I also unpacked the books. I didn't realize I had so many. Where did they ALL come from? And when am I EVER gonna have time to read them all. hehehe. We have ALL sorts of books. Reference books, kid books, history books, art books, novels, you name it, we have a little bit of it. We could be our own lending library - hehehe.
I read some more in the last Twilight book, and decided that I was gonna purchase the box set from Amazon today when my paycheck came in. Right now, I just have a digital copy of the books, which is a bit inconvenient. I'd like to be able to take it around with me. Or read outside. Can't see the laptop screen outside - hehehe. Jacob is bugging me to get them too, since he can only read it on his computer, in the living room, on a metal folding chair. Laying in bed and reading really is better :) I think so, anyway.
Jimmy and I walked to the park briefly today, but since there wasn't any other kids around, he didn't want to stay long. He did play in our backyard for quite a while today, though. I just LOVE our backyard. It's wonderful :)
The kids walked themselves to school yesterday. They did such a great job :) And, I met them in the truck on the post side of the school. Now that I know they can meet up together, and get to the gate, I know they can walk the rest of the way home. Good job, kids! I"m proud of you :)
And, it's tax day. Don't forget to turn them in!!! I've already filed Federal and Ohio, but I need to send in the Oregon one with my payment. We owed $52 this year. Sigh. Dang Oregon - hehehe. SO, just a friendly reminder, turn in your taxes :)
WordArt Wednesday Week 40. Dang, that's how long it takes to have a kid - hehehe. Instead, you get 40 WordArts from me. OK, I know, not anywhere near comparable. Hehehe. But this one IS pretty cool. I got an email from Michelle about a font, and she had this saying as her signature. I just LOVED it so much, I made a WordArt out of it :)
Click HERE to go to Scraporchard's gallery to pick up the zip file, and just remember, you need to be signed into the gallery in order to pick up the file :) Thanks!

LOL! Dreamin' Big is the title of my blog. I'll definitely be using this WA sometime soon! Thanks for sharing your talent and your daily life tidbits!
LOVE your wa and thank you so much for sharing! :) so GLAD you got so much unpacked! it will feel like home in no time at all! :) Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!
I love it!
Also Breaking Dawn is my favorite book of the series! I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks for the word art! So nice to get unpacked. In a few months we might be moving and I'm not looking forward to it.
And yes, Oregon has sucky income tax! (I live here). At least you only owe 52 bucks! LOL
Love it! Thank-you
This is my logo also! Love it! Thanks.
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16 kwiecien 2009 [08:00pm Warsaw].Thanks again.
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