OK girls! Here's a Halloween challenge for you! Be the first to correctly guess who I am for Halloween (I SO wanted to be a witch at the party, but they said no witches - how RUDE!!!), and you'll win a FREE WORDART pack of your choosing :) Just leave a comment on this post :)
So, any guesses?
OK, I'm back from the party - SO fun to look at all of your comments! I forgot to say, family members can't play (hehehe), so I had to delete my SIL's comment. So, none of the guesses still on this post (I think there's 25 as of right now) are right - but some VERY good ones.
Hmmmm, I think you may need a clue. I'm a character from one of my favorite shows. If you know me at all, or read my blog thoroughly, you should know which one it is :) Hehehe, I'm making you WORK for this one!
BUT, there were some VERY good guesses. Alice or Rosalie from Twilight were GOOD guesses! Never thought of that one. Angelina Jolie was flattering - she's gorgeous! And who doesn't LOVE Rachel Ray :) Sorry, girls, I had hard costumes - LOL!
I have my guess, but I feel inelligable (how do I spell that??)!
I'll PM you though just so I can have personal bragging rights if I'm right!!
I have
But, you look fabulous, as usual!!
I don't know, but I'm glad I'm not the only one using the top of my fridge as a catch-all! :)
You look like a PO'd woman that was denied her whitchness!! (& very thin!! YAY YOU!!)
sarah palin..by mary anne
Pat, I think you look like Angelina Jolie!!
Someone from Twilight? Bella Swan? (I haven't read the book, it's a little too mature for my students...but, it's a guess!)
You look fav. 1st of all...I think your that chick from "Greese", can't remember her name right now. Can I have a 2nd guess? You look like a thinner version of you.
Way to go girl!
You look fab Rachael Ray!
I know who you are...(at least I hope!) You look like either Piper or Pheobe from Charmed...AH Ha...you can still go as a witch! *LOL*
Am I right??
rizzo from grease
your looking fabbbbbb
Thing I thought of was Saturday Night Fever, because of the leather coat!
I'm thinking Rachel Ray, partly because of where you are posing.
Sharon in Eugene
I'm not going to say because being a SUPER LUCKY member of your CT, I've got a huge stash of wordart. BUT I'm almost positive I know. So, I'll just check the comments tomorrow to see if anyone else if on my wavelength LOL.
olivia newton john by M.A.
You are so pretty!!!
Posh Spice (Victoria Beckham)
I'll guess Alice from the Twilight books. That was who popped in my head as soon as I saw your picture.
Shoot! I was gonna say Alice Cullen but it looks like Heidi beat me to it.
I agree with whoever said Angelina Jolie.
Paige from Charmed...thanks to my son if that guess is right...LOL! You look truly beautiful, and I'm inspired to get back on program with Weight Watchers...WOWZERS!
Here's to more fab word art, and
Hugs from the heart,
I am thinking Alicia Keys with her new short do...or maybe Rhianna? Looking good!
Rosalie from the Twilight series.
You do look FAB - way to go on the weight loss
Rosalie from the Twilight series.
You do look FAB - way to go on the weight loss
I would say Piper Halliwell from Charmed. She liked to stand with her arms crossed and shoulders back and you are in the kitchen, where she was a lot, cooking.
Well, I say Phoebe Halliwell (Mrs. Cupid) since she has short hair, liked headbands, big earrings...
You look amazing!
Keep guessing girls! No one's got it yet :)
A while back you posted pictures of you and your husband and your weight loss...but I'm wondering if I missed a post on how exactly you've lost your weight. You look fantastic and I'd love to know about your lifestyle change!
Dang...you look awesome Sweetie Pie! I wish I could be there too. Although I don't have enough hair to be the matching 'companion'
Love you and looking very awesome...can't wait to see you again!!!
I can't guess because I asked Mom, but my first guess was Tonks from Harry Potter, but black...i guess..ha, anyway...I noticed in that picture, on top of the fridge, that white thing is mine and you should have Mom send it to me!! Great costume btw, very inventive!
I know, I know, you look like Martha Jones from Dr. Who!!!
You're looking great girl.
How about a CSI character??? Now which one...Sarah or the other one who's name escapes me b/c it's 5am.
Please do share the story of your weight loss for all of us out here who are currently inspired by you!
I guess Grace from Saving Grace, minus the long hair! I think it's the leather jacket that is doing it!
Oh and by the way, you look HOT!!! Great job on your weight loss!
Can I play even though I'm on your CT? Ummm...you look like Carrie from the King of Queens!
LMBO, I was so wrong!!!
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