Got up at 7am, got the kids ready for school, and we walked to the bus stop at 7:25am. The bus came at 7:35am, and Captain America saw me waiting there when he came home from PT (exercise), and stopped to pick me up. Awe, how sweet!
We went home, I got Jim and Jake fed and Jake started with school, then headed to Andreas house for exercise. It was hard, but I made it through,. I can feel my arms getting stronger each day :)
I was home by 10am, and Jake was almost done with school. I read my book and clean the house the majority of the day, alternating back and forth.
After lunch, I headed back to Andreas house with Jimmy, and she and I worked on Cub Scout Blue and Gold stuff. We made wax paper lanterns. Yeah, they're not as cute at those, but it's similar. Blue sticks, and waxed paper. For centerpieces for the Blue and Gold. I mean, it's for 7-11 yr old boys. They're not hard to impress - hehehe.
I was home by 2pm, and I went to get the kids from the bus stop at 3:30pm. Tom was home from AQ (after school PE) by 4pm, and I had the kids clean their room. Now, I must admit, that I tell them to clean their rooms regularly, but I don't check it. I know, bad mom. Anyway, I went upstairs today and OMGosh. It was HORRIBLE. I don't know how it got so bad. I was angry. I took EVERYTHING in their room ,and threw it in the hall. I left the mattresses and bedding, the desk, the TV/VCR thing, and the white shelves. EVERYTHING else went to the hall. And I emptied the closet of everything out of place.
Seriously, the kids had to climb over the mondo pile just to get back into the bedroom. There's no reason for that kind of mess. I told them to put stuff away nicely, and once it got too full, to start throwing stuff away. If it's buried under a pile of stuff, do you really want it anyway? If you haven't seen it in 3 months because you can't access it, is it really that important to you? Sigh.
They cleaned FOREVER. I let them come downstairs and eat, then back up they went. Finally, at 9pm, I let them go to bed. Tomorrow will be a repeat of today for the 2 of them, I think . I noticed that Emeline didn't want the same fate as her older brothers, and went up and detail cleaned her room too. Good for Eme, for taking some initiative.
Jim and Joe's room was already cleaned. Thank goodness. I don't think I could have handled that as well. Little boys went to bed at 8pm, and Eme went upstairs to read. I took all TV and Computers away from the kids after school, cause of the mess. I think I'm gonna do that more often. Less TV and computer is good....
So, in honor of my boys' messy rooms, here's a WordArt for ya! Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

See, I told you it was bad...

Oh my gosh can I relate!! This word art is definitely something I can use, if I am not too embarrased to take pics of my kids 'clean' rooms LOL
thank you!!
Gee I have the perfect picture to use this with - my 3 year old emptied the entire contents of her chest of drawers onto the floor, lol. Thanks for sharing!!
Ok. a mother after my own heart. I think your kids are younger than mine but at 21 years old my middle son's room is soooooooooo bad! The 18 year old isn't much better. I keep thinking they will move out and I won't have to deal with it anylonger. I just stay away from my 25 year olds house. lol TFS
so funny ... this will def be useful! ty
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