I texted Andrea, and said I wasn't coming to exercise, and didn't go grocery shopping, and didn't do any of the stuff I was supposed to do in the am. I just had a "wo is me" morning. Some mornings are like that. I did sit down for about 3 hours and work on our other Cub Scout Packs Blue and Gold Banquets DVD, though. I'm making a DVD slideshow to play there. It took forever, but I got it done.
And I was feeling much better when I was done. At 11:30, I hopped in the shower, and washed away all of the "sad". Does a shower do that for you too? Does it make you mentally feel better? I took extra care to do my makeup nice, and I straightened my hair. I felt TONS better.
I got more calls from the Speech pathologist, saying that the paperwork I emailed her never came through, and I tried a few more times to get it to go through. I also go a call from ACS (Army Community Services??) saying that I'd signed up for a class next week. I'd forgotten about it. It's a "Tour of El Paso" class, on Tue, Wed, and Thurs. I needed to call a different place and set up childcare (all paid for by the army).
I called the child care place (CDC), and they said that there was a hold on Jimmys account, that I'd have to call CYS (Child Youth Services) to get it taken care of. So I called CYS, and they said that Jimmy and Tom both needed vaccines, and that before they could participate in activities, they needed immunizations. Sigh. I looked on my paperwork, and saw that Tom had his done already, but that I hadn't taken it into CYS. Jim did not.
SO, I got my shopping list together, grabbed the immunization forms, and Jimmy, and headed to the TMC (troop medicial clinic) for his immunizations. They have walk-ins until 4:30pm. We waited for about 10 minutes, then it was his turn. He needed 4. He wasn't too happy. BUT, it should suffice until he's 11, or so they tell me. That was all the shots he needed for Pre-School and Kindergarten.
Next, it was over to CYS registration, to turn in the paperwork. Plus, I signed Jacob up for the Babysitting Course. When they're done, they're First Aid and CPR trained. Sweet, eh? It's on Tuesday nights, and from 5-8pm. It'll be about 15 hours of training all together. It'll be good for him :)
After that, it was 2pm, and I headed to the commissary. We were out of food. Well, the basics, anyway. Bread and cereal and milk and such. Jimmy and I shopped, getting everything we needed.
We were home by 3:15pm, and had Jake carry in the groceries (he gets a $ for it), and I just left them there. I got another call from the Speech lady, and finally got the email to go through. I'm not sure what the hold up was there. I left at 3:30pm to go to the bus stop to get the kids. We were home by 4pm, and Tom got dropped off by Veronica. I put the groceries away, got the kids a snack, and directed chores being done.
I'd bought some fresh corn at the commissary, and cooked that up for the kids. But by the time it was done, it was 5:30pm, and Joe and Eme had a birthday party to go to. I left Jake in charge, and drove the kids the 2 blocks over to Austins b-day party, Kayleys daughter.
It was a wild and crazy time, but the kids had fun. TONS of little kids running around and eating candy and screaming and playing and having a grand old time. Andrea was there too, and we hung out for a while.
After the party, at 7pm, we headed home, got our kids situated for bed, and we went to Lauries house for a cooking party. Another friend, Tiffany, sells Beach Body and Shakeology. She was doing a little demonstration. I already have a program that works for me, so I just went for the socialization.
Plus, I've started my diet again, so I wasn't sampling the products. I felt kinda bad, but I knew that as long as I don't "cheat", I'll be fine. But if I even take a bit, my resolve crumbles, and I've gotta start all over again. As long as I don't take that first bite of things not on the diet.....
I had a perfect eating day, and feel pretty good, actually. I got home from Lauries house at 9pm, and the kids were in bed, and Captain America was just home from basketball. I straightened up a little bit, and sat down to blog.
Tomorrow, the girls are going to the movies at 10am to see "When in Rome". It looked like a pretty good movie to me. I'm excited.
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

thank you!!
I just found your blog and love it! You are so talented and I'm so happy you're sharing with everyone!! I'm following you via google reader & look forward to your further creative adventures.:)
Thanks for sharing your day and for this fun freebie.
Thanks :o)
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