$18.50 for the whole outfit? That's not too bad, right?

We had Jake take a few pics of us before we left, but I liked the one that I was holding the camera the best - hehehe.

So we drove the 20 minutes to get there, and they were remodeling the drink section! WHAAAAT? No soda for us. Crap! That was disappointing, but amusing at the same time - hehehe.
We drove to Tinseltown movie theater, and watched a movie with a WHOLE bunch of teeny boppers. ROFL! We went and saw "Vampires Suck". It was hilarious! I thought Captain America was gonna wet himself a few times. Heck, I was gonna wet myself a few times - hehehe.
Now, let me preface this with, it makes fun of Twilight/New Moon. It's a spoof on the movie. So if you're offended by that kind of thing, don't see it. And it's a bit raunchy. So mom, you wouldn't like it. Dad, you probably would, IF you've seen the Twilight movies. Don't bring kids, though. Definitely not for children. Or teens, in my opinion. But that could just be me :)
About 2/3 of the way through the movie, my contacts started freaking out. Sigh. I brought my solution, just in case, but should have brought my case and glasses too, apparently. I did my best to keep them moistened, and positioned on my eyeballs. I even took it out once, but then my eyelid was rubbing my eye funny, and that hurt worse than not having it in there...
After the movie, I tried to fix it in the bathroom, but to no avail. AND, the bathroom door to my stall was broken. So I had to push it shut all the time. Ever peed while holding a stall shut? Pulling back up the skinny jeans with one hand was the real tricky part. Hehe. My friends/Captain America totally had to wait for me, I was so slow - hehehe.
So we loaded back up in Paul's truck, and headed back to their house, where our car was. And Captain America was SO tired from a LONG day at work, he promptly fell asleep on my shoulder. Here's me with my "DONT SLEEP ON MY DATE" face -LOL :)

Chuck Norris has the greatest Poker-Face of all time. He won the 1983 World Series of Poker, despite holding only a Joker, a Get out of Jail Free Monopoloy card, a 2 of clubs, 7 of spades and a green #4 card from the game UNO.
Chuck Norris is not Politically Correct. He's just correct. Always.When Arnold says the line "I'll be back" in the first Terminator movie, it is implied that he is going to ask Chuck Norris for help.
Chuck Norris CAN believe it's not butter.
There ya go. Now your life is full. hehehe. Anyway, I eventually drug my hubby away from the Chuck-fest, and made him take me home. And of course, as we came in through Cassidy gate at midnight, we were chosen for random inspection. Sigh. My poor, itchy eyes. See, they hurt me...

OK, so that's what you missed yesterday. Now you're caught up to date. On to today. Yeah, I was tired, so we slept in. I think I woke up at 9:30am, but didn't actually get out of bed till closer to 10:30 or 11am. I just love sleeping in on Saturday. I couldn't do that when my kids were real little. Just wait, girls. Your little kids will get big, and your kids will be older :)
We had tons of plans to clean and build Captain America's table saw and do laundry and organize rooms and such. But, we blew most of them off. Hehe. We got the kids set up with a movie, and I helped Captain America take his truck to the shop. The dudes owed him some labor on it, so we dropped it off. I drove the Saturn, and he drove the truck. I picked him up, and we stopped for a soda at the gas station, but mostly because I was about to wet my pants - ROFL!
Here's me in the car right before we left for the gas station.

So then we were left with a dilemma. Do we drive back to our Walmart, which has a 15 minute wait to get into the parking lot (no joke), or do we drive the opposite direction and go to the Las Cruces one, and not fight the crowds. We'd heard that the Las Cruces Walmart is AWESOME, but hadn't been there before. PLUS, Texas was having a "No Tax Weekend" sale, so I was banking on the Las Cruces people going to Texas.
We decided to stop at Applebees for lunch, and I got a salad (instead of fries) and a Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich. OMHeavens, it was good. I just ate the bottom bun, and threw away the top one. It had green and red peppers, onions, tons of burger, and some kinda cheesey sauce. Let me tell you girls, I LOVED it :) hehe.
I should have taken a picture of the steak sandwich, but all I got was a pic of the salad. It was a good salad, too. With vinegar instead of dressing.

AND, they had everything we needed for school supplies. It was well stocked. AND they had them on sale. Like these Composition notebooks. Walmart in El Paso had been out for weeks. They were telling people to look at Walgreens. And we all know how expensive Walgreens is. I think I bought them for $1-2 last year, per book.
These were a quarter a piece. SWEET!

