Here's some pics from the morning we left. It's of me and my grandma Ida...
Here's me and the truck at the gas station before leaving town. Boy did the guys at the gas station get a good laugh at us - hehehehe. The were sure stareing a lot - LOL!
We went down the coast, and cut in-land at Reedsport. We picked up I-5 around Roseburg, and headed south. After cresting a mountain, and as we were coming down the other side (we were above the fog), we saw this HUGE valley of fog. It was INCREDIBLE!!! It looked like the ocean. A white, glowing, ocean of fog. It was awesome! Here a pic of it before we went underneath the bank.
You know, it really was nice having Jacob in the front seat to navigate. He's pretty good with a map, a fast reader, and a smart kid. The problem? All the video game talk. OMGosh! I got a PLAY - BY - PLAY recap of every new Gamecube game he got for Christmas. I seriously wanted to drive off into that fog bank a few times. But, I was nice, and listened, and gave the appropriate "uh huh, yeah, oh cool, really?". He seemed really pleased that I was listening and engaged, and I know that he loves me all the more now for it. The things we do for our children.
We passed a few mountains on the way. I know that Mt. Shasta was one of them. Sorry honey, I know you'd be terribly disappointed in me for not remembering their names, but I was concentrating on keeping the trailer on the road. hehehehe. BTW, Jacob, my 11 year old, was the photograper for the trip. He did a GREAT job. Thanks, sweetie!
We stopped for the night at Willows, which is south of Redding. We got there at 6ish, and I had everyone in bed and asleep by 8:45. Oh yeah, I'm just that good. We were up a little before 7am, and on the road by 8. We stopped in Merced for lunch at Wendy's at noon, and as we left Bakersfield on Hwy 58, we saw the most AMAZING hills. Its what I would have imagined Ireland looks like. Green hills, rocks, beautiful! Jacob got a few pics of them.
OK, so these pics don't look like Ireland, but trust me, they did. It was amazing. A little bit later, I decided to pull over and call my Aunt Sue for some navagation help. Since I'd passed my original stopping location for the evening, I now needed a new stopping place. After about 15 minutes, we had a hotel booked for Victorville. It put me right on the road that I needed to be on in the morning, and was only about an hour or so from were I was.
Here are a few pics of the kids playing in the parking lot while I was on the phone. Apparently, Jacob had the camera. LMBO!
And, back on the road, apparently Jacob snapped one more pic before dark. Love it, Jake! Great job :)
Hehehe, notice there's no pics of me from day 2? No shower, no make up the day before, fast food for 2 days, hair in a bandana. Yeah, you can imagine what I look like. Wednesday is shower day for sure - LMBO!
Oh yeah, more news. My sister, Madi, is in the hospital having her BABY!!! Woohoo! Her due date was Monday, and at her dr. appointment on Tuesday, they told her to come in later that evening, and they'd keep her overnight, then start a pic drip Wed am. My mom quickly got a ticket from Portland to St. Lake, and headed out. Can't wait to meet you, baby Lily!!!! I'm SO excited :)
So. Word Art Wednesday again. Can you believe it's WEEK 28. Holy cow! Since I'm on the road, Shauna from ScrapOrchard is gonna be posting this for me. Sorry I don't have the direct link. Maybe Gail, my blog manager (hint hint - LMBO!) can link it up for ya :) Did I mention how AWESOME she is!!! She's the one that links all my posts over on the right hand side of the column.
Anyway, on Wednesday, if you go to Scraporchard, and look in the gallery (remember, you need to be signed into the gallery for this to work), you can find my WordArt. And I just KNOW that you're gonna want this one :)

Gotcha linked up, girlfriend! Drive safely!
Oh my goodness those pictures are just incredible!! Sounds like an uneventful trip - that's a good thing! LOL
Drive safe!
I'm so glad that you guys are doing great!!
Glad you're doing well!! That is a lot of driving in a short time. I hope the end of the trip goes just as well as the beginning.
Thanks for the word art! Take care!!
So glad you guys are doing well..loved the pictures. Take care and stay safe.
Beautiful pictures! I'm glad to hear all is going well on the trip.
Hope you get there quickly and safely.
Oh Bethany, i only live an hour from Victorville!!
WOW that fog photo is AWESOME!! Jacob did a FANTASTIC job with the camera!! WAY to go!! :D
Big CONGRATS goes to your sister too!
Safe travels to you!! Thank you for sharing your AWESOME wa!! Hope you have a GREAT day! :D
I'm happy to hear the trip is going fine, I can't imagine myself with the truck, the trailer, the kids and all those miles ahead... Take care!
We drove to California one time from Kentucky to visit my son in the NAVY. Victorville was a stopping place for us as well. While there we ate lunch at Peggy Sue's Diner, the cutest little place striaght from the 50s and Route 66 Days!!!! Good luck on your trip and be safe!
Your son is taking some great photos. Drive safe and take care out of the road.
Wow, you & Jacob got some awesome photos, enjoyed seeing them. Stay safe & keep us posted when you can.
I certainly admire what you and your husband have undertaken. I've been watching and so enjoy your blog.
I am so happy for you that you are all going to be back together as a family. Take care and stay safe on the rest of your drive.
Welcome to Texas.
Ack, you are down the street from me! roflol. I actually live in the town you are at, nice and brown huh? Yay for Victorville. Sorry, a little stalker here but had to comment on that. Not too often someone knows our little town. lol
I so glad your travels are going well. The pictures are awesome. Jacob is doing a wonderful job. Hope your journey continues to go well!
I know RU not here yet but I wanted to say Welcome to TX!!! If UR ever in SA, let me know! I recently found your blog and am just in love with your word art. Thanks for sharing and have a safe trip.
Forgot to say...grew up in Southern Oregon and the first mountain picture is Mt Mcloughlin, the second is Mt. Shasta...hope that helps!
Jacob took some awesome pictures, and I'm glad to see the guys sporting their Cardinal kit.
It sounds like you guys are making good time. The pictures are super! You've got a budding photographer on your hands.
Thanks for the wordart!!
These are beautiful pictures and I love your wordart. I am looking forward to hearing how the new home is and how the trip ended. Get internet soon :)
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