Andrea and Veronica and I did our exercises. It's getting easier, but slowly. I still die when doing it - hehehe. But I can tell that I'm getting stronger.
I came back home, got Jake going on school, and headed out to Walmart. It was 9am. I had to get some supplies for the Blue and Gold, and a few things for the house. I hustled. I was on a tight time schedule.
I was at the church by 10am. Andrea had stopped by my house and picked up Jake and Jim, and took them to church with her too. We set up for the Blue and Gold, making it look all pretty. We set up 3 rows of 3 long tables, covering them in blue and gold and white paper. Then we had 2 food tables, a water table, and a cakes table. Plus the award table in the front. We hung some balloons, and got the eating ware all ready. We set up chairs, and made sure that everything was pretty.
We were done at 11:30am, and headed back home. Just as I was getting home, I got a call from the non-army Speech language pathologist, saying that my insurance had denied Tom speech services. She wanted me to get a hold of the school, and ask them some questions. I called the school, and gave the school speech language pathologist the phone number for the non-army speech language pathologist, figuring that they could figure out whatever needed to be done.
Andrea was trying to text me and call me the whole time, saying that she was waiting outside my house for me. As soon as I was done, I got my kids situated, and headed out. She and I were taking one of the girls that we Visit Teach out to lunch. And Veronica too! We went to Chicos tacos. I got some tacos and some fries and a diet soda. It was not my favorite, but Veronica liked it. The Tacos and Tacos place was much better, in my opinion....
We finished lunch real fast, and headed to the mall. We went to the Jewelry Box, and I found a few things. Veronica went to a shoe store, and got some shoes for one of her kids, and we were done. Back home, and I started in on some more Blue and Gold stuff. I designed an Award for our Cubmaster, who was getting a different calling at church. He's now gonna be the Scoutmaster. Anyway, I wanted to get him a nice award as a way to say THANKS for all of his hard work. It turned out looking pretty nice :)
I made a cake for Tom to decorate after school for the cake contest, and realized that I needed prizes for the cake contest, so I designed some of those too. I sent the Cubmaster certificate and the cake certificates off to Walgreens, and started on my casserole for dinner. I put it in the oven, and headed to pick up the kids from the bus. This was 3:30pm.
I got Joe, and Veronicas kids, and walked to the park. She was there about 4 minutes later with the kids from AQ. I collected Tom, and we headed back home. I finished making the lanterns for the centerpieces (Andrea let me borrow her waxed paper, because I lost mine.... grrrr) and made the frosting so that Tom could decorate his cake. It was a HUGE mess in my kitchen, but I headed out to Walgreens to pick up the prints none the less. The mess would have to wait.
I came back home, picked up the kids, the lanterns, some more decorations, the food, and the certificates and frame, and headed to Andrea house. She came with us early, and at 5:15ish, we headed to the church.
We got the food table organized, strung a few streamers, got the certificate into the frame, and got the last minute touches on the room, and people started arriving. It was a WONDERFUL Blue and Gold. We had a TON of people there. About 10 families, and 50 people. Most of those children. Yeah, it was quite loud - hehehe.
So, I only got photos of the kids who were sitting at my table. Jake and Eme, you snooze, you lose, my friends...

Tom received his Webelos badge. We were SO proud :) Way to go, Tom!!!

He also won Most Original. He made a cake of Obi Wan Kenobi (not a bum) - hehehe. He was SO proud :)

And a pic of all the boys and their cakes and their awards :)

We were in the car and leaving at 8:30pm, everything cleaned up and put away. On the way home, we got a text from Laurie saying that one of her little girls had fallen and bumped her head pretty bad, and I offered for Captain America and I to come over after we got home, so Captain America could give her a blessing.
We got home, got the kids situated, and headed over. She felt much better after the blessing, and we headed home. We put Joe and Jim to bed, sent Jake, Tom, and Eme upstairs to read and get ready for bed, and Captain America wanted me to help him with his Civil War pants sewing project. He had torn apart an old pair of pants, and wanted to use it as a pattern. He'd cut out some fabric, and wanted me to sew it back together. I did my best - hehehe.
Well, it didn't work so well. But, it's a good thing we practiced first on some crappy fabric, before he butchered his nice wool. By 10:45pm, we'd decided that it wasn't gonna work. So here it is, 11:15pm, and I'm just finishing up designing. See, that WAS a long day, wasn't it. I'm tired just from typing it...... I hope I survive the rest of this week :)
So, in honor of my SUPER busy day yesterday, this WordArt is for me - hehehe. Click on the link below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Our Blue and Gold was last night too. Maybe you need to do a word art that just says "Blue and Gold banquet". I know I could use it :)
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
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