I dropped the kids off at school, and drove to the Commissary. It was a blustery day, and it felt like it was gonna rain. Kinda on and off sprinkling when I went in the commissary.
I got all my shopping done, and even had $10 left over. Not too shabby. It was lightly sprinkling when I left the commissary, but I must say, it reminded me of home. The Oregon Coast is always wet and blustery. I missed it. Kinda of - ROFL!
Next, I stopped by the PX to see if they had a Compass. You know, the kind for drawing circles. Jake needed one for school. Nope. No compasses. Sigh. I headed home to put my groceries away.
Captain America was back by then, and said that the doctor put him on "Quarters", saying that he had an ear infection, and gave him new drugs to "unplug" himself. hehehe. So, first he gets medicine to not have diarrhea, now he has medicine to not be constipated. Sigh. Back and forth and back and forth. His poor system!
He was feeling much better, flu wise, though, so was able to be up and about today. I was a bit bummed that we missed the Hail and Farewell tonight, though. It was dinner at a nice restaurant. That would have been fun. Oh well. Next month.
After putting all the groceries away (no small task), I checked some emails, and hung out at home for a while. I ate lunch at noon, and at 12:30, Andrea and I went to WalMart. I needed a white shirt for Captain America for Sunday (his old one got washed with a pink crayon.....) and a compass and protractor for Jake. And some soup for Captain America. The doctor said that soup would be good :)
At Walmart, they didn't have the shirts that he needed, but did have cheap protractors and compasses. Flimsey, but cheap. The kids broke the last expensive one I bought, so I figured that I'd just buy two cheap ones (under a dollar a piece), and hope for the best.
After Walmart, we went to Ross, hoping that they'd have a shirt for Captain America. They didn't, but I called him, and he showed me the next best thing to get. It was fun walking around and looking at all the home decorating stuff.
We were home with about 40 minutes to spare before we picked up the kids from school. I helped Jake with his school, and hung out with Captain America for a while.
I left at 3pm to get the kids from school, and and was home by 3:45pm. I'd started dinner before I left, and finished it off. It was a meatloaf. I took 2 lbs of ground turkey (lean), and put it in a large metal mixing bowl. I added some chopped fresh parsley, some chopped onion, some chopped mushrooms, some Parmesan cheese, some salt, some Italian seasoning, 1 cup of oats, some Worshestire sauce, and mixed it up by hand.
I filled 12 lined muffin tins with the mixture, till it was HEAPING full, and baked at 350 for about an hour. A little less, actually. Oh yeah, before it went it, and brushed on watered down ketchup over the meatloaf.
When it was done cooking, I cooked up some sweet potato fries, and also salad. It looked SO good, I had to eat some. Bad. Not on my diet. I had 2 meatloaf muffins (LOL at the name), a serving of Sweet Potato fries, and some salad with spray on ranch dressing (like 10 calories, maybe). SO, although I cheated and at things not on the diet, it wasn't too much of a stretch. I thought that it would curb the food cravings, but no, it didn't . I was SO tempted to go and eat both peanut butter granola bars in the cupboard, but I resisted. But it was hard.
I worked on answering some emails after dinner. I took out any emails from my husband, or from my FRG leader, or my mom, or a family member, and from church, and just left the WordArt related emails, and my inbox is at 300.
300 emails! I really, honestly don't know how I'm gonna personally answer 300 emails. And they just keep coming. SO, if you emailed me, and I didn't respond, it isn't because I don't care. It's because I don't have enough hours in the day to do everything - LOL! Sorry, girls! I'm trying :)
At 8pm, Andrea and I headed out to Girls Night Game Night. Captain America and I were supposed to go on a date, but because he was sick and couldn't leave the house, we're moving it to Saturday night. SO it freed up my evening, so I could go and play with the girls. It was at Kayleys house, and was SO much fun.
We played some silly game at first, and I didn't really like it. I don't like those games where you have to be the center of attention. Although I may seem like I like it on here, in real life, it makes me nervous. And stressed. LOL!
But my team won, so it wasn't too bad. Next, we played Scattegories. OMGosh, it's one of my favorites! But I always have a hard time not getting to "bad" with it - LOL! Like, for instance, when they asked for a word that starts with the letter "P" and grows...... Yeah, I had a hard time not wetting myself from laughing so hard. I know they all think that I'm a heathen - ROFL! At least Andrea is with me. She's a heathen too, I guess - LOL! That's why we get along :)
We came home at 10pm, she dropped me off, and went to get her kids from the sitter. My kids (well, the older ones), were still up playing Uno with their dad. I went to work (design and blog), and they played till about 10:45pm.
It's 11pm now, and I may watch a quick TV show online, then go to bed. I'm hoping to sleep in tomorrow :)
So, Saturday Second Chance, or something like that. Well, the one that I picked wasn't too bad to start with, but I focused on different words, so it's completely different :) Yeah! Here's the old one....

And here's the new one. See, totally different. But both good :) I'm good with different - hehehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!