I spent the morning reading. I know, I know, I should be using my time more wisely, but it was fun. I went to Andreas house around 11:30am to hang out. We spent a few hours there, then decided that all of us girls should go to Victoria Secret. Katy's hubby is coming home from Iraq next week on leave (for 2 weeks, then goes back to finish off he year there), so she wanted to get something new and pretty. OMGosh - it was GORGEOUS! Loved it :)
I really needed a new bra. The one I was wearing was too big, so I sewed it smaller. I know, I'm cheap. But you already knew that. Anyway, I had some sticker shock at the prices there. I'd never actually been to Victoria's Secret to browse. I'd walked past it pleanty of times, but never ventured in. I think becuase I knew I didn't have money for that store.
Anyway, Andrea, Katy and I all got fitted. All they did was put a tape measure around our body and around our bady+boobs, and declare what size we were. They called me a 36B. Um, no. There's no way on God's green earth that my saggy boobs will fit into a 36B. But, I humored the chickie. I picked on out, and tried it on. It was DISGUSTING. All my loose skin was EVERYWHERE. I informed her that I was NOT a B, and got the C's. Much better.
The first bra I tried on was the one I ultimately bought. It was PERFECT. It had padding, which I've never had padding before. When I was heavy, I had MASSIVE boobs, so I didn't need padding. Now they're kinda like balloons that have been deflated a bit. Nice mental picture, eh? Sorry about that :) Think happy thoughts!!!
Anyway, HERE's the pretty bra that I bought. But I don't like my boobs hanging out like the model. I don't know of anyone who does - hehehe. But then, we all can't have beautiful boobs like her, right?
How did my post turn out to be all about boobs - hehehe. Maybe it's all the Fan Fic being a bad influence on me - ROFL! I swear, I wasn't reading about boobs - hehehe. So, we all took turns trying on bras, and helping each other decide which one to get. I must say, I've never done that before. It felt too to have a group of girls to help me out, and give me honest advice about what to get. Thanks, girls! I had fun Bra shopping with ya!
I must say, I think this was the biggest (money wise) purchase on a single item. Ever. Even my formals for the ball were cheaper. I don't spend a lot of money on shoes. Pants? Not so much. Shirts, definitely not. I spent $45 (almost 50 with tax) on a Bra. OMGosh! I took money from my 30-day no cheats fund. But I must say, I LOVE it. My boobs feel awesome - hehehe. I like the padding, because I can't feel them. I found myself feeling them (not in a bad way, ok) all day long. I know, Madi (my sister), too much information. Sorry that your sister is such a freak - ROFL!
The girls dropped me off at home at 2pm, then continued "playing". I think they said they were gonna go to Sonic and then to, um, er, can't remember. I wasn't there.
I gathered up my stuff at home and headed out to my 2:30 pm appointment. I was registering the kids with CYS (children and youth services - army). If I want my kids to be in sports on post, I've gotta register them. It was a long and involved process. I need to get physicals for Tom, Eme, Joe and Jim. Sigh. Lucikly Jakes boy scout one is still good and counts. I was there for at least an hour and a half. Sigh.
I got home at 4 something, and read for a while longer, then worked on designing a flyer for Captain America's class trip/mandatory fun. It turned out really good, but unfortuantely I didn't have time to make dinner. When Captain America came home, he helped me edit the flyer, then I sat down for the final touches, and he got the kids left overs. Sounds good to me. hehehe. Here's the final product of the invite/flyer. Isn't it pretty :)

I sent it off to Wal-Mart, but only 5 of them. Captain America's gonna give them to the commanders (all women). We're making 8 1/2 by 11 photocopies of the black & white version for his classmates. No point in wasting pretty prints on silly boys - LOL. You know what I mean.
I left the kids with Captain America, and headed out to Wal-Mart to pick them up. I tried calling Andrea and Katy and seeing what their evening plans were, since Captain America had planned on playing Battlefield with his brothers, but no one was answering. I called my mom to chat, but she, too, was not answering. Sigh.
On the way home, I tried me mom again, no answer. I decided to leave a message on Katy's machine, but she picked up! She said to come over when I got home, and I could watch her clean her kitchen - ROFL! Helping clean the kitchen sounded better than listening to a game of battlefield, so I went.
I put the little kids to bed at 8:30pm, and headed out. I don't know how much help we were (Andrea and Adela came too), but we had fun. Adela is very good at organizing, so she helped with the cupboards, getting them all organized. They looked very nice when "we" were done.
I was even home before midnight. The girls walked me the block back to my house, since I'd walked, not driven. It was garbage night, and we noticed that someone was throwing away a perfectly good pair of army boots. We promply rescued them. hehehe. We also rescued a lawn chair. Sure, the arm was broke, but it wasn't anything that a bit of glue or duct tape wouldn't fix. I'm so glad that I found cheap friends just like me - hehehehe.
The first of my homeschool (virtural school) boxes are supposed to be showing up today. Unfortuantly, that means that I have to stay home. Sigh. Maybe I'll be proactive and get some cleaning/organizing done. I'd love for my house to be as clean as my friends' house. Or maybe I can get some designing done earlier rather than later. Either way, until that package is delivered, I'll be home. Sigh. The girls are gonna go to the dollar store. I wanna play :( I'll make sure to say my prayers for the UPS man - hehehe.
This WordArt request is from Joanne. Click HERE to go to Scraporchard to download the zip file, and leave some love if you like my work :) Thanks!

This is a great WA today! Thanks!
Bwaaahhhh ha ha!!! That was a great post. And that, my friend, is some great word art. LOVE the quote!
Thank you so much for sharing such GREAT wordart! i gained weight and need a new bra!(sigh) so i can relate to your post, easily! hehe
Have a WONDERFUL day!!
this saying is AWESOME - thanks so much for sharing!
OMGosh - what an awesome quote!! I LOVE it!! And great job on your invite :D Thank you for the awesome wordart!! :)
What a great wa!! Thanks, love it!
i liked the quote you have left...its inspiring
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Awesome quote today and way to go on your diet - very inspiring.
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