Hey, my friend! Welcome to the weekend!!! How was your Friday? Mine? Pretty good :) I really think that I pushed it too hard yesterday, because I woke up just EXHAUSTED! After getting the kids on the bus, I texted Kari and told her that I wasn't gonna go swimming. I was pooped. And I figured that if I'm still recovering, another day of exercise was just gonna prolong the recovery process. Right? At least, that's what I was telling myself.
Anyhow, my plan was to go back to sleep, but Captain America Skyped me. And I chatted with him for a few minutes. He said that he was gonna go exercise, then be home around 10am my time. So that left me time to grocery shop! Yes! Kind of! hehe.
And I ended up NOT going to the grocery store. I just kinda hung out on the couch with Jim. And designed for a bit. See, that's taking it easy, right? And then it was 10am, and I got on Skype with Captain America. And Skype wasn't working so hot. We kept getting disconnected, and I was SO not happy with it... I think it's because it was his Friday night, and all the guys were online.... So the server was bogged. OR something like that.
Anyhow, I let Jake chat with Captain America while I got Jim ready for the bus, and then came back and talked with Captain America some more. And around 11:30am, we said bye, and I brought my promblem to Jake. See, my mom had bought us a Video Phone, and it was scheduled to be delivered today. And needed a signature. But, I'd promised Jake that tomorrow (which was now today) I'd take him to the hospital for X-Rays. For some reason, he thinks that it's gonna be fun.... ha!
So I put it in his court. What do we do? Wait for the package and go to the doctor on Monday, or leave a note on the door and hope the FedEx guy leaves the package. He wanted to go, so we went.
And we stopped at the shoppette hospital cafeteria place, and had lunch first. My FAVORITE salad in all the world :) hehe.

And Jake got a hamburger, a corn on the cob, and he ate my croutons. Odd lunch, I know, but I let him pick out what he wanted...

And then it was our turn, and he wanted me to come wit him, so we all headed back to the room.

And I just had to share my funny outfit. I was wearing my new red and white shirt today, with the CUTE white sweater thingy, but it was too hot, so it got shed. Anyway, check out my nifty Easter socks with flip flops. Yeah, I've got some wicked fashion sense!

So I found the same one in the store as online, but only in Red. Captain America wanted one too, but he wanted gray. So I bought one, to see if it was worth it or not. So this one would be Jacob's. And yeah, he was ECSTATIC!

And around that same time, the FedEx guy came! PERFECT timing! So we got our phone, and I hooked it up. And didn't know anyone's phone number, so couldn't do anything with it hehe.
After the kids all go home from school, I tasked them with doing their chores, and I headed out to Big Lots to look for a laptop case for Jake. Because I knew it wasn't safe without one - ha! But, alas, Big Lots didn't have an mini laptop cases. Crap! I could have sworn they did.
But KMart is right next door, so I headed over there. And they had a few to choose from. But they were $15 a piece! Dang, that's spendy! But I figured that it was worth not breaking the laptop, right? So I picked one up, and got a new dog brush for Boxer. He's been shedding a lot lately. Any suggestions for that? Just brush him more?
And then I headed home, and it was 4:45pm. And my mom was home from work, and called to help me get the Video Phone all hooked up. And after a few minutes, we got it working. And the kids chatted with her while I took a shower. And got ready. And then I chatted for a few minutes, and then Terra was here to pick me up for Girls Night Out! YES!
I gave Jake directions on dinner and electronics and what not, and off I went to enjoy some Japanese food with my friends. Never had Japanese food before! And it was at a Teppan Grill, where they cook it RIGHT in front of you. I was STOKED!
Terra and I waiting in the lobby of the place

Here's my Diet Not Dr Pepper....(Because there's only 2 kinds of soda, Diet Dr Pepper, and NOT Diet Dr Pepper...)

And the bill was SO big - hehe. Luckily, they gave us a military discount. It came out to just under $30. Still, that's a VERY expensive dinner for me, you guys. I'm not use to dropping that kind of money for something that's just food...

And then we all headed home. Terra dropped off Alena first, then me. And yeah, my kids were all still up, but they were happy. They were playing games. So I kicked them all off of games, and got everyone ready for bed. And they said that Grandma wanted me to call her when I got home. But first, I snapped a few pictures of myself for Captain America :)

And then we called Grandma on the Video Phone. Pretty cool, huh? We just hooked it up to our router, and it worked just fine :) See, that's my mom! And we chatted with my Dad too! Fun to see you guys!

Soon we tied up with my parents call, and put the little kids to bed, and let them watch a movie in their room, and Jake and Tom and I watched an episode of Chuck . Then they went to bed too. And I sat down to blog. And then I noticed that Jake had just signed into Skype. Well, his computer did it automatically, anyway, when he opened it up. So I Skype called him to tell him to turn off the computer, bring me the laptop, and go to bed. Isn't that funny - hehe :) What a crazy digital age we live in.
I told him that it wasn't safe for teens to have laptops in their bedrooms. He didn't quite get where I was going with it, but I didn't care. No laptops, at night, in your room. Period..
And I blogged. And added pictures. And blogged some more. And now I'm SUPER tired. And I didn't design a freebie yet, so I couldn't get it to Sharon. And it's almost 1am. And I' sleepy. And I still need to design something. So don't blame me if there's a typo. You know how I am when I design after midnight... ha!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work (I must be getting tired, but I totally wrote "If you wanna...." I wonder what I was gonna put in there - ha!)