I chatted with a really nice guy who was an officer in the Air Force before our flight left, and designed all the way to Denver. I made some Birthday Ages wordart packs. They're pretty cool, actually - LMBO!
I was able to get my bag (they put my carry on under the plane because it was full) back, grab a sandwhich at the deli, and board the next flight to Birmingham. Yeah, I ususally don't like to cut it that close, but it worked out this time :)
I landed in Birmingham 10:15pm CST, and was on the road in my rental car by 11:00pm CST. It was only 9pm my time, so I did ok. It was raining, and dark, but I managed to make it the almost 3 hours to Columbus Georgia, AND find my hotel. Any of you who know me will agree, that's quite a feat - LOL! I only got turned around 3 times, and was able to quickly course correct. That's always a good thing.
I got to my hotel room at about 3 am, and my hubby, who had already checked in for the night, was just getting up and getting ready to head to base. CRAZY! Who gets up that early. Soldiers, I guess - LOL! They had a drug test. I guess those are important too - hehehe. I went to sleep, and he was back at 4:30 am, slept till 7:00 am, and was gone again by 8:00 am. Well, I slept in till 11:15 am (but only 8:15 my time). Boy was that nice.
He came back to the hotel at about noon, and we got ready and went to lunch at Red Lobster. That's fancy for us - LOL! I had Shrimp Salad, and Clam Chowder in a Sourdough Bread Bowl. We also had some Coconut Shrimp appetizers, and an Apple pie / ice cream thingy for dessert. TO DIE FOR!!! I love food - LOL!
Then, we headed to Staple to fax our ORDERS to the housing department. OH YEAH!!! I almost forgot to tell you that we got our ORDERS!!! We're definitely going to Fort Bliss, Texas!!! We'll be there all through BOLC II and BOLC III, and stationed there after that too. Usually newly commissioned 2nd LTS stay at their first Permanant Duty Station (PDS) for 36 months, until they make captain, or so I've been told. So that's 3 years in El Paso! Woohoo!!! I'm SO excited.
We HAD to stop at Wal-Mart (hehehe), because my deoderant broke, I was out of contact solution, and I didn't bring my body wash. All important things - hehehe. I got a new sleeveless jacket thingy too. It's pretty cute. White, puffy, and a furry hood. OK, it sounds kinda funny, but trust me, it's NEAT!
After Wal-Mart, we headed over to Trader Joes. It's a store that all the Military guys buy their uniforms, and such at. Or something like that. My man really knows how to show a girl a good time - hehehe. He dropped off a shirt to be dry cleaned, and we looked around for a while.
We headed back to the hotel, and quickly got ready for the dance. It started between 5:00pm and 5:30pm. The place was pretty nice, but the building next door (HUGE brick building!!!), had just recently burned down (2 months ago), so it kinda had a "bombed out" feel to the place. I was like "WHERE are you taking me?" when we pulled up - hehehe.
Wow! The ball was FANTASTIC!!! Everything I hoped it would be :) We really did have a fantastic time :) I met all of Captain Americas friends (yeah, so many that I only remember like 3 people - LOL), we had a GREAT speaker, had FANTASTIC food (gotta love salmon!), and STRAWBERRY shortcake (YUMMY!), and I even got a slow dance. All in all, it was a PERFECT night :)
This is Captain America's roommate and his wife. They were AWESOME! I could have easily been her friend. They have 3 kids, and have been married about as long as we have, if not longer. They are getting stationed at Germany. Lucky! LOL!
Look at how fancy the tables were (yeah, it doesn't take much to impress me - LOL!) We got to keep the fancy silver flosted glasses. They said their class, and something else on them. Kinda like the glasses you get to keep at prom.
And YUMMY Strawberry Shortcake. It was so moist and GOOD! Dang good :) LOL! yes, I know, pathetic. Fancy dance, and I'm taking pictures of food - hehehe. Keeping it real :)
Tomorrow, there's some kind of meeting from 9-12 on post for the families. It had some kind of Acronym, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is, and Captain America's already asleep. But, they're gonna tell us all about being a military family, and stuff like that. He's gotta be on post at 8:45 anyway, so he'll just drop me off, then afterwords, we'll eat lunch there, and go to the PX. I just LOVE the PX. Ha! I want to find some little Army souviners for my friends who are watching my kids.
It's WordArt Wednesday again, and if you look carefully at Scraporchard, you'll see that last week (or maybe it was 2 weeks ago, can't remember), we used my 12 Days of Christmas as Word Art Wednesday Week 26 or something like that. Well, this week is Week 26. OK. Ha! Just go with it :) LOL!

I just discovered your site and I love it! Your wordart is great. I enjoy the pictures and personal stories as well. Thanks for sharing your work with us.
Sounds like you guys had a BLAST! How neat! And, you're going to be a TEXAS GIRL -- which I AM! :) I don't know much about El Paso, but I hope you love it there!
Thank you so much for sharing your AWESOME wordart!! Looks & sounds like you had a BALL!! hehe You two look WONDERFUL!!! Hope you have a GREAT day! :D
So glad to hear where you got your orders to! That's exciting. Love the word art, it's going to easily go on 99% of my daughters pages... ha ha!
glad you had a good time !!
Recognized the ladies foot by the chair(behind your hubbys roommate), she took off her shoes LOL
where in Germany is the roommate going to be stationed? no clue huh?
well, we are living in Germany, and my boss will be leaving for Texas in June, he will open up a "Schnitzel"-restaurant there.. close to an army base,.. so if you ever hear about it or come across it, he is a blast of a cook!!!! (since you love eating as much as I do)
When I read over your comment of "leaving some love if you like my work", I couldn't help but think...Love doesn't quite describe it. Admiration and gratitude seem like better words. Thanks for all of your time and talent that you share with all of us!
Glad you had a good time at the ball and you enjoyed the food. I hope you like Texas...I love Texas I moved here when I was a little girl have loved it ever since. We have to teach you words like Howdy and yall!!! LOL
I want to live in Texas!! Congratulations!!!
Looks like you're having lots of fun in Georgia.
Sounds very exciting! ... and TEXAS woohoo!
I have a son and daughter-in-law stationed at Ft Bliss! He's been there for the past three years. He heads back to Ga and Ft Stewart this spring.
Bethany, I love your word art! You are so gifted! I used to live in El Paso and graduated from high school there! My stepmom works at the PX at Ft. Bliss! I hope you love it there like I did. You HAVE to eat at Chico's Tacos! They are a local favorite! Yummy rolled tacos! We love to eat there whenever we go back to visit!! TRUST me! They are awesome! We now live in the DFW metroplex. Love Texas!! Glad you'll be here, too!
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