His flight left at 6:45 this morning, so he wanted to be there at 5:45am. We left the house as 5:15am, complete with my mapquest directions. All I have to say is,
Mapquest, you are DEAD TO ME!!!
No, I usually LOVE mapquest, but not yesterday. I was trying to get to the airport, and I ended up on post. Yeah, I asked the army guy at the gate, "I'm looking for the airport, am I in the wrong place?", and he looks at me like I'm some kind of freak, and said, "This is Fort Bliss". Duh! Stupid road work. It TOTALLY messed up the directions. But, he told me about 6 steps to correct mapquests mistakes, and sent us on our way. THANK GOODNESS Captain America was in the truck and paying attention. I'd have had NO idea how to get where we were supposed to go.
I dropped him off at the airport, and headed back home. Oh yeah, and got lost 3 TIMES! Curses on you, Mapquest! What are you doing to me! Trying to give me a nervous breakdown. Hehehehe. It woudln't have been so bad if it had been light. Did I mention I don't see so well in the dark? First, I was getting onto I-10, and went West instead of East. So I had to exit and try to get back on heading East.
OK, so I'm on I-10 East, and I have to take Hwy 56. Well, the exits say Ft. Bliss or Juarez. I didn't know which one to take, so, you guessed it, I passed them both. And had to turn around and try to find my way back. By this time, I've gotten ahold of Captain America, and found out that it's the Ft. Bliss one I want. Unfortunately, in all of my turning around and trying to get back on the interstate, I've been on the side streets so long, I've passed the exits AGAIN! I had to turn around again, but this time, I got it right. I was on Hwy 54, and knew my way home at this point. Woohoo!
But seriously, I was in tears, and didn't want to leave the house again until Captain America got back in a week. I was planning on settling in and not leaving. But then, I decided on a different course. If I were to give into my "fears", and just sit home, I'd be NUTS before Captain America came back. After I got the kids off to school, Jimmy and I piled into the truck, and headed off to Wal-Mart. And I did it! I didn't get lost at all. I felt really good about myself. AND, I got an antenna for my TV. We're not getting cable (I'm WAY too cheap), so I figured that investing in an antenna would be the way to go. Cable is 20 bucks a month, every month. This antenna was 30 bucks one time. AND, I get quite a few channels. ABC, CBS, PBS, NBC, FOX. All the main ones. Now, I just need to get my Digital TV converter. Sigh. One more thing to do :)
Then, I decided to head to the Thrift Store on Post. WITHOUT a map - really! I'd driven by it with Captain America the day before, and knew if (IF) I could make it onto post, I could find the thrift shop. Well, I did get a bit lost, but I didn't panic. I called Captain America at one point, and asked which street I should take to get onto post. He told me, and said to keep right on this one road, and it would take me right onto post. Well, as he was saying this, I was keeping left, and going in the TOTAL opposite directions. See, that's my problems, I don't now my left from my right - LMBO! But, I found it after a little detour! Woohoo for me :)
The thrift store had some good stuff, but it was a bit overpriced for my liking. If I'm gonna be buying someone elses old stuff, I want a REALLY good deal. My FAVORITE thrift store was the Unique Thrift Store in Joliet. It was FABULOUS. This one, not so much. I did get a pair of Jeans for me, Tom, and Eme, a nice shirt/vest/pants outfit for Joe/Jim, a fan for Jacobs room, and some hotwheels for Jimmy.
And I must say, when I headed for home, I didn't get lost at all! I was so proud of myself. I'd turned my bad morning into a positive afternoon - yeah for me! See girls, never let a bad experience keep you from doing something you want to do. And don't be afraid to fail. Just keep trying, and you'll eventually get it :)
What else did we do? Let's see. I walked to school to get the kids. I put Jimmy on his trike/bike, and attached a bungee cord to the handle bars, and pulled him to school. He thought that was the coolest thing ever :)
The kids had a lot less homework tonight than last. I think this school is a LOT more acedemic than our last school. But that's a good thing. A lot of work, but a good thing. So, we did homework, played with cars, played on the computer some, ate a late dinner, watched American Idol, and put the kids to bed. I got a chance to design a new WordArt pack for this Friday, and got to watch a little bit of TV. Woohoo for TV!!!
Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to download the ZIP file. Remember, you have to be signed into the gallery to get the WordArt, and it's only up for a week. And as always, leave some love if you like my work.

You are strong, girl, remember that! It won't be long before you will be zipping around the city. Keep doing little trips like that, and you will get accustomed in no time.
Thanks for the beautiful word art!
Crikey you are some pup, I'd have given up at the airport!!!! Be proud girl and keep at it. Thanks for the wordart.
I hope Brent made it to Columbus ... It is nasty here in Ohio. Praying for him a safe trip home. You go girl!!!
My face went from :( to :) reading you. Way to go girl! In no time you'll be laughing at your 'i got lost' stories. Hugs, Cris
You are unbelievably strong! Thank you for ALLLLllllll you share and i am soooo glad for your safe travels! i hated when i use to get lost! :)
Hope you have a WONDERFUL day and thank you for the AWESOME wordart! :D
Bethany, I am so thrilled you made it there without more challenges! That is a really BIG thing and you DID it! "I am woman...hear me ROAR!!" You go, girl! Don't let those fears get you down. I heard this the other day and just loved it, "Chase your lion (fears) into a pit and put them to death!!!"
I wanted to let you know that I used one of your Girl Mini Wordarts on an ADSR layout...http://www.ndisb.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=24131&ppuser=3116 Keep em coming cause I love em!
Lisa (in Seattle)
Oooh, NICE word art today! Love the saying and it looks so pretty.
Mapquest is dead to me too. Might I recommend google maps instead? I've been much happier.
I'm sorry, but I crack up whenever I read these about how lost you are. I guess it's probably because I've been lost (in honolulu, the worst place to drive EVER), but we had a good time with it. Don't give up, the more you drive around the more you'll figure your way around.
Thanks Bethany! So cute!
I bet this ride had you wishing for HWY 101 again LOL!
I am laughing because that is So like I would do! Now that I am 'older' I take a notebook and jot down landmarks, I can get so twisted, I love my car compass to know if I am heading the right way! Thanks for the WA!
Thank you so much for the beautiful wordart!! And congratulations on turning your day around!! I totally agree with what you said!! Failure is just a learning process and you should not feel defeated by it! BettyJoR
This is how I taught my teeball players. Hold out your hands with your fingers straight up and down and your thumbs sticking out straight to the sides. Now take the one on <- side and say "This is my left hand because it makes an L." Now hold up the other one and say "This is not my left hand because it does not make an L."
LOL - you can do it girl. (((hugs)))to you all!
I HATE learning a new place! When we moved to our current residence I mapquested everything. One time the directions were great for 3 steps and, no kidding, the 4th step read, "turn left." it didn't tell me which road to turn left onto or anything! It was horrible! Mapquest is dead to me, too!
You are too funny! I am surprised that you have any butt left to laugh off! If only it were that easy to get rid of mine.
Enjoying your posts from New Zealand!
Bethany, I love reading your blog posts. A person with a REAL life at last. I was starting to think everybody else lived in a storybook land that I just didn't know how to get to!! I was raised a military brat and have been married to a DA civilian federal employee for 28 years (Lordy, can it have been that long already!!) We have lived overseas for the last 15 years and being lost and basically DISPLACED is a way of life for me. Thank goodness for this marvelous invention called a navigation system for cars! First time we have had one and I am loving it!! Also share a bad case of SHY and phone phobia with you. Sometimes the first step is the hardest part and I really, really have to force myself. Anyway ... really like you word art and thank you for your generosity in sharing freebies with us less talented. I am new at the digital thing, but have been truly impressed with the warm and sharing digi scrapping community. Please keep those posts and freebies coming! It is most certainly appreciated!
Thanks for doing my request Bethany. I've been out of touch for a bit. Glad to see you're getting settled in.
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