Thanks so much to Carla, from Designing Moments, for offering me a space at her store. I uploaded my first WordArt kit today, and it's all ready to go.
So, what does this mean for my blog? Well, it'll still be here. And, they'll still be daily freebies. When I get a new kit for the store, I'll put a link on my blog to the store. All the freebies on my blog will stay freebies. Only new things created for the store will be for sale.
At present, I'm making 4 freebies a day for you all. Well, that may slow down a bit. Probably more like 2 per day. I'll still do requests, but it may take a bit longer to get them, what with only 2 WordArts per day. But, I'm so excited to try this. I think it'll be fun :)
So, below is my first WordArt kit available at Designing Moments. Drop by and check it out! Thanks!!

Bethany, I think you are very talented and certainly have a niche in the scrapbook/digital market. I hope your new venture goes well for you. I appreciate the freebies, but would gladly pay for your work. You're awesome!
I knew this would happen... I'm surprised it took this long! You're amazing & I'm sure you'll do very well at DM! I love your work and appreciate your freebies!
Thank you!!!
WHOOHOOO! I'm so happy for you! I was wondering when a store was gonna grab you up! Good luck!!
Wow, well done on your achievement. You deserve it. I love all your work and so appreciate the freebies you give us. I have used some and make sure I link to your blog each time I put one on mine.
You're awesome. Thank you for being so talented and kind xxxx
Thanks for still sharing!! This will be a wonderful way for others to see your word art talent... and thank you for still keeping your old links active!
woooohooo that is so awesome for you.. your work is awesome.
That is so AWESOME!!!
Congratulations on the new store. I just discovered your blog and love all the beautiful WA I see.
Thank you for your generosity.
I was wondering...I have been looking for some fun boy WA at saw this quote I thought it would be lots of fun...since I have 3 we are raising so far.
from Alan Marshall Beck:
A boy is Truth with dirt on its face, Beauty with a cut on its finger, Wisdom with bubble gum in its hair and the Hope of the future with a frog in its pocket.
Thanks again for the great word art.
You totally deserve it, that's so cool!
All the best of luck for you, girl!
Bethany, Congratulations to you on your new store, I know you will do well! Thanks for all you share with us!!
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