And here's my dad, reading to all the kids. While it may look like a nice family friendly moment, he was adding his own "twist" to the story. It had 5 little Chinese boys who looked exactly the same, and he was pointing out that even their butt cracks were even the same. Nice dad - ha!!! (The little blond girl is my brothers - Taylor)

And here's my proof that I got on the 3 wheeler. Yeah for me! Here's my one and only time on the thing. Sorry, Dad, I'm not going out for a repeat ride!!! That was SCARY! AND, can I just say that I'm not climatized yet! It's FREEZING out here - LOL! Haven't taken my hoodie off since we got here (practically)
Have you ever watched ABC's "Wipeout"? Oh my heck! My boys think it's HILARIOUS! The were watching it in the other room last night, and they were laughing so hard, I thought they'd hurt themselves - Ha!!!
Well, it's another WordArt Wednesday. I thought that this one turned out quite nice :) I thought it would be PERFECT for heritage albums and pages. What do you think?
Click HERE to go to the freebie section of Scraporchard, and just remember, you need to be signed in to grab the WordArt. Thanks girls!!!
I did something similar to what your son did at Easter time. I was able to pull the thorns out, but they left little slivers everywhere in my foot and made it hard to walk for a week. It was extremely painful. I hope he's feeling ok.
Three wheelers are SO scary! They tip over so easy. Now four wheelers, that's a whole nother thing!!
Those are burrs girlie girl! Hopefully life will settle in for you!
Good luck!
Those spikey things are called sand spurs down here in Florida. OOOUUUUCHIE!
Ouch!! We have a weed that grows in our dirt and a few neighbors have called it goats head. The kids will track them in on their shoes and I've stepped on them with bare feet. It's hurts so i can sympathize with your son. No fun!
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