Ok, I've been tagged 3 times in one day! What's up with that ? hehehe - does that mean that I'm loved! Lets see if I can figure out how to play :)
I was tagged by Bonnie , Jeanie (aka scrapdoctor designs) , and LJ Marinello (bella memorie) - Thanks girls! I know this means that you like me :) hehehe
Anyway here's the rules:
- Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
- Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
- Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
- Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. I love making faces and being silly - oh, and I wear aprons. what, you think that's dorky. I don't care, I LOVE aprons! It's like dishtowels attached to your body!!! See the cute apron that my grandma in Oregon made for me! Thanks Grandma Ida :)
2. I met my in-laws for the first time on my Wedding day. At the wedding ceremony when I walked in. They were coming from Illinois to Portland Oregon, and we were driving 3 1/2 hours to get to the Portland temple, and had car trouble. We should have had an hour to meet and chat with them in the parking lot before hand, but it didn't work out that way. Our meeting was memorable, don't you think! (my mom is a paper scrapper, and posted a few of my wedding photos on her blog a while back - thanks mom!)
3. I'm afraid of manholes - I know, you're scared too, just thinking about it!!! Can you imagine actually falling into one. I shudder just thinking about it. And what would be even worse, is getting into a car crash, stumbling out of the car, getting attacked by a dog, THEN falling into a manhole. That's my nightmare scenario! Yeah, stop laughing! You know it sounds scary too!
4. I obsessively check my e-mail. It's gotten really bad lately. When online, I always have to have a window with g-mail open, and I'm on the computer a lot (what with homeschooling through a virtual academy). Our last civil war weekend was 2 days with no e-mail checking. I went through some serious withdrawals that Saturday :) But, I survived!
5. I arrange my closet by color. I used to arrange it by types of clothes, but I find that when I go to pick out an outfit, I pick color first, then type. Aren't I strange :) I like to look through my closet and see the pretty rainbow of colors. First blues, then blacks, then pinks, reds, purples, whites, creams, yellows, browns, and greens. I by FAR have the most black. It's such a lovely and sliming color, don't you think! (and just because I like my clothes color coordinated doesn't mean I'm a neat freak. just ask my hubby. he'll tell you otherwise. i'm really kinda messy - but don't tell anyone else!!!)
6. I've been pregnant 7 times, and have 5 kids. Yep, miscarriages between #1-2 and between #2-3. I guess my body just likes the 2 year spacing, not the 15-18 month spacing. It was sad at the time, but I'm not one to be sad about things for long. I had a friend who miscarried a while back, and I was really glad that I could help her though her tough time because I knew what she'd gone through, and how she was feeling. Things happen for a reason :) - Here they all are at the Build-A-Bear workshop in St. Louis. Poor little things had to all share 1 bear (puppy) - but it's has 7 hearts, so it'll have extra love!!!
#7 - One more to go! Let's see.....hmmmm.....I can pick up things with my toes! Can you? I LOVE this talent that I have (hey, it's a talent, don't laugh). No more bending over to get things. I just pick it up with my toes, and bend my leg up to my hands. AWESOME! hehehe. Goes right along with hating to wear shoes. Can't pick things up with shoes on, no can you?

2. I met my in-laws for the first time on my Wedding day. At the wedding ceremony when I walked in. They were coming from Illinois to Portland Oregon, and we were driving 3 1/2 hours to get to the Portland temple, and had car trouble. We should have had an hour to meet and chat with them in the parking lot before hand, but it didn't work out that way. Our meeting was memorable, don't you think! (my mom is a paper scrapper, and posted a few of my wedding photos on her blog a while back - thanks mom!)

3. I'm afraid of manholes - I know, you're scared too, just thinking about it!!! Can you imagine actually falling into one. I shudder just thinking about it. And what would be even worse, is getting into a car crash, stumbling out of the car, getting attacked by a dog, THEN falling into a manhole. That's my nightmare scenario! Yeah, stop laughing! You know it sounds scary too!

4. I obsessively check my e-mail. It's gotten really bad lately. When online, I always have to have a window with g-mail open, and I'm on the computer a lot (what with homeschooling through a virtual academy). Our last civil war weekend was 2 days with no e-mail checking. I went through some serious withdrawals that Saturday :) But, I survived!

