Here's a picture of me today...

It's 10:00 pm, and I'm just now pulling out my laptop to get this done. Oh yeah, and I'm all dosed up on Niquil. So don't blame me for anything strange that come out of my mouth. ha! I'm not planning on church tomorrow. I'm planning on another day in bed. Luckily, when drugged with Niquil, I feel pretty decent. Well, sleepy. I feel sleepy. But sleepy is better than sick, right?
OK, i'm off. I'm falling asleep while typing this. And that's not good. My ears are feeling full, like their stuffed with cotton. And my throat is tight, and my voice is going. I only hope that tomorrow is better. Or that another grown up shows up to help. hehe.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Babygirl...I'm so sorry you are so sick on Mother's Day. It stinks to be sick on any day, but especially that day. I'm sorry I'm not there to take care of you when sick, nor treat you extra special on Mother's Day. I love you and all you do as a mother in Zion...
I'd come and help if I was in your area! I know how much it sucks to be sick w/out a hubby around to help out! Hope you get feeling better soon!
I hope you are feeling better and have a WONDERFUL Mother's Day!
Thank you so much for the lovely WA. It's lovely. hehe So sorry you are sick. Hope you are better today! Have a happy Mother's Day!
I hope you feel better soon.
I love the color of your golden brown eyes...even when you are very sick! Get better soon, my Babygirl!
oh, dear! get well soon! we can live without your awesome freebies while you recoup!
thank you, thank you Sammib
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