Anyway, here we are up at the Franklin Mountains.

See that big stick that Jacob is holding in the pic above? Well, it came off of that plant that Captain Americas near in the pic below. We'd find them all long the way, and the kids thought they made perfect walking sticks.
Here's Captain America, obviously off of the trail. He wanted us to take a picture up there. No, I said - hehehe. It's too dangerous for little kids. So, he climbed up and I took a pic of him :)

I was just FACINATED by the cactus. I'd never seen them in the wild before. I guess Captain America was taking pictures of me enjoying them - LOL

We didn't get as many pics of the hike we did the other day. Again, no real camera. I had it this time, only it was at home. I also forgot my purse, so putting it in there woudln't have helped. Sigh. I think I need a personal assistant. Yeah, that's what I need. Then I won't NEED to remember stuff. They'll do it for me - LOL!
Here's Captain America, pushing the stroller up the BIG hill. It may not look steep, but believe me, it was :) This road only goes to the park at the top of the mountain, so it's not that traveled, and there were a TON of walker/runners on it. Pretty safe, if you're watching out.

Jimmy and Buzz (no idea where this is - hehehe)

This message was entitled 'Look Ma, No Hands". Nice, sweetheart! KEEP YOUR HANDS ON THE WHEEL! hehehe! (that was hysterical laughter, could you tell - LOL!)

And, some scenery

And I'm guessing he got a new CAR Lightning McQueen. I didn't send him on the trip with that one - LOL! Thanks, Sweetie, for taking good care of my little boy. He's gonna remember this fun trip with his Daddy for sure!

I did do some productive stuff today. I cleaned my bedroom. There were piles of papers, and clothes, and unpacked stuff all over it, and now's it's clean - it makes me happy :) I did a TON of laundry, and put it away too. The upstairs hall is clean and clear, as is Jimmy and Joes room. I even organized downstairs a little bit. AND, I got some designing time in too. Woohoo!!!
I did call today to set up Dr. appointments for us. Jacob has an appointment on Friday, and Tom and Eme has immunizations, which are a walk-in appointment, so that's easy. I have an appointment in March. Get this. I call into the appointment center, and get a guy on the phone. I tell him that it's been 3 1/2 years since I've been to the Dr. and need an appointment. He says, ok, I"ll set you up for a physical. I get to thinking, thhat's not really what I need. I tell him, shouldn't I have a "well-woman" exam?
Do you want a pap smear? he asks. What? You don't ask a girl that - LOL! No on WANTS a pap smear. I don't sit at him, thinking, Hmmmm, you now what? I really WANT a pap smear. He should have asked "Do you want me to schedule you a pap smear". I guess the really embarassing part was that I said yes, I want a pap smear, then said "Well, I don't really WANT a pap smear, you know, no one wants on of those'. Oops, I created an akward situation for myself - LOl! But, it's all scheduled. Woohoo for me :)
This WordArt request is from my new digifriend, Andrea. I just LOVE meeting new people out there in cyberspace. I know Mom, you can't go out to lunch with a cyberfriend. but I still like my cyberfriends. I'll find some IRL (in real life) friends soon. I promise. After I get my house organized - LOL!
Isn't this saying hilarious! My mom has it on a little plaque hanging in her library. TOO funny. Andrea had it on a pillow (or was it her mom that had it on a pillow - can't remember now - hehehe). I also made one for brother, and one for family. So, head on over to Scraporchard, and pick up this weeks WordArt Wednesday! Click HERE to go to the Orchard, and remember, you have to be logged into the Gallery in order to download the ZIP file :)

What an AWESOME wordart! Love the art, love the saying. Having a boy and a girl, I'm sure there MUST be a fun LO to do with it!
Thank you SO much!!
Those walking sticks are AWESOME!! i hope your children decorate them and make them THEIRS!! :)
those cell phone photos really got GREAT too!
i LOVE all the photos and would LOVE to go on Route 66 too! hehe it starts by me pretty close by but never ran the whole course yet! maybe one day! :)
Thank you so very much for sharing your AWESOME wordart! Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!
Looks like someone found the CARS movie for Jimmy. He's watching it in the picture.
Lois, you've got good eyes! He IS watching Cars. Brent must have stopped on the trip and bought it! That makes the 3rd time we've bought it - sigh.
Great trip photos - and hiking ones. And, yep, no woman I know *wants* a pap test [and I once did the same as you "don't want, but need probably" - actually got a chuckle from the receptionist]. Luck with your appts.
Holy Cow the sky & scenery is GORGEOUS! And, Brent is wearing Shorts? Wow, it's freezing here in Oregon and we can't wait for Spring weather. Love your blog, & your WA! You're the best!
Bethany... those are great photos. How amazing to live so close to something that you can walk thru...And you did it with the whole family.
I think it is great that Brent took the little one with him to Ohio... I can barely get my DH to take my 3 year old to the store with him.
Thanks for the cool wordart. I am off to snag it at the orchard and the other one with my cool GC.
I used your Love in the air word art the other day... the LO is on my blog!
Hi Bethany!
I have an award waiting for you on my blog
Tag You're it!!
Wow, I just love family wordart! Thanks so much. And great pictures of your family hike! I love to see how close your family is and all the things you do together. Pretty good pictures from a phone too! Usually the quality sucks hehe
I love your work. I'm going to use this on a page for my wonderful husband of almost 48 years!
Thanks sooo much!
I love your wordart, Bethany! Thank you so much!
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