Anyway, I was texting Andrea when I first woke up, and she said that I should call the appointment desk at the doctor to schedule an appointment. I was supposed to go to my doctor 2 days after the hospital visit. SO, I called, and they got me in today at 3pm. They had no appointments 2 days after. OK, that worked.
I spent from 7-8am cleaning my bedroom. The repair man was supposed to come between 1-5pm to fix the bathroom fan, fix the kitchen drawers, and fix the molding on the hardwood. SO, I needed to get some cleaning done.
I told Andrea that I'd watch her 2 youngest kids at 8:30am while she took the oldest to his Physical. Joe and Ben are almost the same age, and have SO much fun playing together. Emeline and Jim had fun playing with "baby Luke", as they call him :)
I made homemade fry bread, which was SO yummy. In the middle of 7 children running around my house and fry bread in grease on the stove, the repair man comes to the door. WHAT? It was SO not 1pm. 9:30am. Sigh. So much for having a clean house....
He came and took the drawers, installed the fan, and said that someone else was gonna call me about the molding. That's fine.
Andrea came back at around 10am, picked up her kids, and headed home. She had an appointment for Luke at 10:50am, and an appointment with CYS later in the day. Busy, busy, busy. Me? Not so busy - LOL! I spent a great deal of the late morning responding to my emails. I was nearing 500, and got it down to a bit over 400. That's not too bad. OK, so it's not great, but it's better than it was before :)
I fed the kids lunch, and they had the neighbor kids come over to play for a few hours. I showered and got ready for the day at 2:15pm, and headed out to my doctors appointment at 2:45pm, after sending the neighbor kids home.
The doctor asked about the migraine, and said that I had a low grade fever. She said that it sounded like I had a sinus infection, and that that was why the migraine was SO bad. So she put me on antibiotics, and gave me a decongestant, and sent me to the pharmacy. After I picked up my perscription, I went to the "wellness center", and asked about my "Pharmacy card". If you take a short, 30 minute class, you can get free over the counter drugs, twice a month. Lots of different stuff to choose from.
So, I go to the desk, and it's gone. Seriously, they've taken everything out so they could clean and vaccum. I found someone in charge, and ask about the card, and the class, and the video. He said to wait, that he'd be right back to help me. He comes back with the card, and said to just fill it out BEFORE I took it up to the pharmacy. NICE. So, I guess that was cheating, but honestly, I'm not gonna be abusing the drugs. I'm good :)
I went and filled out my card, and picked up some Cough medicine, nose spray, and some anitbiotic cream. Along with my decongestant and my antibiotics. I was all loaded up with drugs and ready to head home - LOL!
Andrea texted me and said that she was over at Kims house, helping her clean out her basement. Over the past 3 months, it's flooded 4 times. Sigh. Poor Kim. Since they started putting a new water main in near her house, it keeps flooding. This time, she was in Oklahoma at the time, and didn't realize it had flooded till she got back. SO much stuff was ruined. POOR Kim. I helped out for about 30 minutes, then had to get back hom to my kids.
I cooked them some soup, and found a new Twilight Fan Fiction to read. It's my guilty pleasure, I guess. Probably not what I should be reading, as they get a bit racy sometimes (I try and gloss over those parts - I know, I know, it's still not good for me - hehehe). I spent the rest of the day reading.
I put the kids to bed at 7:30pm (and the big ones to bed reading), and Captain America got home at 8pm. Here it is, 12:37pm, and I'm just now getting done blogging. I'm not done with my FanFic, but I can't keep my eyes awake. Tomorrow. I'll read some more tomorrow. And grocery shopping. I'm going with Andrea early tomorrow. Crap. And I'm staying awake late tonight. That's not so good. I think I just realized that as I'm typing this. OK, definitly no more FanFic tonight. I need to re-set my alarm clock, and go to bed :) hehehe.
This WordArt request is from Jeanette. I just loved the sentiment. Not because we sure to get things ,but when we serve, we make ourselves more worthy to receive, if that makes sense. The whole Golden Rule, Karma, kind of thing.
Anyway, click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 9 post on Dec. 22, 2009. Thanks again.
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
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