What a fabulous Saturday it was yesterday :) I just love the feeling of waking up, and knowing that I don't have to jump out of bed and rush around - LOL! Can you tell I'm looking forward to summer??? Sure, there's things I don't enjoy about summer, too, but the lack of rushing is a HUGE plus in my book :)
I downloaded the pics from my camera today, and found a few fun pics on there that I'd forgotten I'd taken. Here's one of Jimmy from a few days ago, zonked out on the couch. For a kid who doesn't nap, he sure falls alseep during the day quite a bit - hehehe.

These pics are from Wednesday. The day I had lunch with my friends. See the chocolate covered bananas. YUMMY! Just looking at them makes me hungry - LOL!

So it was Armed Forces Day yesterday, and they were having a HUGE celebration on post. I told the kids that we were going there today, and they keep talking about the "party". I coudln't convince them that's not what this way. They asked about playing in the kids' backyard, and having cake. No guy, not that kind of party. It took forever to convince them - hehehe.
So, we got there, and walked around a tiny bit, then saw that they were doing an army/police dog demonstration. Pretty impressive. First they showed the dogs that were trained to take down the bad guys. See this picture below? Yep, that's one of my WORST nightmares, right there. Seriously :)

Here's the kids watching the demonstration.

Then they brought in the dog that was trained to find explosives and such. Not to bite. They let the kids pet the "friendly" dogs. Jim still wouldn't get near the dog after seeing the other 3 demonstrations. Kid after my own heart - LOL!

We wandered around a bit more, collecting stuff as we went. There were booths set up EVERYWHERE. We got lunch from Andrea's booth (hot dogs, chips, and a soda for $2.00), and set down to eat. When we were done, we wandered around some more. Jacob was SO ready to go home, but I made him stay - LOL!
These bear statue things were cool. The kids had fun posing infront of them :)

Here's a missle launcher. Um, Patriot? Maybe? I think so. My kids all knew what it was, anyway.

We went to the booth from the Fire Department, and the kids went inside the little fire trailer, and had a little class on fire safety. Then, they got all the fun "loot". They got these AWESOME mugs (plastic) that changed colors with cold temperature. We ended up with 4 of thm. Sweet! Jimmy wanted the hackiesack instead. To each his own, I guess. The also got pencils and coloring books.
Here's the kids at the Bradley (tank). They each got a turn to crawl inside of it.

And the gun display. It was a favorite of Jake and Tom. They were surprised how hard the guns were to cock. Boys and their toys :)

At the "Say No To Drugs" booth, the kids scored a TON of fun stuff. Mini stuffed animals, stickers, plastic arm bracelets, rulers, bumper stickers, pencils, pens, lots of cool stuff.
On the way back across the field, we spotted another booth, and they were giving away mini fans, and little notebooks with pens, and slinkies, and key chains. OMGosh, it was SO much fun for the kids. Jacob and Thomas informed me that it was no long borning, and that they had a TON of fun :) See, mom does know best :)
We stopped at Andrea's booth before going home, and asked if Ben and Sam could come home with us to play. Here's a pic of all of us walking home. Me with 7 kids - LOL! One guy actually stopped us on the way and asked if they were all mine. "Only 5 of them" I said. 'That's still a lot" was his reply. Ha!
Aren't these 2 ADORABLE! Joe was SO excited to have a friend his age come over and play.

And, a pic of me. Oh yeah, I got a MASSIVE sunburn today. See how my purse is slung across my chest. Well, that part didn't burn - hehehe. So, one side is really burnt, and there's this WHITE strip across my chest. Nice, eh? Maybe I'll start a new trend :) ROFL!

The kids came come, and played computer, played in bedrooms, and played in the slip and slide. We made pumpkin/oatmeal / raisin cookies with lemon glaze. OMGosh they were yummy :) I'll have to remember to make lemon glaze for those kinds of cookies in the future. Because they were SO good :) Bad for the 'ole diet, but SO good :)
OK, so I have a little tangent story, but it's a good one :) Here goes:
I just had to give a quick "THANK YOU" to my new friend, Andrea. I don't think she reads my blog, but just in case, THANKS! Captain America and I were talking about our finances today, and without going into too much detail, it's gonna be tight this month. The army will "reimburse" him for all of his trave expenses, but that means that he actually has to pay to get home first. Sigh. Hopefully the $$ we have left will be enough to get him home (and live on till the next paycheck comes in). It'll be REAL close.
Anyway, there IS a point to this story - LOL! I had Andrea's 2 oldest boys over today to play with my kids, and kept them while she and her hubby went to a church meeting. When they got back, I'd already fed the kids and sent the left overs home with her for dinner. So she didn't have to cook. 'Cause I'm nice - LOL! Anyway, we made plans to go grocery shopping on Monday together, because neither of us shop on Sunday. She wanted to know if I could survive that long without shopping. I said that I was out of cereal, but that we'd manage until Monday. She said that she had an extra box at home, and would run it by later.
Well, at 9:30, I got a knock on the door, and there was Andrea and her husband, with a few bags of groceries. OMGosh! She had no way of knowing that I was SUPER low on supplies (out of milk and bread as well as cereal) and $$. I was SO grateful for her thoughtfulness. I know that she was inspired to bring those things over. It's amazing how much Heavenly Father watches out for us. And loves us and wants to take care of us. And he uses other people to do that :) So, thanks Andrea, for listening when Heavenly Father whispered that the Harty's needed a little extra help :)
As I was thinking about a "religious" themed Wordart I could make for today, this song kept popping into my head. I sing it to my kids when they do something naughty - LOL! It goes like this:
There's a right way to live and be happy,
it is choosing the right every day
I am learning the teachings of Jesus,
they will help me and show me the way,
Choose the right way and be happy
I will always choose the right.
And you know what? I've found that in my life, when I "choose the right way", I AM more happy :) Some say it's being blessed. Some say it's good karma. Whatever you call it, it's true. Doing good makes you feel good, and then makes you happy :) If you're feeling down or depressed, do something nice for someone else, and you'll be amazed how much better it will make you feel.
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leaves some love if you like my work :)
OOps, good thing i check my email before church :) Just had time to upload one place - I'll be back after church :)box.net

Choose - Susie's Hand
Right - Perpetua Titling MT