We get to go out to Scout Camp for the morning today! Should be fun. Since my hubby is the District Director, he can show up at events and bring us with, and we can just walk around and have fun without having to be there all day long. Sometimes that's just the right amount for my gang! Ha! We're a little camped out right now. Our pack is there for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, but Friday morning works perfect for me!
Oh yeah, it's Friday the 13th! Almost forgot. So, are any of you superstitious? Isn't it supposed to be a bad day? (I only knock on wood, no other superstitions - although hubby WON'T cross a black cat - lol!)
This WordArt is for Katie, who wanted something for siblings, but something more formal. Hope you like it, girl! When you're not specific, you get whatever my crazy brain comes up with! Ha!
I like it :) Maybe you will too :)
Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.
AND, in case you didn't see, the EXTRA World's Greatest ______ are finished! I decided to put them all into a giant download together, and YOU can sort out which ones you want. I know. I'm not nice, but individually linking and uploading 35 different wordarts last night didn't sound like a good way to spend the evening. lol!

Flower - Shabby Princess Promise Collection
WordArt by um, er, i forget - oh yeah , by ME!!!!!
I actually made a layout! Can you believe it? Those of you who were here in the early days of the blog will remember that I always tried to make a layout to go with the new WordArt, but then I just got WAY too busy. So, I rely on you all to send me in layouts :) But, here's one that I made, of my mom (on the right) and my aunt (on the left).