I got up, got the kids to school, and SO wanted to go back to bed, but I was going to the pool. And it was only 19 degrees outside. I think I must have been crazy - hehe :)
I got there, and didn't know it, but Kari had texted and said that she was gonna drive the kids to school, so she wouldn't be there the same time as me. So I started swimming. 8 full laps into it, Kari was there.
Check out the eye hickies that my goggles left. Nice...

And it was SO hard today! The fact that the water felt cold didn't help - hehe. But, I did it. I swam 16 full laps, or 1 mile. And then I headed home. Captain America was supposed to call between 9:30 and 11am so we could chat.
I got home around 9am, and showered and got ready. Yeah, those goggles REALLY did a number on my poor eyes!

And then I started on my pizzas, and didn't hear when he got on Skype at 10;30am. Darn! I finally noticed it at 11 something. And by then, it was time for me to go. So I chatted with him for a few minutes, and had to run. And I could tell that he was upset with me for having to go. And I was starting to get a little upset with him for getting upset with me.... sigh.
So we hung up, and I headed over to Lauries house. I brought the pizzas, and my cupcakes that I made yesterday. And as we were carrying them into Laurie's house (oh yeah, we'd taken Jim to the bus at some point in the morning - hehe), Jake accidentally dropped the cupcakes. They had a lid, but they looked like MUSH. Oh well. It upset me a little, but I recovered. They still smelled good. And the girls said that they tasted good. I probably shouldn't have been so grouchy at Jake when it happened. He didn't mean to drop it. Sorry, Jake...
We had lunch, and dessert, then worked on our crafts. It was a nice afternoon. Besides the fact that I was worried that Captain America was upset with me...

When I got home, after picking up Jimmy from the bus, I saw that Captain America had emailed me. And was upset. Sigh. I knew that was gonna happen. He was disappointed in me for not chatting with him instead of going to the party. And it really stressed me out that he was upset with me. And that he wasn't here for me to work it out in person with him...
So I read the email, and re-read it, and tried not to get my feelings too hurt. I know that he's had a rough week over there, and that things are getting busy. And that he's doing his best. And I just wish that he'd realized that I was doing my best too. And had given me a little bit more benefit of the doubt.
I forwarded the email to my therapist, and asked what I should do. I didn't wanna write back and be all grouchy, which I felt like doing. That wasn't gonna help anything. I needed some advice. And who better to ask then the therapist right? He wrote to both Captain America and I and gave us some things to keep in mind, about how we really do love each other, and that it was gonna be hard to keep ourselves feeling close to one another this far away. That we needed to give each other the benefit of the doubt, and make sure that we're doing things to keep ourselves feeling "up and happy" so that we have "up and happy" feelings to share with each other. And then try and take advantage of the times that we do have together.
When the kids got home at 3:30pm, I fed them leftover party food, and went to lay down for an hour or so. I wasn't feeling too good. I felt the beginnings of a stress headache coming on, and all I wanted to do was eat. And that's NOT what I really needed. So I had my snack, and took a nap. And woke up around 4:30 or 5pm.
And had left over pizza from lunch for dinner (2 of them are my serving) and some more salad. And an apple.
And then had the kids start on their chores. And I went in the little kids room, and found that it was TRASHED again. Sigh. What's up with the messy kids!

THe kids are entertained, and really, that's what I'm going for, right?
So here it is, 8:01pm. I'm done blogging. I've got the freebie posted. I'm gonna put the little kids to bed, grab a diet soda and some herbal tea, and watch some TV. Maybe with the big boys. Maybe by myself. I don't know yet. We'll see how the evening plays out :)
Captain America is typically online around 9pm my time, so hopefully he'll chat with me. And we'll get this misunderstanding all worked out. Because I love my man, and I don't want him to have upset feelings with me :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Cool, Sharon! Liking this one!