When CPT came home from PT, I asked him for a Priesthood blessing just before he went to work for the day. Then I drifted back to sleep. And you know what? When I woke up at 10am, I really did feel better. Weak, but better. I think the headache was gone! Thanks CPT and Heavenly Father!
Kim and I had a few errands to run, so she came and picked me up (thank goodness the headache was gone!), and we headed to the West side. We stopped by Hobby Lobby to see if they had Easter clearance (not so much), then hit up the Dollar Tree for Cub Scout den meeting supplies (Food Guide Pyramid).
Next, it was Lowes for stuff to fix a Pitching thing-a-m-jobbie that Kim had that CPT wanted to borrow for his practices. Only it wasn't Lowes, it was Home Depot (pronounced De-Pot). And CPT and Kim both hate Home De-Pot. hehe. I couldn't remember what was on Mesa near Hobby Lobby and Dollar Tree! I knew there was SOME Home improvement store by Walmart! I wish it had been Lowes.
Home De-pot really had nothing that we needed. I needed some stuff for CPT for the garage, and they didn't have it. Luckily they had what Kim needed, though. After a lot of searching, we finally found it. And we paid (no military discount either!) and headed to Academy Sports. Where I had to do my returns/exchanges.
Tom's baseball pants were too small. So he needed a men's XL. And one of his compression shirts was the wrong size. The hanger said the right size, but someone had put it on the wrong hanger. Don't you hate that! And I got Joe the wrong socks. So those needed switched out. Kim needed a few things too. And I got some more baseballs for CPT too. He wanted the leather ones, but yeah, um, no, that wasn't in the budget. Have you SEEN the prices for leather baseballs??? Holy crap!
We paid, then headed to Olive Garden. We met Julia there, and had fun eating soup, salad, and bread sticks, and talking about special needs and the school system, and making the waiter think we were crazy when he came near. hehe. He was having a good time with us!
After lunch, we headed back to post. I unloaded all of my purchases, and yeah, my 1/2 price chocolate bunnies from the Dollar Tree didn't fare too well in Kim's car at lunch.... They were bunny soup. Darnit! So much for a Cub Scout treat - ROLF!
Tom was home early for Middle School early release, and he was watching TV. I watched an episode of Vampire Diaries (did I tell you I JUST started watching this? It's a fun show), then went to get the kids from the bus). We had about an hour before baseball practice. It was a mad rush to get everyone ready and out the door. Wednesdays are always crazy like that.
The girls and I coordinated to have a picnic dinner at the ballpark. Kim brought the pizza, I brought the drinks, Kari brought some oranges, and Julia brought the plates, napkins, and hand sanitizer (ROFL! - Silly Julia, my germ-a-phob friend). We had a good time in the windy warm sunshine with the little kids while the 9-11 year olds played ball. My older boys were home with CPT. He was gonna bring them later for Scouts.
At 6:15, Kari and Julia left to take all the little kids to practice. Kim and I stayed behind to gather up the bigger kids. CPT came to the park with the big kids. After practice, I took Leo and Joe with me to scouts, and Kim took Corey and Alex with her to the little kids practice. We had quite the system worked out.
My den meeting went pretty well. We had our opening, then worked on the food guide pyramid. The boys cut out pictures from a store circular, and drew some of their own pictures. On their own piece of yellow poster board. That took about 30 minutes. Then we went outside and they played freeze tag for the last 30 minutes. It was a good den meeting.
I gathered up Joe and Leo and Eme, and we headed back home. CPT had Jake and Tom. I dropped Leo off at home and collect Jim, and then I worked on getting kids to bed. Jim and Joe got showers, and I started a load of little kids clothes. And straightened up a bit. My house is SUPER messy. Thursday is gonna be clean the house day, I think. And design day.
CPT and the boys got home around 9pm. They had stopped at 7-11 for sodas and ice cream. And brought me a DDP. So sweet!!! I was watching a show, and put it away and spent the next hour and a half listening to CPT talk. That's his love language, you know. Sharing and talking. And since he'd brought me a "gift", I wanted to show him some love back. I listened to him talk scouts and baseball and a little about work. It was nice :)
After he went to bed, I watched a few episodes of Vampire Diaries on my iPad with headphones. And yeah, I was up way too late. oops. I wanted to see what was gonna happen, though!!! hehe :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

I'm glad you're feeling better. You all sure do have a crazy schedule with spring sports. Thank you for the great word art you share. Hugs!!!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 6 post on Apr. 13, 2012. Thanks again.
Thank you! cute!
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