And I can't remember if I went back to sleep or not. How sad is that. hehe. My days are totally blurring together. ha! I know that I did some laundry, restarted a load because it had soured (don't you HATE that), and folded some laundry. And put away some dishes, and loaded the dishwasher, and was productive. Of course, that may have been after I slept in, too. Really can't remember.
I do know that at 8:30am, I went on a walk. And Jimmy came with me! We only walked for about 30 minutes, but it was a nice, brisk walk. Jim sat in the stroller, and I listened to Muse on my phone with one earphone and Jim with the other. hehe. He's a jabber :)
We came back home, I showered and got ready, and headed over to my friend Karin's house. She'd missed the Candy Corn wreath party, so I went to her with some of the left over supplies.
Here's me on the way

Here's our project. I wrapped the wreath in tape this time, so if it falls, it won't shatter, at least... Hopefully it won't fall. Ha!

I left Jake doing homework, and headed to pick up Maggie at quarter to noon. We drove to Olive Garden, and had a VERY nice time. It was Veronica and I and Maggie and 3 of Veronicas friends. Nice girls. Maggie and I got the Soup, Salad, and Breadsticks, and couldn't have been happier.
I'd decided that I was gonna eat 1 breadstick, as much salad as I wanted, and 2 bowls of soup, one Minestrone and one that sausage/potato kind. And I stuck to what I wanted to do! I was happy with myself :)
Here's my yummy soup :)

I rearranged things in the kitchen a little, and washed down the counters. And did more dishes. And organized the cabinets. And it looked SO much better. Jake got Jimmy from the bus and I did his dishes from him. Ha! It was a good trade, I thought :)
And the other kids got home an hour later. And I was tired by then. And went to take a nap. So I'm thinking that maybe I didn't nap after the kids went to school....
Jim was freaking out in the living room, so I grabbed him and he took a nap with me. I knew if he was screaming that loud over nothing, then he was tired. I slept for about 45 minutes while the kids did their chores, and Jimmy slept for a couple of hours. He's totally not gonna be tired tonight, but at least he wasn't screaming, right? hehe.
I made homemade chili for the kids, and corn bread. Everyone seemed to like it. Hunter and Braxton came over to play, and I fed them too. Because, apparently, I don't know how to cook for only 5 people. hehe. Kids played games and whatever else they do, and I had cheese and cucumbers.

I did some more laundry, and tried to unplug the downstairs toilet, but I think I need a snake. It's really plugged. I know that I fished a car out of there a few days ago, but apparently something else is in there too. Hmmmm. Either I need to put in a workorder, or I need to buy a snake. I know we owned one at one point. Must not have made the move a few moves ago...
I found this while cleaning. Yeah, I'm hot! ROFL!

Jimmy eventually woke up, and yeah, he wasn't feeling the chili. Oh well, he'll be hungry then. It's still sitting on the counter for him....
It's now 7pm, and Captain America is not home yet. There's a movie on post thats PG-13 (I don't watch rated R), and I want to go with him. The theater closes tomorrow. Because they're opening up a brand new one. But I KNOW it's not gonna be a $2 movie theater... hmpf!
And maybe I'll have him take me out for dessert first. Cause I didn't have my "one plain cookie" for today. Applebees has some yummy desserts! I exercised 4 times this week, I should get some yummy dessert, right? hehe.
And you know what's funny, is the way that I look at my "one plain cookie". See, I can justify TONS of desserts as my "one plain cookie". But I can only have one. SO, if I have the option of eating a dessert during the day, I have to be choosy. They had mint chocolates at Olive Garden today. But had I eaten it, I wouldn't get another dessert. So it's kinda like gambling with desserts. ROFL! Or like on Survivor, when they can bid on some food, or trade it away for whatever is under this dish kinda thing. I know, I'm kinda strange. That's why you like me, right?
OK, I'm back! Bet you didn't know that I was gone, huh? Captain America got home around 7:30pm. Or was it 8pm? Something like that. He changed real fast, I put on some "going out" clothes (hehe), and we headed out! Kids were watching a movie happily together, and we were gonna go get dessert :)

Anyway, we parked at Circle K and Captain America noticed this sign. He thought it was HILARIOUS! See, he has to wear a gas mask A LOT during work. When they go to the field and do stuff, they wear gas masks. So he thought it was TOO funny, considering how he spent all week long in a "truck" with a "mask". It took me a while to realize that the sign was referring to Halloween Masks. hehehe. I think I was in a sugar induced coma - ha!

I also realized that the "person" I take the most pictures with is my diet soda. ROFL! I'm such a dork. hehe :)

Oh my, I don't "like" your work...I absolutely LOVE it!!! I stumbled upon your blog yesterday, and I can't stop reading. You are one very, very, VERY awesome woman and the word art you do is beyond FANTASTIC!!! Now I need to get my bum over to your store and go insane, lol. Have a great day and thank you SO much!!
Glad you were able to stop the screaming. Looks like you and Brent had a great time out. Love the dessert. Fab photos, love the ones of you with your soda. Your posts wouldn't be the same without them :D Thanks for all the amazing free wordart. You're fab and I hope you're doing ok xx
Oh yeah, dessert! This is a great wordart. Love the over the top font with the high T and the way you arranged it all. Thank you.
Love it, Thank you!
Always room for dessert! Bring it on! LOL Thanks for the word art!
I have a few pics in mind already for this WA! Thank you so much!
Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list
definately always room for desert !
good to see you eating something so decadent .
love Chris
I have a few people in my family that have what they call a "dessert-stomach" in addition to the regular one; they can ALWAYS eat some dessert ;)
such a perfect wordart for me! I'm a baker and a total sugar junkie. thanks for sharing!
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