I thought the poor thing was gonna cry. He didn't want to stay by himself. He didn't know anyone there. Poor thing! I told him it would be ok, and told the teacher he was upset, and headed home.
Jake had 4 classes to do. First, we did History, and learned about geography. About why it's important in everyday life. About GIS (global information systems - or something like that - mapping technology) and how it affects us today. Next, we did Math. It was decimials and rounds and junk. He knew how to do it, so it was just review.
I made homemade playdough for Jimmy, and let him watch a video for a little while. We had lunch, and Jake did Science, where he learned about technology and archeology. And last, we did Literature. He learned about informational media, and read a true story about a flash flood. I think he enjoyed the day.
After school, I went off to Wal-Mart to get a few items. Jake held down the fort. I got almost everything I needed. They still didn't have composition notebooks, and were out of the cheap tissues. And I'm not buying name brand tissues. I refuse - LOL!
I stopped by the school to pick up the kids. I parked, and walked around to the front. They are starting a new thing where they release ALL of the kids out the front door. While it sounds like a sound theory, the kids who walk to Ft. Bliss have to go to the front, then walk around the street, just to enter the gate from the side, to exit from the back. Seems like unnecessary contact with the street, if you ask me. Hopefully they'll change it soon.
Anyway, I showed Joe where to wait for Tom, and showed Tom and Joe where to wait for Eme. Then, once they're all together, they can walk to the back of the school, exit through the gate to Ft. Bliss, and come home.
They all said that they had a great day. That they liked their teachers, and had made friends in their classrooms. I was SO glad. Thats what I wanted to hear.
We got home, the kids did their chores, I filled out paperwork for their classes, and they had some free time. I made Sausage and Eggs for dinner (a family favorite), and I realized that I was having Caffeine withdrawls. It feels like a migraine. Sigh. So, I took a pill, and hid in my room. And took a nice relaxing hot bath. But, the headache still persists.
I'm about 30 seconds away from going and chug-a-lugging a caffeine soda. I hate headaches, and the migraine pill doesn't seem to be helping. I feel and early night coming one :)
OK, here's the 4th and final part of this WordArt poem! I home that you've enjoyed it :) Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and as always, leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you for the lovely poem - maybe I'll just keep it to read and not use it! It is so interesting to hear about your family - so different from mine in England
Thank you for this series. I'm glad the first day of school went well for your kids. My son started on the 20th already, but I guess some places start even earlier... He goes to parochial, otherwise the public schools have a rule about not starting before Sept. 1. We get out by Memorial Day, though, and they go until 10 days into June!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 12 post on Aug. 25, 2009. Thanks again.
You sound like you had a busy day. I was so tired yesterday and in need of caffeine that I went to the ice rink (dd had a private lesson) and ordered a Dr. Pepper with extra caffeine. People around me laughed and said they'd never heard that one before. I was going to fall over without the stuff.....
hard to believe that school starts in august! soooooooooo GLAD everything went swimmingly! :) Thank you for sharing such LOVELY wa!! :) Have a GREAT day!!
Thanks for the great Word Art. I've been on vacation for a week and really missed reading your blog ... I did skim it but we had an iffy internet connection so that's about all I did. Sorry about the headache! I'm actually chugging a Coke right now for my own migraine. Sigh. My kids start next Monday and my son got his class schedule in the mail today. We picked up Sarah's (10th grade) yesterday at the high school. Yikes they grow up so fast!
Haven't visited in a while. Love the photo of your family! Great looking bunch. Thanks for the always great word art!
Thank-you for part 4. Such a sweet poem.
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