I just laid low most of the day, and tried not to get out of bed too much. I was able to still help Jake with his lessons, but didn't do much housework. I got up around lunch time and fixed hot dogs on the little indoor grill for the boys, then retreated back to my bedroom.
The UPS man came at some point, and Captain America had got a package from his parent. It was full of Civil War stuff, DVD's, and stuff. He was estatic to get it! Jimmy watched movies all afternoon. Lion King and Finding Nemo. It was WONDRUFL. Thanks, St. Louis Hartys! We really apprecite it :)
I let the kids relax when they got home from school for probably too long, then when Captain America got home from work, we all scrambled around to get the chores done. I did some dishes, and dished up dinner for everyone. We had a family home evening (a day late, but Captain America was studying for his test on Monday night) about Baptism, since Eme turns 8 in October and will be baptised. then, for an activity, we went to the park. Well, Jake and Captain Americastayed home, but the rest of us went to the park.
It was fun. Adlea and Andrea came. But, I got to chatting with 2 other moms there, who were also homeschooling their 7th graders, and I never managed to go and chat with my girls. I haven't seen them very much lately, and I SO miss them :( One of these days, we're gonna have to get together again....
I came back home, put the kids to bed, and realized that my drugs were wearing off. I took 2 more migraine pills, and went back to my room. I've been reading more Twilight Fan Fic, and almost got it finished when I fell asleep. Captain America had already gone to bed, so it was warm and peaceful in my bed. I woke up at 11, and realized I hadn't designed or blogged for Wednesday yet. So, I gathered my stuff, and went to the couch. Here I sit, at 11:30pm, and I think, when I'm done with this post, I'm gonna try and finish my Fan Fic. It's really pretty good. Edward never comes back after he leaves Bella, but Bella doesn't go to pieces when he leaves. Jasper never leaves with the family, but instead stays to learn to control his urges around human, and he and Bella fall in love. It's way out there, but SO good. I'm thoroughly enjoying it. And, it's only rated T, so it's not icky. Click HERE to give it a look-see :)
This WordArt request comes from Alexis. I thought it was SO perfect, that I decided to make it :) I liked how it turned out :) Click HERE to go to scraporchard to pick up this weeks WordArt Wednesday, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

LOVE the wordart and thank you so much for sharing! :) sure hope you have a BETTER day!
Thank you so much! This is perfect. :)
This is great ... I'm getting started on a wedding gift for a friend and this will be perfect! Hope you feel better! Thanks again for the WA!! And for "friending" me on FB!
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