Well, I frequently get requests for "reworked" WordArt. I decided to take part of the evening, and work over a few that have been sitting in my inbox for quite a while now. I really can't stand to have stuff in my inbox. Does it drive you crazy too? Any more than about 10, and I start getting a bit anxious. lol!
This is a request from Fenn, who wanted the Blah, Blah, Blah quote reworked for pets.
Click on the image to go to my 4shared account to download the png, and leave some love if you like my work. :)
Click on the image to go to my 4shared account to download the png, and leave some love if you like my work. :)
This one was from Tina, who only has one child, and wanted it to be Beware of the Kid.
Here ya go! Click on the image to go to my 4shared account to download the png, and leave some love if you like my work. :)
Here ya go! Click on the image to go to my 4shared account to download the png, and leave some love if you like my work. :)

This rework request comes from Elaine (ehooten, redheadrev). She wanted it to say princess instead of queen. Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the png file, and leave some love if you like my work :)

OK, I think I got everyone. That took care of 3 from the good ole inbox. Horray! hehehe.
Oops, forgot this one - the comment was left on 4shared, and I don't always find all of them :) This is for AK Ruby Girl, who wanted this WordArt for "grown-ups". What, don't grown-ups have "daddy's" too? lmbo!

TQ so much! My rascals doggies send wet licks n kisses to you if you don't mind lol
hehehe, what a sweet thought (if I wasn't terrified of dogs - lol) I'm putting on my brave face for it, though!
You're awesome, Bethany! Thanks! I'll send you my layout after I do it!
Love the wordart.
Question, have you done World's Greatest Grandpa... and I missed it?
Absolutely sensational! Love the meow/woof ones. Thank you.
Thank you for the world's greatest dad! I'm making a big deal of Father's Day for DH this whole month. Your word art is amazing as usual. Thank you!!!!!
Debbie W
OK. I couldn't stop thinking about them so I came back for the dog word arts, too. I started seeing pictures of DD with our dog in my head. Yesterday she decided that our dog needed a cookie so she took a dog biscuit all the way to the back of the yard just to give it to him. Yeah, these wordarts are perfect! Thank you again!!
Debbie W
Thank you, it's perfect for my pet's pics
Thanks so much, I just LOVE your word art! I'm new to digi scrapbooking so I haven't been around too long. Do you have any for adopted children?
Love your word art - the one about the beware the kid made me laugh out loud! Thank you
Thanks so much!
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