Um, I think I have an idea why the sales might be low. Duh, the economy. Stupid economy - hehehe. I know we're hurting, and I'm sure the rest of you are too.

ANYHOO, on to my sale!!! Here' a 40% off coupon, but it's only good for today and tomorrow. SO, you gotta hurry :) That puts my WordArt packs down to $1.50 a piece (regularly $2.50)! So, do your part to spur on the economy (I crack myself up - hehehehe), and head on over to my store :)
Click HERE to go to my store :)
CODE: justbecauseSALE
Just went and bought a bunch of stuff...thanks for all the freebies too....I love everything you do!!Your Awesome!!!
A Sale.... what a great reason to have a sale! Well... if you get kicked out of your store, I am working at one that is opening up soon. Hint Hint...
We don't have cute word art.... and YOURS is the best.
Off to see a sale.... I have some gc that I have been holding onto waiting for the perfect kit, but forget it... perfect word art makes the page.
I filled my basket with a few things at your sale. Good luck!
I did my part as well, lol. What a tough way to help out!
I love your freebies and your word art packs.
I would love more double layered word arts like the one Halloween set you did, I love how easy it is to recolor to match my paper and wish some of my others were that easy!
Thank you for this sale Bethany. :) Little word art suggestion too.
"Life is for sharing."
"I am not spoiled, just well loved."
"Life is Beautiful."
Now heading over to your store. :)
Thanks for the sale! I picked up some of your wonderful word art that I hope to use real SOON!
thanks for the sale!
I finally picked up the military wordart I was oogling for a while now :) (well that one and the new friendship one, and Love definition one... you made me do it! :) )
(more military wordart please? :) )
however, it was money well spent and since I've been collecting your freebies (LOVE THEM and always try to post them in our gallery when I use one of them) I thought it's time to actually go shopping.
Hi ! I just bought some more, although I could not figure out how to get the discount to work..thanks!!
OK girl, here's a little "how to" for getting the coupon.
First, click on the product you want. Then, click on the "add 2 Cart" button.
It will take you to a "shopping cart" page. It'll show you what items are in your cart, and have 2 buttons under that for special offers and checkout. Under that is some more text, and under that is a "redeem a discount coupon" box.
Enter your code there, and hit submit. It should take it off.
Hope it helps :)
I did have to be logged into scraporchard to use this coupon. Usually that is not the case. Maybe that is why she couldn't get it to work?
To Anonymous:
Haven't you ever been told that if you don't have anything nice to say- don't say anything at all? I'm not usually one to write something like this, but this was TOO much. If you don't appreciate Bethany and her work (if you don't then you are definately in the minority) then don't visit her site. Her post for sales was just the push I needed to make the purchases I had been meaning to make for the longest time. Thank you, Bethany, for your site and wonderful WA! So there! :P!
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