Jimmy on the swing. He had to wait for 30 minutes until the middle schoolers/high schoolers got off the swings. sigh.

OK, I've got a few pics of my living room/dining room, with the updated curtains. See, isn't this better :)

A few of my friends are coming over for lunch today. OH YEAH! And I made the most amazing yummy snacks. It sounds simple, but I tried one before bed last night, and OMGosh! Amazing. Take a banana, peel, and cut in thirds. Insert a skewer. Cover with melted chocolate. Roll in finely chopped walnuts. Wrap in plastic wrap, and put in freezer. SO good! Tastes like an ice cream bar. And I don't even like banana flavor. Mmmmmmm.
I went to the park yesterday with the "Park Playgroup" ladies from church. It was fun. It was over closer to our old house. I had fun chatting with the girls, and Jimmy got a chance to play with some kids. LOL. I know I can't be that much fun to hang out with, day in, day out. Or maybe I am - hehehe. Anyway, he seemed to enjoy himself. At the beginning, anyway. Towards the time we were ready to leave, he was just going off by himself, and scrowling at everyone. I don't know what that's all about - weird kid - ha!
Ok, just wanted to share this FABULOUS and fun new kit that some of us designers got together and made for Shauna (Pineapple Plantation Designs - co-owner Scraporchard) for her 40th B-day today. hehehe. Anyway, it's free over at DSA, and I thought you all would enjoy it (or at least get a kick out of it). My WordArts are the "Older than Dirt" and "Over the Hill" ones. Could you tell? LOL! Click HERE to go grab it, but be sure to come back here when you're done - ha!

That little Joe of yours has the most beautiful eyes!!! And I ♥ your window treatments. They look great. Can't wait to get to my normal computer and snag those beautiful kits and word arts of yours. You are so talented and your work is beautiful. :)
Congratulations on getting your beautiful home in the place you least expected! I love the new window treatments, you did a wonderful job!
The kit you all made for Shuana is so cool, I absolutely love your word! The will come in handy in layouts I will make for dad. I always like to give him a hard time about looking 10 years older than my mother rather than 3 years younger.
Thank you for sharing your awesome talent!
I'm so glad someone else cleans when people come over. I *try* to keep my house clean, but with kids and life in general, it doesn't happen unless I have people over! LOL!
Love the word art! Thanks!
Your house is looking really good. I am glad you love your new home and new neighboorhood.
I love the kit! Thanks for the link up :)
I also love that you post pics of yourself quite often, I hate pictures and rarely take any of myself
Awesome-I thought I was the only one who had to have people over to get the house clean!! Your house looks great. Thanks for the WA!
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