Well, I went to the window to investigate, and IT WAS SNOW!!! Holy cow! Where did THAT come from? It didn't stick, but boy was it weird. And for me, a native Oregon girl (and from the coast to boot), to say that it was mighty windy, is a HUGE thing. At one point, I was afraid that the trailer would blow away. Good thing we blocked the wheels - LOL! Our giant pile of cardboard boxes is only 1/2 of what it was before the wind started, and our trash cans (the GIANT ones the city gives you) ended up across the street. Mercy :)
We found someone to buy our full sized mattress. $25 bucks. And to another army family. We're bringing it to them later today. They only have a car, so we thought we'd be nice and take it over.
I finished off the valentines day cards for the kids, and got them developed at Wal-Mart yesterday. They turned out pretty cool. Eme had princesses, Tom had Batman, Jacob had Batman, Joe had Star Wars, and Jim had Cars. Not too bad, personalized valentines cards for about 6 cents a piece. We bought some candy to send with them too. And teacher presents (valentines wrappered hersheys bars). I know, I'm a suck up, Chet (that's my friend Maren's hubby - LMBO!!!)
Captain America and I watched Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring last night :) It's one of my favorite-est movies of all time! But I must say, I'm not used to sharing the TV - I was a little miffed when he wouldn't let me watch American Idol - hehehehe. Sure, he DID sit down and turn it on first. And yeah, it's not like it's my favorite show or anything. I think it was that control thing. I'll have to work on that - hehehe. We did turn off LOTR and watch Fringe when it came on, though. I'm such a TV junkie. And it's SO funny to watch us watch TV. We both have out our laptops, typing and surfing away, all the while, 1/2 watching TV in the background. Now that's REAL pathetic - LMBO! Multi-tasking sounds better, though.
We have a lot of things to get done today. I hope we get most of it completed. Drivers licenses, new tires for the truck (well 1/2 of the tires), delivering the mattress, buying 2 more mattresses, Scouts at 7pm. Geesh! My life is full - LOL!
WordArt Wednesday again :) Hehehehe, funny how it keeps popping up on me :) I have to have it ready and submitted by Monday night, then posted by Tuesday night, and blogged for Wednesday morning. What a process - LOL! Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to download the zip file, and remember, you need to be logged into the orchard to get your download :)

we watched LOTR instead of the Bachelor on Monday.... ha ha!
oh YES it gets VERYY windy in the desert and it surely snows! depending on your elevation i suppose will determine how long it lasts or if it will stick! i am in the high desert of southern calif. for 5 years now and it is windy more often than not!!
i KNEW you are nice before you delivered a mattress! hehe :)
Thank you so much for your AWESOME wa!! Have a BEAUTIFUL day!
I had to laugh when I 1st read how excited you were to be moving to Texas. It's not for the faint of heart & I expect your posts will take an ugly turn about the time July rolls into August! *grin* We have a saying in Tx: If you don't like the weather, just wait a minute, it'll change. Well, that's fairly true ... except for the heat ... you'll swear it will never end. Hang in there sweetie!
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