OK, I promised pictures. Here's the pictures :) You're welcome, Mom!
Here's my muffins from Monday - Don't those clusters on top look like chocolate??? I'm just saying...

I can't believe I'm putting this picture of me on my blog, but what the heck. I have no secrets. I'm a freak. You all knew that already - hehehe.

Here's Tom's shorts. Silly boy had a HUGE blowout. That reminds me. I need to sew them up before we go to the sprinkler park tomorrow......

Sweet Emeline. We put her hair up so it wouldn't be in her face. It sure made a mess when we took it down, though. I'll have to reconsider the pony for the pool.

I made some French Toast Loaf for the kids. First, take a dozen eggs, and crack them into a bowl. Beat. Add a bit of milk, some cinnamon, and some vanilla (sorry, I don't always measure). Break 1/2 a loaf of bread into bite sized pieces, and add to the eggs. Mix well. Should be a soggy mess - LOL! Put into a baking pan (with non stick spray), and back at 350 until eggs are set. Serve with pancake syrup. My kids LOVE it. Plus, I had leftovers, so I'll have an easy breakfast for Wednesday. Woohoo!!!
Next, I cleaned the house. I did some dishes, the kids did their chores, I cleaned the downstairs bathroom. OMGosh, boys are disgusting. There was one of the little boys' toy boxes in there, with socks and toys in it. And guess what was in the bottom? Pee. Who brings there little toy box into the bathroom, fills it with socks, and pees in it??? I totally don't understand. I also found pee inside the trash can. I should just make them pee in the backyard. I'm sure the neighbors would LOVE that one - hehehe.
So, I detailed the bathroom (it smelled 100% better than before), spot mopped the floor in the kitchen/dining room, and straightened up the laundry room. All in all, the house looked pretty good. Well, good enough. hehehe.
I started on my pizza next. Mmmmm, pizza! I made 2 wheats, and 2 whites. 3 Pepperoni and 1 supreme. This one smelled FABULOUS!

I was gonna make Jello, but ran out of time. I made Pudding instead. I took 1 chocolate, and 1 vanilla, and mixed the 2 together. Looked good to me :)
And, here's me, all showered and ready for my "girls day". We were going to the movies, kid free!!!

The hutch was moved from the dining room to the living room. Works for me. Check out my poor dinky TV. My friend Katy have the most AWESOME TV I've ever seen. Makes mine look like a pocket TV - hehehe.

Here's a pic of us girls before we left for the movies. Laurie's taller than she looks, she's just bent down to be Adela's height. And I'm actually the same height as Katy. I don't know what I was ducking too - LOL!

So, we loaded up in Adelas rig, and headed out to the movies. We got there in time to see the last of the credits, and start the movie. Woohoo for perfect timing :) We saw "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past". It was funny in parts. Way too much sex for my liking, but eventually it had a good message. Evenutally. The main guy was a total PIG! He learned his lesson in the end, though. I was just fun hanging out with the girls. We definitely need to do this more often :)
We were home by 3:30pm, and I was beat. I was feeling my 5 hours of sleep. I made sure the kids were ok, got them situated, and went in my room. I watched the last episode of Kyle XY (not pleased that they cancelled it, and didn't finish off the storyline.....), and tried to take a nap. Seriouly, every 10 minutes, some child came in wanting something. It was SO frustrating. I didn't feel much better when I got up. I could feel a sleep depriviation headache coming on. I gave up at 5:30pm, and took a pill. That always works.
I cooked dinner for myself, reheated leftovers for the kids (but I don't know how they were still hungry - they ate SO much pizza), and went back in my room. After about an hour, my head felt much better. I'm constantly amazed at drugs. hehehe. Imitrex is my BFF!!!
I did a speed scrap, Facebooked for a while, and started blogging. All in all, it was a great day. Today, we're going grocery shopping (July, week 2 of my Dave Ramsey plan!!! - so far, so good), then going to the sprinkler park. It's free lunch day at the park, and I'm all about free - hehehe. Just need to get grocery shopped and back home and it all put away by 9:30am. I can do it :) I've got "super mom powers", as my hubby likes to say.....
So, it's WordArt Wednesday again. Can you believe it's been 1 year?? It must be, since it's week 52. OMGosh! That's a lot of WordArt :) hehehe. Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to download the zip file, and leave some love if you like my work :)

Be glad it was only pee. Just saying.
You look so good with your hair all curly! Love it. And your pic from the waterpark made me laugh, thanks for posting it :)
P.S. My son DOES pee in the backyard and I can't make him stop. My sisters kids have peed in their garbage can in the bathroom too. It's totally a boy thing, and I think it has something to with the fact that they realize they can aim at and pee on things, instead of just in the tiolet. What fun! SO glad I only have one boy lol. ALso, no more food pics please, I read your blog at night and you make me so hungry with your delicious pics!! lol
I love that saying.
Okay, thanks for the heads up! I'll be potty training my boy soon, now I know I'll have something to look forward too. HA! ;)
THANK YOU for the beautiful wordart, and CONGRATULATIONS on a year of Wordart Wednesday!
I'm a HUGE Dave Ramsey fan, good luck with it!!
I like this saying. Thanks for it. Ha ha - my DAD pees in his back yard (he lives in a rural area). It's definately a boy thing!
i so enjoy the park photos!! i LOVE that sprinkler park!! oh your rooms look absolutely LOVELY!! and you look WONDERFUL!! even in a bathing suit!! ;) Thank you so much for sharing your FUN wa!! Have a SUPER evening! :)
I do love!
I love your new blog header! It's AMAZING! You are gorgeous! Thank you for the great word art! You're the best!
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