the dollar theater, and we still had 20 minutes before it started. We hopped back in the car, and hustled to get there.
Luckily, it wasn't sold out. In fact, we were the only ones in the theater when the lights dimmed. About 9 other people came in during the previews. hehehe. We practically had the place to ourselves. And, we saved some money. It was only $4.00 for both of us to go, as opposed to $11 for both of us at the regular movies (military discounts are DIVINE!).
Land of the Lost was pretty funny. Dumb and dorky, don't get me wrong, but it was pretty funny. It was what I thought Year One was gonna be like. BOY was I wrong about Year One. No, Land of the Lost was silly funny. Captain America was laughing so hard at one point, I thought he was gonna hurt himself - hehehe. It was nice to hang out with Captain America :) Watching him laugh makes me happy.
Tomorrow is Stake Conference at churh, and I think we're gonna try and catch Ice Age III with the kids, since it's on post, and I heard a rumor that the theater is having $0.99 movies all week long. We'll see how it goes :)
I totally forgot to blog about my New WordArt Packs in the store yesterday, so I did it today :) A day late, but still FABULOUS WordArts - hehehe. Click HERE to go to my store to check out my new stuff. Remember, it's 20% off the first week (or only $2.00 a pack!).

Layout by Trina

Layout by Trina

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Sorry, 4shared wasn't playing nicley.