Good news, though. This past week has been SO nice and peaceful! Jake went to San Marcos residential treatment center in San Marcos, Texas (between Austin and San Antonio) last Monday, and I've had a WONDERFUL break. The kids are finally getting unspooked, and we are just relaxing and settling into a great groove.
We had our first meeting with the therapist here, and Jake and the therapist there. Yeah, he's been in 2 fights and had to get a new roommate because he refuses to get along... So he's doing the same things for them that he's doing for me. At least he's consistent, right? Maybe they can help him...
Jake's therapist here recommended a book, "Before It's Too Late", by Stanton Samenow. For Conduct Disorder in teens/children. So far so good. She said that there is a specific way that you have to approach them. Way different with other disorders. I'm on chapter 4, I think. Still getting background information. How their brains work. So far, I've learned that they believe that things are strictly their way, that they can shut off the "good fear" that influences us to make good choices, the disregard injury to others, the have unrealistic expectations and pretensions, they take the easy way, lying is a way of life, they refuse to be held accountable, and they are an island unto themselves. Nice... That's what I've been dealing with. Soon the book should be giving me some ideas on what to do to help. I hope, anyway. So far, just background knowledge.
We have 2 different times a day that family can call Jake. Cpt America and I have both called, and Cpt's parents have called. Aunt Sue, and Grandma Ida, and my mom and dad have both called too. So he's getting family interaction. I know that people have been writing letters, and sending things. So he's not deserted there. I just hope that he listens to the things that they tell him. Or that he dislikes it enough that he will change his attitude. Time will tell. The insurance will pay for up to 5 months is all. I don't know what we will do when he gets back.
Tom had a Boy Scout Court of Honor last night, and was advanced to a 2nd Class scout! Great job, Tom! He was presented with a bunch of merit badges and such too. It was a great meeting. He really enjoyed his week at BSA camp.
We've been going to the pool, and free lunch all this week and last week. Today, we went to the real movies, and saw Kung Fu Panda 1. For $2, we got a popcorn and a drink and admission! It was a special summer thing. There were a TON of kids there, but it was a good time. I took Julia's kids with mine because she was helping her dad out with an Eye Appointment. We went to free lunch after, then to the pool. Yeah, I was BEAT afterwords. I tread water in the deep end for 55 minutes!!! ha!
I worked on some designing since I have been slacking, then decided to hop on here and blog for a bit. I know that you all worry about me when I disappear :) That one thing that I wanna do better with. Blogging helps me to clear my head. To focus my thoughts. To make sense of the craziness that goes on in my life. I've really missed it. Sure, some days it's really nice to NOT have to worry about it, but I do miss it in general.
CPT and Tom and Eme and Joe are reenacting this weekend. That leaves Jim and I home. Ha! That sounds like Gemini! hehe :) I'm not sure what I'll/we'll do. I've been so tired lately. I need an energy burst. I think I may go to bed now. Or get into bed and read for a while. Yeah, that may be a good thing :) hehe.
Oh, forget it. I'll just post the wordart alphabet now. Then I'll go to bed. ha! So here's the zip file with A-Z in it :) There ya go :)

It was really nice that you touched base, I do worry a bit when you go missing :) A weekend with one child should be a nice break. Enjoy, and thanks for the alphabet.
Thankyou for the alphabet. Praying for Jake and your whole family to discover tools to help with Jakes behaviour and what ever is its cause.
Thanks so much for the lovely alpha!
I'm really glad things are going better now that Jake is in a treatment facility. I think it's great, too, that you are all getting counseling and tips on ways to cope with him once he returns. I pray for healing for you and your family.
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies (please, notice the new url for my blog), under the Page 5 post on Jul. 13, 2012. Thanks again.
So glad your back! Thanks for the update. Glad to hear Jake is at the facility. I know you have tremendous guilt but you are moving forward and that is what counts (for all of you)
Yep, the 5 months will whiz by for you but it sounds like you and Jake have been given some tools. I'm praying that this time apart will lend to some healing in your family. Still keeping you in my prayers,
cyber hugs
Thanks, Bethany. Glad you guys are getting a big of a break. The "symptoms" you were listing are scaring me a bit, as they sound a lot like my 10-yr-old. We've been struggling with him for 5 years now, although still not to the extent you have (but maybe that's because he's still young?). Anyway, you remain in my thoughts and prayers.
ok....i musta been absent...What's "Cpt?" Captain?
@houselady, Her husband has asked that she use Capt America in place of his name on the blog from now on :)
Miss you Bethany, and hope all is ok with you and your family.
Hope that you and your family are doing well! Thinking of you still.
Please check in with us Bethany and let us know you are hanging in there. Miss You :(
Hi Bethany, Miss your daily musings. Hope all is well with you and family.
Hi Bethany. You are missed! Hope all is going well for you all, and that you are just enjoying the holidays. God bless.
You are still in my prayers each night along with Jake and the rest of your family. I have followed your blog for a long time now and I worry about you! I'll keep waiting patiently for an update. I hope you are okay!
Oh Bethany, where are you? I hope you are absent because you have an amazing summer with lots of positive things going on. It does sound like things are going better in this current post. Come on sweetie, you can do it!
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