And, I even did real life stuff yesterday too, not just reading. hehehe. Captain America and Jimmy and I went to town. We went to Wal-Mart to buy some flag pole holders, so Captain America can properly display our flags on our house, and a few other essential items. I found 2 new shirts (essential, remember!).
We were gonna go to Verizon to check out phones (I know, still haven't picked one), but got a call from the, um, guy in charge of Captain Americas group (yeah, real great with the army terms, aren't I), saying that he and the others needed to come back in and help admisinter the Urine tests (drug screening) for the AIT guys (Advanced Individual Trainings). So, I dropped him off at the post (we were too far from home for him go back and get his car), and then hurried home. Jacob had a key, so he only had to babysit the kids for about 15 minutes.
We started last week trying to get into the habit of reading scriptures as a family when the kids get home from school. Well, guess what I found when Jimmy and I walked through the door. The kids, at the table, trying to read the scriptures. No joke. Sure, the little ones didn't want to do it, and Jacob was yelling at them, telling them to pay attention, but the point is that they were trying. Good job, Jacob! You're a GREAT example to me :) Love ya!!!
A friend from work dropped Captain America back by the house, so we didn't have to go back and pick him up. Thank goodness. It wasn't until after 7 that he got back home. That's a lot of Urine - LMBO!!! Glad it was him, and not me - eewh!
LIttle Jimmy (the 3 year old) has decided that saying "I'm sorry, Mommy" while flashing me the sweetest, most innocent little expression can get him in less trouble. Or so he thinks, anway. Today, while getting something from the chest freezer, I noticed brown stuff all over inside. I thought someone had opened up a packet of gravy mix and dumped it in. When I questioned the kids about it, Jimmy said "I'm sorry, Mommy I put dirt in the freezer. It was an accident".
Hmmm, I think we need to have a talk about what the word accident means. You "accidently" tip over your milk cup. You accidently knock a book off the shelf. You accidently bump into someone. But accidently throw dirt into the chest freezer? Um, no. That's the wrong word, kid. The I'm sorry works just fine, but not the "it was an accident". LMBO! But, I managed to keep from laughing where he could see me.
I think that'll be our cleaning project for today. Jimmy can learn how to "accidently" clean the freezer.
Hey girls! Didn't really feel like designing last, so I started to go through my stack of stuff and see what I had that I could give away - hehehehe. SOOOOO, remember that Alpha I used a few Sunday's ago?? Well, here it is for you all! It's really kinda cool. I just love the Iron look of it. Kinda fun, don't you think?
Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the Alpha, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Oops, I meant to hit the "post options" button, to set this to go out at 7am, but I accidently hit the "publish post" button. So, it's going out early. Sigh. Oh well. hehehe.
I love love love this alpha! It looks like the real thing. Thank you so much for sharing your marvelous talent with us. :)
Hello there! I have an award for you! Check out my blog. Thanks! =)
Ha ha, too funny about the 'accident' in your freezer LOL
Thanks for the alpha, I love it!
Hey sweetie! Long time no see...I know I'm a bad bad CT member. BUT I can help you out. Drop me an email if you'd like a coupon to get my alpha cutter action for free. It makes alpha saving SUPER fast and easy, see it here:
Big hugs!!!
Thanks! I <3 alphas! :)
I am a huge fan of alphas :) Thanks for sharing this one with us, it's really awesome looking!
My 2 year old likes to tell me, "opps" when he throws something. I try to tell him, its not an opps when you do it on purpose. lol How wonderful that Jacob was reading scriptures to the little ones. What a great big brother. Thanks for the alpha!
Family scripture night sounds WONDERFUL! Thank you for sharing this COOL alpha! :) Have a GREAT day!
Thanks so much Bethany, I love this alpha.I'm doing some pages on God's Holy Name. I think this alpha will be perfect for the Almighty names of God!
Thank you again!
Thanks a bunch for the wonderful word art!! I love them all.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Mar. 10, 2009. Thanks again.
thank you for sharing! :)
Thank you!!! this looks just great!
Thanks for the alpha, it looks great!
This is very cool, thanks!
Great alpha!! Thank you for sharing! Love reading your blog!! You are so fun!
Cute! Thank you!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 11 Mar [LA 01:23am, NY 03:23am, UK 08:23am, OZ 07:23pm] ).
Thank you so much for the wonderful alpha
Thank you for the great alpha.
Hugs Donna
You are really good at this...thanks for sharing!
Love the alpha! Thanks for sharing with us.
Very cute! Thank you!
I just love the feeling of being a part of your family with your blog. I just have to laugh about the dirt in the freezer. Makes me OH SO glad that my baby is turning 13 this Saturday! LOL! Thanks so much for the alpha. It's SUPER!!
I love te alpha Thanks!!!
This alpha is awesome!! Thanks so much for all the free wordart, too!! Hope you have a great day! :)
Hey, thanks for the freebies and I love this alpha. Just wanted to let you know that I used it on a layout that I did. Hope you will come by and see it!
Very cool alpha! Thank you sooooooooo much!
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