I talked for about 20 minutes, but didn't leave much time for Captain America. Poor guy. He'd prepared a nice talk, and only have 5 minutes. I don't get up and talk on the fly well. I have to have everything pre-written, or I just babble. So, it was either 20 minutes worth of talk, or none at all. Sorry, sweetheart! Next time, we'll coordinate better. And you can give your WONDERFUL talk :)
If you wanna read our talks, you can find them below :)
Then, I had to do sharing time for 2 hours. It was a crazy busy day at church - hehehe. I was SO ready for a nap. We got home, fed the kids hot dogs and cinnamon rolls (except the 2 older boys, who got some left over steak from the BBQ), at lunch, and headed to our respectives rooms for a nap. I didn't really get much sleep, though. About 30 minutes, maybe. I coudn't sleep. Not that I wasn't tired. I just kept thinking of all the things I had to do.
I came out, and helped Joe and Jim clean their room. It was a PIG mess! Blankets and toys and clothes and trash (mainly orange peels - sigh) and papers and crayons and LEGOS galore. But, it's beautiful now. All clean.
We divied up all the school supplies. I don't know how I managed to miss the fact that I needed 5 boxes of tissues, and I only bought 1. Sigh. I'll be making another trip to Wal-Mart in the next few days. I'm sure, though, that the class will be just fine without them for a week. Just use your sleeve - ROLF!
I had the kids do their chores, and we hooked up Jacob's homeschool computer. It did have all the pieces to it after all. When I pulled out the tower, the plugs and the keyboard and the mouse were under it. Silly me - hehehe.
We connected the internet, and let him do the online orientation. It was about an hour long. After that, we finished up the chores, cleaned up from the BBQ yesterday, and made dinner. At 6pm, the kids and I went to the park for about 30 minutes, then came back home and got ready for bed. I had the kids lay out their school stuff for tomorrow. I HOPE we're all ready to go - hehehe.
The kids got Father's Blessings from their dad, and were tucked into bed. I played on Facebook for a while, and then blogged. Hopefully it was relaxing enough to make up for the whirlwind that will be Monday. I'm dropping the kids off at school at 7:50 something (school starts at 8:05am), then coming home and doing school with Jake. He's trying to convince me that the pool can count for PE (which I'm inclined to agree with), so we may be going there. I'm out of pressed powder (makeup), and Captain America needs more Protein Powder for his shakes. We'll see how it all goes :) I'll looking forward to getting into more of a routine.
Here's another part in the 4 part series. Part 4 tomorrow, then on to something else :) I must say, though, since I had 4 days designed and ready to go, my evenings have been less hectic. Maybe I need to sit down one day and design a weeks worth of freebees, just to free up my schedule - LOL!
And, for all of you long time blog readers.... remember last year when my family had first moved to Florence to live with my family when Captain America shipped off to Basic Training? And we went to the wedding? The one where the guys wore kilts and there was the guy with the sword that Tom was fascinated with? My mom's cousins daughter (Katie) got married. She was 23 years old. Then, she was diagnosed with Breast cancer. SO sad. I only recently learned about it. I saw on her mom's Facebook account a link to a news special about Katie. She and her hubby are celebrating their 1 year anniversary. And already they're facing such big trials. My heart goes out to the poor girl :( You usually don't hear about girls so young having Breast Cancer.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leaves some love if you like my work. Thanks!

thanks for the freebie... sadly to hear someone close to you got breast cancer, my past mil suffered from breast cancer too...
Would you give us more information about the virtual school that you are doing? Also, how did you get your kids' talks onto another Blogger page without it showing up as a regular post?
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 8 post on Aug. 24, 2009. Thanks again.
GREAT talks and thank you for sharing! LOVE the wordart too!! Thank you so much for ALLL you share! :) Have a WONERFUL day!
Here in CA, any "recreational" activity counts toward PE - that means baseball practice, playing catch, pool time, karate, etc. Of course, CA tends to be pretty lax on PE stuff for homeschoolers. Amusing I looked at the official stuff one's supposed to do - by the end of 1st grade my son was supposed to have done a folk or line dance w/someone. Huh, guess we're behind on that one as he's in 3rd grade starting tomorrow. :-)
modification to last comment: Here in CA, any "recreational" activity counts toward PE *for homeschoolers*. [sorry to have left out that modifier]
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 24 Aug [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 25 Aug [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).
Thanks for part 3, the whole poem is very nice. I'm curious whether you are writing posts for someplace besides here and FB, because sometimes you'll make a comment that sounds like you had discussed or brought the topic up the previous day or two, but when I go back to check I can't find anything. For example, your comment about setting up the computer - you said it turns out everything was there, but I don't recall you ever questioning that before. And your post all about "mandatory fun" - I don't remember you mentioning it until the day you were preparing for it, and I didn't (and still don't) have any idea what it was all about (well, other than what I've gathered from your subsequent comments). Lest you think I'm being nitpicky, I'm truly not trying to be!! I just really enjoy all of your posts, and want to make sure I'm not missing out on some elsewhere! Most likely you are like me and talk about similar things to so many friends you soon forget what you said to whom. :)
Last year I found out that a girl a year younger than I in school was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at 23! That day she went in and had a double mastectomy, a young mom with a 2 year old and 3 month old, they gave her weeks to live. She is now cancer free and looking forward to loving her babies!
Just thought I'd pass along info about a support group for young adults with cancer and maybe you could pass it on too. The brother of a close high school friend lost his wife to cervical cancer and he is now very involved with the group (his band has a song on the fundraiser CD the group has put out).
Anyway, the group is called I'm too young for this and can be found at www.i2y.com It offers support and information for those under 40 who have cancer and their families. They also have the "Stupid Cancer" newsletter and the "stupid Cancer" show. Check it out and if you feel it might help Katie, pass the info along to her and her family.
Hey Sharon in Michigan. To answer your question, I don't know what I'm talking about half the time - ROFL! I'm surprised that anyone can follow my though processes - hehehe. My CT are always making fun of me for "talking to myself" in my forum. LOL!
So, no, only FB and my blog. I'm probably just forgetting what I told people in real life, and what I blog about. It all kinda meshes together sometimes - thanks for bearing with me, though!
I friend of mine was 23 when she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. The day they detected it they also did a double masectomy. They were talking weeks to months to live. She had a 2 year old and a 6 month old. She is now in remission after a year and living and loving! She put her faith in Heavenly Father and never looked back!
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