Well, I was supposed to have my Well Woman exam yesterday, but the Doctors office called saying the Doctor called in sick. Dang. This is the 2nd time I've tried, but it's fallen through. Is someone trying to tell me something ??? LOL! It's rescheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Sigh. Jacob has his appointment today at 9. Podiatrist. I'll let ya know what's up with his feet. They just look kinda big to me. He wears a size 9 or 10 in mens, and he's only 11. Dang! He'll probably need inserts in his shoes, and a new pair of shoes. Kids are expensive, aren't they!
Captain America has been looking into buying a handgun. He wants to be able to go to the range here on post and shoot. Not really for home protection (our shotgun will take care of any intruders - LOL), but mostly for recreational range shooting. He's getting that with his spendable portion of the tax return (so bad guys - stay away from our house, we're (very) armed and dangerous! - and yes, we keep the guns unloaded and the ammo in a separate room, and have had numerous gun talks with the kids. They know their gun safety - I think because the guns haven't been a "taboo", they're not too interested in sneaking in and playing with them.....), and I'm getting a new cell phone with my part. Yep, I finally decided what I wanted. It wasn't totally free, like I usually pick. You know, there's a list of free, then partially free, then pay through the teeth. This is a partially free one. It's the Samsung Glyde. So, if any of you have it and love it, let me know! And if you have it and hate it, just keep that to yourself - LMBO! For my sake, pretend like you like it, just for me. I can't believe it took me almost 2 weeks to decide which silly phone I wanted. ha! Isn't it cool, though, how the keyboard slides out! That'll be handy for texting my hubby when he goes back to Georgia in a few weeks :)

And, now onto WordArt :)

Isn't this a FUN one! I have SO SO SO many pictures I could use this for - sigh. Kids are SO accident prone, it's not even funny. Jimmy came home from church with a big scratch over his eyebrow. Not sure when that happened. Maybe in the truck on the way home. He picked at it yesterday, and it was bleeding. Nice. My poor little guy :) PLUS, he decided he wanted an orange, and to use the pairing knife to cut it himself. So, he had a nice cut on his finger too. BUT, it was the first time that he's left a bandaid on for longer than 20 minutes. It actually stayed on all evening, and into the next day. My baby's growing up - LOL!
Head on over to the Orchard to pick up todays WordArt Wednesday, and feel free to join in the challenge, if ya want. It would be a good time. Let's see who has the worse battle wounds - LMBO! Click HERE to go to the orchard to pick up the WordArt :)
Bethany, i love your work thank you so much for sharing it with us. i have a samsung messenger which is very similar to your phone. i love it totally its very easy to use its very easy to program it takes great photos considering a phone camera. i think you will much love it.and from one texter to the other it makes life simple woohoooo :) i have only one suggestion because of the open face front, i leave my keypad locked so i dont accidently call someone which has been known to happen. keep up the great work my friend, Gods Love and Blessings xoxo Margi....indica
Hi Bethany,
I had an LG phone that had a slide just like your new one. I loved that phone and was so sad when it broke and it was too much to repair it. The only problem with mine was that I would slide it so much to text etc it damaged wires in the phone :( It might be something they have fixed on newer models and different brands.
Enjoy your new phone!.
Thanks again for all the awesome wordarts!
That new phone looks awesome and I LOVE this WA! Thank you, Bethany!
the new phone sounds cool! glad you got one finally! :) Thank you so much for sharing your FUN wa! Sure hope you have your wellness appt. Have a GREAT day! :)
When we got phones this time Joe got to use the big credit for the free phone (one phone gets $100 and the rest get $50) and then he had to pay extra on top of that and his phone looks just like that(but its a different brand so hopefully this won't happen to yours!) and it broke within a week. It won't keep a charge and some of the buttons on the keyboard don't work..next time he definitely doesn't get the extra money! ha Oh and Joes Dad has started reading the Twilight series..isn't that funny?! Dr. Phil, ha
Don't feel bad about taking 2 weeks to pick one. I've been looking for a new one since the iphones came out and just got a new phone, maybe 5 or 6 months. Love the Word Art! Thanks!
LMBO at your big feet comment, he'd fit right into our family!! Thx for the freebie!
TOTAL Twilight nut here too. My husband got so sick of me talking about that he ended up reading all four books just so he would know what I was talking about. Now we talk about it together. lol Oh, my mom is a big twilight fan too. (Pat from Houston.) You guys can talk twilight over your lunch next week. :-)
I love the Twilight series and can't wait for the video to come out so I can buy it!! If you ever need to chat Twilight with someone just call me lol :)
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