5. I arrange my closet by color. I used to arrange it by types of clothes, but I find that when I go to pick out an outfit, I pick color first, then type. Aren't I strange :) I like to look through my closet and see the pretty rainbow of colors. First blues, then blacks, then pinks, reds, purples, whites, creams, yellows, browns, and greens. I by FAR have the most black. It's such a lovely and sliming color, don't you think! (and just because I like my clothes color coordinated doesn't mean I'm a neat freak. just ask my hubby. he'll tell you otherwise. i'm really kinda messy - but don't tell anyone else!!!)
6. I've been pregnant 7 times, and have 5 kids. Yep, miscarriages between #1-2 and between #2-3. I guess my body just likes the 2 year spacing, not the 15-18 month spacing. It was sad at the time, but I'm not one to be sad about things for long. I had a friend who miscarried a while back, and I was really glad that I could help her though her tough time because I knew what she'd gone through, and how she was feeling. Things happen for a reason :) - Here they all are at the Build-A-Bear workshop in St. Louis. Poor little things had to all share 1 bear (puppy) - but it's has 7 hearts, so it'll have extra love!!!

#7 - One more to go! Let's see.....hmmmm.....I can pick up things with my toes! Can you? I LOVE this talent that I have (hey, it's a talent, don't laugh). No more bending over to get things. I just pick it up with my toes, and bend my leg up to my hands. AWESOME! hehehe. Goes right along with hating to wear shoes. Can't pick things up with shoes on, no can you?
OK, now for the tagging of 7 people. Hmmmm, who's it gonna be?
Melissa - Love your blog, girl- You're awesome!
Crystal - Have so much fun on our Collabs :)
Madi - You're my little sis, and you're awesome
Tom - Don't worry, I'll help you do it (he's my 8 year old, and is always asking me to make WordArt for him so that people will come to his blog too!)
Sharon Kay - cause you like my WordArt :)
Ramona (treasured reflections) - because you nominated me for the Arte Y Pico award :), and because you are a SAHM of 5 too!
ScrapShana - you're just cool! and you make nice digi things!
Allright, now I have my list of the 7 people who hate me...er, who were tagged. I supposed I'm supposed to go to their blogs and let them know that, right.
Crystal - Have so much fun on our Collabs :)
Madi - You're my little sis, and you're awesome
Tom - Don't worry, I'll help you do it (he's my 8 year old, and is always asking me to make WordArt for him so that people will come to his blog too!)
Sharon Kay - cause you like my WordArt :)
Ramona (treasured reflections) - because you nominated me for the Arte Y Pico award :), and because you are a SAHM of 5 too!
ScrapShana - you're just cool! and you make nice digi things!
Allright, now I have my list of the 7 people who hate me...er, who were tagged. I supposed I'm supposed to go to their blogs and let them know that, right.
And now for the freebie! This is for all of your layouts of your kids (or you) playing tag, or for the friendly game of tag that we all so love to play here in the digi world! Hope you enjoy!

Thanks for the fun read this morning! BTW, what font did you use for the word TAG?
Now, how cool is that??? To be tagged by Bethany Harty!! Can I put this on my resume?? LOL
Great list of facts. Love how you put a picture with each one. I'm not that brave! LOL
This is a great WA thanks. I cracked up over your tag answers so thanks for the morning chuckle.
I also popped over to your son's blog to say hi.
Figured since he is a kiddo I should let you know :)
Thanks Brooke - I have Tom's blog comments emailed to me, so I know who's looking at his stuff. Love blogger and the cool things you can do on it!
And scrapshana - hehehe, you're so funny!!!
oh yeah, Jody, the font is pharmacy - one of my favorites!!!
Thanks for all your lovley WA.
I'am fan of you :-)
Hugs from switzerland
Thanks for all the lovely WA each day! Love it, love it, love it! Where do you get all your cool fonts? I've tried looking some of them up on free font sites and can't find them.
I pick up stuff with my toes too! heheh. Come over look at my 7 random facts too if you want :) I also checked out your son's blog, cool 'pets' he has on there :) hehehe.
Thanks for the WA! I had to laugh when I was reading your list because it was like I was reading about myself, except for the apron thing. Manholes, grates, any hole in the ground that you can go through, I avoid like the plague. Now my boys on the other hand thinks it' hilarious and purposely walk on them to give me heart attack! My husband and I were living in Europe when we got married so I met her for the first time just days before we got married. And I have my gmail go through Outlook and I never close the program and it's set up to check every 2 minutes...that's obsessive and my closet is organized by colors as well (and I set my husband's up that way too). And we're a homeschooling family too!
Woohoo!!! I got tagged! And I so totally pick up things with my toes, too. I swear this is something we've developed due to babies hanging off of our hips, don't you? It is so much easier to pick something up with my toes than have to bend over and hang the baby upside down, haha!
I was married in the Portland, OR Temple too. I knew I recognized those doors...lol
Again thank you for all your wonderful wordart. It's truely wonderful!
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