I woke up at 7am, and was super tired. Even more tired than the day before, for some reason. Oh yeah, I went to bed the night before at 1am. That could have had something to do with it. I managed to get the kids dressed and fed and out the door to the bus. And I folded a few loads of laundry. Then, as soon as the last load was folded, I went back to bed. Jake and Jimmy did their own thing, Captain America eventually came home from PT, and I slept till 9:20am. Yeah, I felt much better.
Hilary and I texted for a bit. She was at an Awards Ceremony for her kids, and stopped by Sonic on the way to work and got a drink, and me one too! My house and her work are very close, so she dropped it off. Sa-weet!
I spent the rest of the morning cleaning my room. I made my bed, picked up the MASSIVE clean clothes pile off the floor, folded and sorted it, and went through my closet. I tried on all my pants, sorting into piles of FITS NOW, TOO BIG, TOO SMALL, and I HATE. I folded stuff up, and put stuff away. And I hung up all the hang up stuff, but didn't actually put it in the closet. There was a big pile on my bed. But, the floor was clear, and it looked pretty good.
At lunch time, Captain America and I went to El Taco Tote together. It was yummy. He was on the phone with work quite a bit, and my cell was dead and in the truck charging, so it could have been better, but I did get to spend some time with him, so I'll take what I can get :)
We headed home, and I followed him up to the Auto Crafts shop to drop off his car. His brakes need looking at. I drove him back home, and he took his old truck back to his office. Jake had somehow downloaded a virus, so I was trying to help him get it off of his computer. Yeah, no such luck. I tried to run the Avast Antivirus scan, but it wasn't working. Sigh. My brother-in-law is really good with computers, so we'll see if maybe he can help Jake get it worked out. Until then, the kids are all on a computer ban. No more computer time until the virus is removed.
Hilary came over around 2:30 and picked me us, and we went to the PX. She'd had a zipper malfunction, and needed some new jeans. We met Laurie at the PX, and looked around in the clothes section for a while. I found a few pairs of pants, but they didn't really fit good. One of the size 10's were WAY too big, and one of the size 10 pants were WAY too small. Another pair fit just perfect, but I know that they'd be too big in a matter of weeks, so I didn't feel like spending the $8. Sure, $8 for a nice pair of dress slacks is a great deal, but for 2 weeks? Yeah, I'll pass.
I started out at 170 at the end of April, and here at the beginning on June I'm 155. I've lost 15 lbs. Not too shabby. Only 15 more lbs to go until I'm at my goal weight. I'm slowly but surely plugging along :)
We headed to the mall after the PX. Jake had the kids at home, so I didn't have to worry about them. We went to Old Navy, and Hilary found a pair of pants for Paul, but none for herself. Next, we went to JCPennys. They had a lot of skinny jeans, but Hilary finally managed to find a pair of "normal" jeans for herself. Crazy styles they have, nowadays. Does that make me old? hehehe.
So I took this pair of skinny jeans, and put my arm inside them. Yeah, it's SUPER tight on my arm. And my arm isn't big. Can you imagine what this would do to your thighs. Really, people. This isn't attractive. ESPECIALLY BOYS. Nastiness...

After the mall, we headed back home, stopping at Sonic. And our "Sonic Boys" gave us more free drinks. We've now used the same coupons 3 times. hehehe. Giggling and smiling definitely pay off, you guys :)
I got dinner cooked for the kids, and chores started, and the dinning room and living room cleaned, and was starting on the kitchen when it was time to go to Scouts. I got my kids ready, and picked up Leslies kids, and out we headed. We got there at 7pm.
Andrea took the Tom's Webelos group, Eme went with her group, and Jake went with his group. Jimmy and Joe played outside with Terri's kids, while Terri and I and Hilary stayed outside and chatted.
At one point, I went inside to see who was going to Cub Scout Day Camp, and to pass out permission slips. We only have 4 boys going, including mine and Leslies. Small group this year.
At some point, the sprinklers turned on, and Jim and Joe got super soaking wet. Oh well, they'd be riding home in their undies. Jimmy wore Joe's cowboy boots from christmas to Scouts, then took them off. Then Joe threw them up into a tree, and got the stuck. All the kids were working to get them "unstuck". Here's a pic of Jake and Tom trying to get them down, and Nathan (Hilary's son) is way up in the tree working on it too. They eventually got them down.

We met at the Carl's Jr on Airport rd, and got some details worked out. 2 hours later, we were on our way home. While it was a good meeting, I'm tired now.
Tomorrow, Joe and Tom have awards ceremonies at school around lunchtime. I'm gonna go and get some pics. Captain America is gonna try and be there, but we'll see how his work schedule is. I know he wishes he could be around more, but such is the life of an army guy.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [03 Jun 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria
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