I woke up by 8am this morning. Ok, so it felt like 9am, but it was 8am on the clock. Thank you, Daylight Savings Time. The kids and I watched some church videos and had a quiet morning at home.
We did some chores, ate some food, and all got ready for church. There are advantages to 1230 church, you know :)
I worked on an invitation to the Ward Christmas Party, and printed out an example for the Activities Chairperson in the ward. And printed out Jimmy's talk, and off we went.
We got to church early-ish, and got our row. Thank goodness! But that was about the only good thing. Yeah, the kids were horrible. OK, so only 2 were horrible. The oldest and the youngest. Sigh. Touching and fighting and being annoying and stuff. Yeah, I didn't like it. I had to take some deep breaths, and remember that I really do like being a mom (hehe). And I was just glad that one of them was sitting in the row ahead of me, because yeah, I totally would have smacked him. hehe. And that's not really how we should act in church, right?
Sacrament finally got over, and I sent the kids off to their classes. And spent the next 2 hours with grown ups. And it was nice. Sunday School and Relief Society were both nice :)
I gathered the kids after church, and headed back home. We all got a snack, and did a few more chores, and I sent the naughty children from church to their rooms, and the others watched a movie in my room. And at dinner time, the naughty children came out of their rooms (hehe - actually, they were sitting in the dining room reading books or something half of the time), we made dinner, and all sat down after dinner to watch a few episodes of Teen Titans.
And then Leslie and family came over to bring us a few more things before they moved. We got their swing from the backyard! I was pretty excited. Leslie and I chatted in the front yard while John and the boys moved it over and built it. SO sweet :)
We chatted for about an hour, I think. SO nice to have some grown up conversation :) I'm gonna miss Leslie when she goes :(
And after she and the boys went back home, I took a few pics of my new things. Me and my new Angel Statue from Leslie. Scary, because of that Dr Who episode, Don't Blink.... hehe :)

Captain America should be home on Wednesday night. I have a few things planned before then to pass the time. I know that Leslie and I might go to the BRAND new Walmart tomorrow, and I wanna check out Savers, too. And Terra and I had talked about going to the Bagel shop. After a long weekend with the kids, I think I'm ready to go and play with the girls :)
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you for the word art. As for the kids in church.... mine are now 15 and 18 and I still want to smack 'em sometimes for behaving like ninnies in church.
Thank you for all your great freebies. You are a generous person who is fantastic at what you do.. Sending hugs.. Sammib xxx
Thank you so much for all your great wordart!!
Bethany, thanks again for your generosity! And by the way...you look beautiful!!
I really like this WordArt, but not for this time of year! Right now where I am it's definitely "big thick winter coat weather", hehe :) "Jacket weather" suits the springtime... I am always really excited when it gets round to being "jacket weather" after the winter.
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