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Sunday, March 2, 2008


Sunday Bonus! OK, not really. It's just a slight variation of a WordArt that I've already done. A few of your requested WordArt for your children with ADHD or ADD. I retooled the "Autism is only a part of ME" WordArt to reflect the ADHD and ADD. Hope you enjoy!!!


Anonymous said...

Thank You Thank You Thank You!! I love these.Thanks for thinking of those with ADD ADHD.TFS!

Anonymous said...

Here's one I'd love to see turned into wordart. It was in an ad for a local craft store.

Loved you yesterday
Love you still
Always have
Always will

Anonymous said...

This is so awesome thank you so much!

MiniCooper452 said...

OMG! I can't tell you how wonderful your words are. I'm sniffling and wiping tears away, happy and sad. I've bookmarked your page to come back again and again when I stuck for things to say. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. And THANK your husband for serving and the kids and you for sacrificing.

BrainPower Wellness Institute said...

Thank u for sharing with us. This is so good. I also write on the topic ADD vs ADHD. Feel free to check out my blog.