Well, I"m STILL not done with the book, but I'm getting closer. I'm within 80 pages. Maybe I'll stay up late tonight (pre-publishing) and finish it. Just so that I can get something done tomorrow :) hehehe. Church went well. I had Sharing time, and we learned about Dad's. About what their role in our family are. It really went well. The kids seemed attentive and entertained. That's always good - hehehe.
Jimmy didn't like his lunch, so he was given a choice between eating it, or taking a nap, and he chose nap. So, I went up and sat with him in my dark room, until he fell asleep. I read my book, and he napped. It as a great afternoon - LOL! Luckily, he liked dinner much better, and got some food in his poor little tummy.
Monday is the first day of Spring Break. I'm really looking forward to sleeping in, and hanging out. Brings back memories of the "good ole days" of homeschool :) Just kidding - we worked HARD when we homeschooled. But there was definitly a lot more free time, that's for sure. I really wish that K-12 was in Western Texas. I'd really be interested in doing it again :) Maybe the next place we more :)
So, we're having a blog train and a sale at Scraporchard, and because I've been SO busy reading my book (I know, pathetic), I'm SO out of the loop, I don't even know when it is. I think it's now. Maybe? Could be. But, I figured I'd rather error on the safe side, so I'm posting it now. SO, if you click on the blog train link down below, and the person after me hasn't linked up yet, I picked the wrong day. Just be patient. It'll happen. I just don't know when - LMBO!
AGAIN, IF BREN'S LINK ISN'T WORKING, IT'S BECAUSE I GOT THE WRONG DAY - hehehe, so just be patient. I'll get it figured out eventually :)
And, to make matters worse, I published this silly post before I was done, and it went out in a newsletter, then I had to go back and fix it, and delete it, and now you've got 2 of these in yor inbox (if you subscribe to my newsletter). Sigh. Ever feel like asking for a "do over". Or a mulligan, as my hubby calls it in sports (volleyball). hehehe. Mulligan, please!!!
But, I DID put my store on sale early. So, that's a plus for you all :) It's Buy One Get One Free, from now until the 19th. If you buy one of my Fresh Fruit for $2.00, and get one for free, that's only $1.00 a piece. The others would translate to $1.25 a piece. Not too shabby, eh?
Welcome to the 1st Annual Orchard Girls Spring Blog Train! The rules are easy... simply download my portion of this gorgeous kit, and then head on over to Bren Boone's Blog to pick up hers! She'll post the next link for you to follow over there!
At some point you'll end up on The Scrap Orchard Blog and you'll want to head into the store to miss an incredible sale! For a short time you'll find a TON of Buy One Get One Free sales in the Orchard Girl stores! For instance if you head over to my store you can get a WordArt Pack for free with the purchase of any of my other WordArt Packs!
And finally, you'll end up back here, at my blog... (that's how you'll know that you've picked up all the pieces of the kit! LOL!) and don't worry, if you miss a piece or two of the kit, or if 4Shared is busy at the moment, whatever... We're leaving the links up for quite awhile so you'll get everything eventually! (and Shauna's going to post all the links on the Scrap Orchard Blog next week too, just in case!)
Happy Spring from all of us at Scrap Orchard to you!"
Jimmy didn't like his lunch, so he was given a choice between eating it, or taking a nap, and he chose nap. So, I went up and sat with him in my dark room, until he fell asleep. I read my book, and he napped. It as a great afternoon - LOL! Luckily, he liked dinner much better, and got some food in his poor little tummy.
Monday is the first day of Spring Break. I'm really looking forward to sleeping in, and hanging out. Brings back memories of the "good ole days" of homeschool :) Just kidding - we worked HARD when we homeschooled. But there was definitly a lot more free time, that's for sure. I really wish that K-12 was in Western Texas. I'd really be interested in doing it again :) Maybe the next place we more :)
So, we're having a blog train and a sale at Scraporchard, and because I've been SO busy reading my book (I know, pathetic), I'm SO out of the loop, I don't even know when it is. I think it's now. Maybe? Could be. But, I figured I'd rather error on the safe side, so I'm posting it now. SO, if you click on the blog train link down below, and the person after me hasn't linked up yet, I picked the wrong day. Just be patient. It'll happen. I just don't know when - LMBO!
AGAIN, IF BREN'S LINK ISN'T WORKING, IT'S BECAUSE I GOT THE WRONG DAY - hehehe, so just be patient. I'll get it figured out eventually :)
And, to make matters worse, I published this silly post before I was done, and it went out in a newsletter, then I had to go back and fix it, and delete it, and now you've got 2 of these in yor inbox (if you subscribe to my newsletter). Sigh. Ever feel like asking for a "do over". Or a mulligan, as my hubby calls it in sports (volleyball). hehehe. Mulligan, please!!!
But, I DID put my store on sale early. So, that's a plus for you all :) It's Buy One Get One Free, from now until the 19th. If you buy one of my Fresh Fruit for $2.00, and get one for free, that's only $1.00 a piece. The others would translate to $1.25 a piece. Not too shabby, eh?

At some point you'll end up on The Scrap Orchard Blog and you'll want to head into the store to miss an incredible sale! For a short time you'll find a TON of Buy One Get One Free sales in the Orchard Girl stores! For instance if you head over to my store you can get a WordArt Pack for free with the purchase of any of my other WordArt Packs!
And finally, you'll end up back here, at my blog... (that's how you'll know that you've picked up all the pieces of the kit! LOL!) and don't worry, if you miss a piece or two of the kit, or if 4Shared is busy at the moment, whatever... We're leaving the links up for quite awhile so you'll get everything eventually! (and Shauna's going to post all the links on the Scrap Orchard Blog next week too, just in case!)
Happy Spring from all of us at Scrap Orchard to you!"
Thank you for the cute word art! You do such a neat job with them! Appreciate your time spent!
Thank you so much for sharing your LOVELY wa! Have a FANTASTIC day! :)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Mar. 16, 2009. Thanks again.
That's so pretty; thanks so much!
Thanks Bethany!
I just love reading your blog :)
YOu are so down to earth.
Thanks so much, beautiful word art.
tank you for this wonderful and gorgeous WA!
So beautiful! Thank you!
wow this is beautiful!
Thanks Bethany!
Thanks for sharing, this is great!
Thank you!!!
Your word art is nice.
Thank you for sharing!
Thank you very much.
Thanks so much.
Thanks for the lovely wordart :o)
I love using word art on my layouts! Your word art is gorgeous - thanks very much for sharing.
Thank you!
Thank you so much for the beautiful word art! I just love your designs, you create awesome word art! Thanks again!
Thank you for the wonderful wordart :)
WoW! is all I can say. You are so talented with an incredible sense of space and design. This is beautiful. Almost a shame to clutter it up with things like pics. LOL We, the lucky ones, thank you for your amazing generosity.
Thank you!!
So thank you for those Elegant word art in the Blog train !
Thank you so much for this beautiful wordart.
Thank you! Absolutely fab!
What beautiful wordart, and I love the saying! Thank you very much! :)
Thank you so much for the beautiful word art!
Hugs Loekie
Thanks for this sweet wa, Bethany! It is most appreciated!
Thanks so much!
Thank you so much! Lovely word art!
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