So we drove home, and got the kids ready for the Ward Picnic. We were a bit late getting there, but it was good. They had hamburgers and hot dogs, and people brought sides and desserts and stuff. We brought Walmart cookies - LOL!
Here's me. I reapplied more make up, and pulled the hair back again. hehehe. AND, I've got another new belt on. Lets see if I remember how much this one cost. $6 red shirt from Melrose, $4 belt from "That Store I found with Maddie", $4 jeans from Savers, $1 tank top from Fallas, $1 shoes from Ft Bliss Thrift Store, and $2 earrings and bracelet from Jewelry Box. This outfit was $18. Cool thing is, I have that shirt in teal and gray and pink, too. Cool, huh?

So the guys were all hanging out by the food and the wiffleball area. The girls were all hanging by the picnic tables. And it was pretty fun. My girls are awesome :)
Here's Danielle with her hubby.

So at some point, the guys and older kids were playing wiffleball, and Steven Soderborg was running the bases. 17 yrs old. 260 lbs. 5'8"ish. Yeah, big boy. He was running the bases, moving pretty fast. Jessica is the Bishop's daughter, and about 15. Tiny little thing. She decides to step in front of him, and tag him out. And she got knocked down BIG time.
We all just assumed that she got the wind knocked out of her. Well, I mean "We" as the girls at the picnic table. Others seemed more concerned. We looked over at one point, and there was a ambulance there. Yeah, more than the wind knocked out of her, I guess... Poor girl.

This is my I HAVE TO PEEEEEEE face :)

So at some point, I had to pee. REALLY bad. And there was no bathrooms there, and everyone was starting to disperse anyway, so I told Captain America that I needed to either drive somewhere to pee, or we should go. So we decided to go. I think that was the fastest we've ever packed up and left a picnic. hehehe.
We decided that Circle K on Transmountain was closer than home. hehehe. I think Captain America just wanted ANOTHER refill. LOL :) So we stopped, and I ran. And the bathroom was pretty nasty. Someone had peed on the floor. Yeah, that was gross. And the light was motion sensored, and I must not have been moving enough, because the light kept turning off. Then there was no toilet paper. Yeah, gross. AND, no paper towels.... BUT, I didn't pee myself, so it was all good.
The Diet Dr Pepper needed changed, so we got more Diet Mt Dew, but I didn't drink much of it. I was at my quota. We let the kids share it. They were pretty excited to be sharing a soda with mom and dad :) LOL.
We got home, and started cleaning. Kids did their chores, we moved Rob the Beta from the broken tank (it was leaking on the counter) to a smaller glass container, and Jake took him to his room (I know, I'm putting a TON of faith in that child to NOT spill him...), Captain America gave kids baths, and I folded a BUTTLOAD of laundry. I need to stay on top of the laundry, cause it gets out of control so easily...
I organized the school supplies, helped put kids to bed, and was tired. I sat down on the TV/Laptop, and started blogging. And it's taken a VERY long time, because we did a lot today/last night, you know :)
Captain America's building his table saw, and we're listening to Pandora radio, his account. Bands similar to Metallica and Brad Paisley. ROFL! It's quite a wide variety - hehehe.
And here's the finished product! Good job, sweetheart! It looks awesome :)

Anyway, click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Bethany - Girl, you need to invest in soda stock! LOL What do you DO with all those huge plastic cups??
You look FABULOUS, Dahling! Keep up the great work!
Wish we had clothes shops like what you have 'round here. I LOVE bargains!! Can we make a shopping date?? LOL
Your family is the best - love that you share & love together - it's SO refreshing! Be blessed!
Fanatic follower - D :)
How can you have a ward family picnic and show no pics of the children??? mercy mam!!
Busy as always! But fun to read! Thanks for the great word art.
I just started reading your blog, I am a bargain shopper like you and I love to read the scores you made at the different stores. You look awesome in your $18.00 outfits HOT mama.
And I love Sonic ice too, I love love ice!!! But I call it hospital ice because the hospitals that I have delivered at have that ice and it is the only reason to have kids because I get to have hospital ice after I have a baby! LOL
Thanks for the word art too!
Who needs 64oz of mountain dew..seriously! lol
Love the Chuck Norris quotes. I'm going to use them as facebook statuses :o)
Thanks for the awesome WA!
Thanks for the fabulous wa
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