So, I want you guys to come up with a name for my WordArt pack. ______ WordArt Pack. Hmmmm, wonder what it will be? Just leave a comment here to name it, and I'll look over them, and pick my favorite on Wednesday. And, that lucky (and creative) person will WIN THIS WORDART PACK! Aren't you excited to play!!!
So get your creative juices flowing, and have at it :)

Ohhhh great one!
How about "Life's Little Lessons"???
Can't wait to see what you name it!
Big Picture
myLife's Journey Wordart Pack ...
That's my final answer :)
That should just be Life's Journey, not myLife's journey (typo)
Bethany...great quotes! What about Life: Unscripted
The Moments that Count
Little pleasures
Your wordart rocks!!
Treasures to Live By
How about...
Still moments
"Life's Wisdom" is my vote. AWESOME quotes!! Thanks for sharing your talents with us!
Words TO Live By
Hi Bethany - great pack! I would suggest "Every Inspriations WordArt Pack". The pack looks awesome!
"Simple Things" word art. I LOVE your wordarts!
How about "Seize the Day" or simply "Momemts"?
simple moments
everyday memories
"Treasure These Moments"
"life is about living"
"In This Life"
ok thats as creative as I can be for now...
Your word art always rocks and I read every post through the feed, and sometimes you really crack me up :)
True Wonder WordArt Pack!!!
I'd like to suggest Day by Day Wordart Pack.
Thanks for sharing your creativity with us.
Life's Journey
Word to Live by
I really love all your WordArt Packs. Thanks for a chance.
Can't wait to see what you name it.
As I read through your new word art pack it just seemed to say to me that it was about:
Living Life
Wow! Lots of good ideas so far.
Journey's Step
Love this Bethany...lots of great names so far. Here is one for you.
Everyday Journies. KayJay - can't wait to play with these.
The Good Life Advice
Zest for Life Word Art Pack by Bethany :)
Great work!
How about "Livin' Life" or "Life Happens"?
Love your WordArt!
Life is NOW!!!
Hi Bethany. I just adore your wordart. You rock!
How about....
Joyful Expressions
Treasured Moments
I thought of Life Lessons...but April had it first so how about "Signs of Life"?
I love your wordart and your creativity. Here is my title.
Savor the Moment
how about "words of live"
Lovely wordart! I think you should call it "(Just)Go for it!"
I'd just call it "moments"
Life's Special Moments?
Carpe Diem
Life is Special
Life's Moments
How about "Savor life" or "Savor the moment"?
It's a beautiful life!
An Inspired Life
Everyday Lessons
And love the quotes!!!
Life's Moments
I know I will be buying this one...again, it works beautifully with my special students (some just now taking their first steps).
How about "Embracing Life?"
Here's to more happy scrapping, and
Hugs from the heart,
I'm Alive!
I love you wordart! How about "Simple Pleasures"
Great WA pack!! My suggestions:
-Life's Inspiration
-Life's Meaning
-The Meaning of Life
-Gift of Life
-Treasured Life
-Power of Living
-Positive Living
Okay, that's all my little brain can come up with!! LOL!! Have a great day Bethany!! :)
How about:
Enjoy Life
Ejoy every day
Hope this helps and I can't wait to see what you pick!
Best Wishes
Life's Little Moments
I think that those that have said "Life's Lessons" have hit the nail on the head. It's what immediately came to mind as I was reading the word art and it was what I was going to offer until I saw that several had before me. You have the best word art I've come across - keep up the good work.
how about Life Lingo or Life's Lingo? I love alliteration...LOL.
Love your stuff, it really inspires me and often many of my pages, thanks for what you do.
The breaths quote is my absolute favorite in life.
What about: Everyday Life Lessons Wordart
Words of Life
Life is Special
(even though that sounds a little like a Pr0-L!fe set, I think it fits)
Love this set and can't wait for it to be available.
How about Enlightening Moments WordArt Pack or Uplifting Inspirational WordArt Pack
Either way they are all very nice and can be used in many ways
The Little Things in Life
How about "Never say Never"?
Can't wait to see what you name it!
Love your work!
Sentiments for Life
magic moments
how about Simple Affirmations or just Affirmations
Sounds like "LIFE's JOY" to me ;-)
Sounds like "LIFE'S JOY" to me ;-)
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